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Everything posted by Mecripp

  1. Here you go https://github.com/snjo/Firespitter/blob/master/For%20release/Firespitter/Plugins/Firespitter.dll?raw=true EDIT- And here if you want to use stock Module http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/61040-0-25-6S-Service-Compartment-Tubes-Design-smooth%21?p=1580040&viewfull=1#post1580040
  2. Kethane is not required for MKS where did you get that or am, I missing something ?
  3. Have you tryed Karbonite and use ScanSat to scan IMO much better. EDIT- And at one time thought ScanSat was going to scan for Kethane too but don't know what happen there.
  4. Maybe, I look at this wrong but why does it say Transmit distance is 3.1 Mm when, I'm only 2.5Mm and Max at 4.2 but out of range around 3Mm ? EDIT- Whoops forgot pic
  5. Do you have ModuleManager.*.*.* installed and in .25 you don't need the recompile .DLL and have had problems with KerbQuake not playing nice with mods from .24 to now it makes some spam errors.
  6. O Dang miss put a } , I used +PART[RCSFuelTank] { @name = rcsTankHybrid @title = FL-R10-2 Hybrid Fuel Tank @description = Jebediah Kerman's Junkyard and Spacecraft Parts Co description = The FL-R10-2 is a miniature Hybrid tank for small probes and low volume monopropellant storage. @mass = 0.0625 @RESOURCE[MonoPropellant] { !name = DELETE } RESOURCE { name = LiquidFuel amount = 45 maxAmount = 45 } RESOURCE { name = Oxidizer amount = 55 maxAmount = 55 } } +PART[solidBooster] { @name = Hybrid-Booster @title = RT-10-2 Hybrid Fuel Booster @description = Jebediah Kerman's Junkyard and Spacecraft Parts Co description = While considered by some to be little more than "a trash bin full o' boom", The RT-10-2 is used in many space programs, whenever the need to save cash is greater than the need to keep astronauts alive. Use with caution, though. Once lit, solid fuel motors cannot be put out until the fuel runs out. !stagingIcon = DELETE @MODULE[ModuleEngines] { !name = DELETE } MODULE { name = ModuleEngines thrustVectorTransformName = thrustTransform exhaustDamage = True ignitionThreshold = 0.1 minThrust = 0 maxThrust = 200 heatProduction = 300 @PROPELLANT[SolidFuel] { !name = DELETE } PROPELLANT { name = LiquidFuel ratio = 0.9 DrawGauge = True } PROPELLANT { name = Oxidizer ratio = 1.1 } @atmosphereCurve { @key = 0 300 @key = 1 250 } } @RESOURCE[SolidFuel] { !name = DELETE } RESOURCE { name = LiquidFuel amount = 45 maxAmount = 45 } RESOURCE { name = Oxidizer amount = 55 maxAmount = 55 } } EDIT- Glad you got it
  7. How many ModuleManager.*.*.* you have installed ?
  8. Not sure what you want to change but maybe something like +PART[rcsTankMini] { @name = rcsTankMini2 @title = FL-R10-2 RCS Fuel Tank2 @description = Jebediah Kerman's Junkyard and Spacecraft Parts Co description = The FL-R10-2 is a miniature RCS tank for small probes and low volume monopropellant storage. %scale = 1 %rescaleFactor = 0.5 @mass = 0.005 } +PART[solidBooster] { @name = rcsTankMini2 @title = RT-10-2 Solid Fuel Booster @description = Jebediah Kerman's Junkyard and Spacecraft Parts Co description = While considered by some to be little more than "a trash bin full o' boom", The RT-10-2 is used in many space programs, whenever the need to save cash is greater than the need to keep astronauts alive. Use with caution, though. Once lit, solid fuel motors cannot be put out until the fuel runs out. %scale = 1 %rescaleFactor = 1 @mass = 0.5 } { @MODULE[ModuleEngines] @maxThrust = 350 } EDIT- As long as you are using ModuleManager.2.5.1 or higher EDIT- Open your text editter and copy that and save it as a ****.cfg and put it in KSP/GameData EDIT- You can see, I just made some small changes.
  9. Can someone tell me how to make the attachment node bigger for the Gemini Centaur tank thanks. EDIT- Thanks Kartoffelkuchen
  10. Not sure if, I done this right but this should be by mod https://github.com/Mecripp/AntennaRange-Patch And All in 1 https://github.com/Mecripp/Kerbal-AntennaRange-All-In-1_Patch/blob/master/AntennaRange%20Patches EDIT- If that don't work please let me know. EDIT- toadicus posted the one that all in 1 file lol and got hooked on the short range and got lazy on the full range.
  11. Not sure if, I'm getting you right but think if you are asking does a RT cfg work with AR mod ? if so no they won't work you need a AR patch for the antenna but there are some of us that have posted patches if you are looking for one.
  12. Thats why, I cut the range on the Dish alittle, I don't have 1 that can reach the whole kerbal system need alittle helper sat lol.
  13. Yes for me so maybe, I can see where, I can put a Sat to get a better connection but really all in all think people just like to see things and think it would draw more people to the mod. EDIT- I'm not saying KSC to be the point that we have to Connect to, Kerbin is fine just like you have it.
  14. You can rescale the parts but you can make them all the stock size's it just don't look right one of the big tank and engines are a off size so you have to pick if you want the pods to be stock or the tanks for it to look right as, I found out when some one ask for the American Pack to be stock size they had to pick pod or tank and the pick pod so the tanks are still just alittle off size but this pack that would take so time to do. EDIT- Well, I did it twice, I posted a American Pack tweakscale and a stock rescale.
  15. Like for me if, I try and send a probe to Jool that can be Red or yellow at times would be nice to maybe see the path it is taking back which should be the shorts if the line have a hit on performance maybe a on and off button.
  16. Think alot of us like to see what a Antenna or Sat is connected too you do tell us but we can't see it and seeing it would help are little minds fill better and as always thanks for all the work you do. EDIT- Thats a good Point dtoxic for us that like to set up a network the lines would help to check it. EDIT- Like a green line or yellow don't need a red thats no line no connection.
  17. Here there was one http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/57603-0-25-RasterPropMonitor-putting-the-A-in-your-IVA-%28v0-18-3%29-8-Oct?p=1610931&viewfull=1#post1610931
  18. He has some nice mods there are 2 rover mods by him and he is working on a base mod.
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