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Everything posted by Mecripp

  1. What dish you using and how close was you ? you have a screenshot ?
  2. Try looking at this hope it helps http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/77991-Tutorial-Animated-Landing-Leg-w-Suspension?p=1120473.
  3. The download still works for me. EDIT- And on the size you can make cfg for tweakscale or just edit or make a MM to resize it PART { // --- Bobcat Ind Dec. 28 2012 for KSP 0.18.2 name = HOME_modul_Recon module = Part author = Bobcat, CrashnBurn mesh = model.mu [COLOR="#FF0000"]scale = 1 rescaleFactor = 1[/COLOR] <-------- change this # to what ever size you want. node_stack_top = 0.0, 1.04, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 3 node_stack_bottom = 0.0, -1.03, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 3 node_stack_garage = 0.0, 0.40, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0 node_attach = 1.25, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1 TechRequired = spaceExploration entryCost = 7600 cost = 5000 category = Utility subcategory = 0 title = HOME Recon module manufacturer = Bobcat Ind. description = HOME Recon. Module with garage for Mk5 rover. What's Mk5, you ask? Nobody seems to remember, but it was smaller than Tesla, that's for sure... You can store KAS containers here just as well, though. attachRules = 1,0,1,1,0 mass = 1 dragModelType = default maximum_drag = 0.2 minimum_drag = 0.3 angularDrag = 2 crashTolerance = 12 breakingForce = 630 breakingTorque = 630 maxTemp = 2900 CrewCapacity = 4 vesselType = Ship RESOURCE { name = LiquidFuel amount = 720 maxAmount = 720 } RESOURCE { name = Oxidizer amount = 880 maxAmount = 880 } MODULE { name = ModuleAnimateGeneric animationName = tube_deploy startEventGUIName = Open Airlock endEventGUIName = Close Airlock } MODULE { name = ModuleAnimateGeneric animationName = door_open startEventGUIName = Open Garage endEventGUIName = Close Garage } MODULE { name = deployableHabRestrictor animationName = tube_deploy crewCapacityDeployed = 4 crewCapacityRetracted = 0 } }
  4. The AmericanPack as ramps Altair_cargoplatform you can resize if needed.
  5. Well if any one wants did alittle resizing changed the half size alittle from cfg before and add some more parts and there is a claw for every probecore list of parts added GrapplingDevice2.6 <----- Large for 3.25 parts GrapplingDevice.6 <---- for 2.5 parts GrapplingDevice.4 <---- and smaller but it was cute Communotron 88-88.5 <---- like this dish but needed it small Communotron 32c <----- large Antenna Mystery Gooâ„¢ Containment Unit.6 <----- Smaller one to fit the smaller parts SC-9001 Science Jr.6 <----- Smaller one to fit the smaller parts RCSBlock.5 <----- Smaller one to fit the smaller parts LT-5 Micro Landing Strut.5 <----- Smaller one to fit the smaller parts not really but they was cute All you need is ModuleManager.2.5.1 install in KSP/GameData and put this file anywhere in there https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/72893034/Small_Stock_Parts.cfg.zip Will size to fit
  6. realism overhaul have any cfg for RT on there OP ? for they are changing the range. EDIT- This is for RSS https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/72893034/RT2_RSS.zip
  7. This mod as those parts but don't know if there set for them mods. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/12106-0-25-Lionhead-Aerospace-Inc-Updating-Icarus
  8. Here is a half size one . EDIT- All you need is to have ModuleManager 2.5.1 install and put it any where in KSP/GameData https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/72893034/grabber_Small.cfg.zip EDIT- Here is a patch that has 2 sizes one is a 1/2 size and one is a 1/4 size. https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/72893034/grabber_Small_%26_Smaller.cfg.zip
  9. RT is a great mod but, IMO AntennaRange http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/56440-0-25-AntennaRange-1-5-Enforce-and-Encourage-Antenna-Diversity as a better chance at be coming stock before RT.
  10. But they can't change the resource density of intakeAir and use a Community Resource Pack then everything that used it would be wacky.
  11. Have you try'ed with out treeloader ? I thought it didn't work in .25 ?
  12. You could just come up with a funny gas for the intakeair ?
  13. Copy this over the 1's in your RT folder https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/72893034/RT_ALL_OMNI.zip should work.
  14. Try this should work one engine didn't see any changes so look over and see https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/72893034/Stock%20Engine%20Rebalance%20(UNTESTED)_2.zip
  15. Not a error bad CFG you have 4 engines but there running like 8 engines you mine posting your cfg or editted file ?
  16. For licensing can look here https://creativecommons.org/choose/?lang=en and by you picture you have 2 ModuleEngines running on the part did you mean to do that ? And what is the graphical error ?
  17. Most the time it's a bad install or you have a file that has a wrong path in it.
  18. What OS are you using ? so far as Computer it don't take a powerhouse to run but yes more ram the better then again what OS is being used. EDIT- OS x or higher, Windows 32bit or 64bit , Linux 32bit or 64bit. EDIT- As for me, I ran Ksp in windows and then change to Linux and can say, Imo linux runs ksp better if you a windows used you should check out diskmanager it's a windows tool so it in windows and some windows 7 and think all windows 8 you can make VHD file and boot from them if you want to try and dual boot. EDIT- Here are a couple of Linux OS http://zorin-os.com/ http://www.ubuntu.com/ http://www.tecmint.com/pear-os-8-released-review-and-installation-guide-with-screenshots/
  19. What are you looking for in a base ? There is a bunch out and you can do it with just stock really just matters what you want to do with it but here are a couple. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/79588-0-25-USI-Kolonization-Systems-%28MKS-OKS%29-%280-21-3%29-2014-11-01 http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/43839-0-25-KSP-Interstellar-%28Magnetic-Nozzles-ISRU-Revamp%29-Version-0-13
  20. That happens when you install a mod wrong or there is a bad file path somewhere more info would be nice to get better and more help.
  21. When looking to see if a plugin bugging something, I zip the plugin (compress it ) so it can't run.
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