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Everything posted by Mecripp

  1. @Coga19000 The Communotron-16 is a Omni they don't have Cone Angle just the dishes do.
  2. AIES as around 5 landing legs http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/35383-0-23-AIES-Aerospace-v1-5-1.
  3. Have you try'ed zipping up RT2 plugin and see if it happens ?
  4. ScanSat http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/80369-0-25-SCANsat-v8-0-Real-Scanning-Real-Science-at-Warp-Speed!-Oct-8 or http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/64972-0-25-DMagic-Orbital-Science-New-Science-Parts-V0-8-6-1-%2810-20-14%29.
  5. Took out ECLSS the lifesupport mod that was using and don't have a problem with docking or sticky docking ports.
  6. Come to think of it don't know if you can give Gimbal to a part that don't have it somethings have to be set in untiy for a part to have. EDIT- That is a good point the gimbal is just working off the thrustTransform but the thrustTransform eould have to be setup .
  7. This should let you extend and retract antenna and transmit no matter what https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/72893034/AntennaRange_Stay_Deployed_2.cfg.zip retract or extended.
  8. You just put MM in your KSP/Gamedata folder and then with you texteditter if windows notepad will work write and save as CFG don't matter what you name it and then put it somewhere in ksp/Gamedata or in a folder in there thats it.EDIT- Then start game and you will have alittle gimbal on that part if you did right lol. EDIT- You can change the fuel or fuels pretty much do what ever with it but like changing fuel you would need to make a Resources file with the RESOURCE_DEFINITION { name = LiquidFuel density = 0.005 unitCost = 0.8 flowMode = STACK_PRIORITY_SEARCH transfer = PUMP isTweakable = true } RESOURCE_DEFINITION { name = Oxidizer density = 0.005 unitCost = 0.18 flowMode = STACK_PRIORITY_SEARCH transfer = PUMP isTweakable = true } MM is the best want to change things because if you don't like it you just take out the CFG you made or put in and you are back to what they was. EDIT- If you wanted to ADD a engine and keep the stock engine like it is you might try +PART[microEngine] { @name = microEngine[COLOR="#FF0000"]2[/COLOR] Make a small change @title =LV-1 Liquid Fuel Engine[COLOR="#FF0000"]2[/COLOR] @manufacturer = what ever you want @description = what ever you want %rescaleFactor = [COLOR="#FF0000"]1[/COLOR] <-------- If you wanted to make it bigger add this line like 1.25 or 2 @mass *= [COLOR="#FF0000"]0.03[/COLOR] <------- And if you wanted to change because the size
  9. If you was using MM you could just make a CFG like
  10. Tells me no nearby ojects to focus and try'ed to take out my lifesupport mod to see if that helps but then can't go back to that craft , Did see that if there is a misnamed file or bad cfg then you get a big grey circle on kerbin.
  11. Anyone have a problem with undocking some won't undock and some stages after dropped still show more then they should. Thats after hitting the undock button.
  12. Here is a Realchute patch for the 2 OrionDockingPort's @PART[OrionDockingPortXx]:FOR[RealChute] { maximum_drag = 0.32 @mass = 0.5 !MODULE[ModuleParachute]{} !MODULE[ModuleParachute]{} MODULE { //General parameters name = RealChuteModule caseMass = 0.5 timer = 0 mustGoDown = false spareChutes = 5 cutSpeed = 0.5 secondaryChute = true //Main chute PARACHUTE { material = Nylon preDeployedDiameter = 3 deployedDiameter = 55 minIsPressure = false minDeployment = 1900 deploymentAlt = 750 cutAlt = -1 preDeploymentSpeed = 2 deploymentSpeed = 6 preDeploymentAnimation = semi deploymentAnimation = full parachuteName = canopy capName = cap } //Drogue chute PARACHUTE { material = Kevlar preDeployedDiameter = 2 deployedDiameter = 4 minIsPressure = true minPressure = 0.1 deploymentAlt = 4000 cutAlt = 1950 preDeploymentSpeed = 1 deploymentSpeed = 3 preDeploymentAnimation = semi1 deploymentAnimation = full1 parachuteName = canopy2 capName = cap2 } } EFFECTS { rcpredeploy { AUDIO { channel = Ship clip = sound_parachute_open volume = 1 } } rcdeploy { AUDIO { channel = Ship clip = sound_parachute_single volume = 1 } } rccut { AUDIO { channel = Ship clip = RealChute/Sounds/sound_parachute_cut volume = 1 } } rcrepack { AUDIO { channel = Ship clip = RealChute/Sounds/sound_parachute_repack volume = 1 } } } } @PART[OrionDockingPortXWSTANDARDDOCKPORT]:FOR[RealChute] { maximum_drag = 0.32 @mass = 0.5 !MODULE[ModuleParachute]{} !MODULE[ModuleParachute]{} MODULE { //General parameters name = RealChuteModule caseMass = 0.5 timer = 0 mustGoDown = false spareChutes = 5 cutSpeed = 0.5 secondaryChute = true //Main chute PARACHUTE { material = Nylon preDeployedDiameter = 3 deployedDiameter = 55 minIsPressure = false minDeployment = 1900 deploymentAlt = 750 cutAlt = -1 preDeploymentSpeed = 2 deploymentSpeed = 6 preDeploymentAnimation = semi deploymentAnimation = full parachuteName = canopy capName = cap } //Drogue chute PARACHUTE { material = Kevlar preDeployedDiameter = 2 deployedDiameter = 4 minIsPressure = true minPressure = 0.1 deploymentAlt = 4000 cutAlt = 1950 preDeploymentSpeed = 1 deploymentSpeed = 3 preDeploymentAnimation = semi1 deploymentAnimation = full1 parachuteName = canopy2 capName = cap2 } } EFFECTS { rcpredeploy { AUDIO { channel = Ship clip = sound_parachute_open volume = 1 } } rcdeploy { AUDIO { channel = Ship clip = sound_parachute_single volume = 1 } } rccut { AUDIO { channel = Ship clip = RealChute/Sounds/sound_parachute_cut volume = 1 } } rcrepack { AUDIO { channel = Ship clip = RealChute/Sounds/sound_parachute_repack volume = 1 } } } }
  13. If you just want to change setting ModuleManager is the way http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/55219-0-25-Module-Manager-2-5-1-%28Oct-08%29-Win64-must-die-edition. EDIT- And, I wouldn't just copy the part cfg and change things and have them override the the stock as some people won't backup first, If people have ModuleManager installed you just make a patch file a CFG with the changes there easy to take back out if people don't like it.
  14. Check and make sure you just have 1 ModuleManager *.*.* EDIT- That happens when you have more then 1 installed.
  15. O Yanfret you trick me, I trick me kerbals in pods with xorbitalOrbInternals have no RPM's no monkey tv . EDIT- Taking those two files out of JSI and fixing them for your name works so if you want the RPM's for them you can make two MM files name them what ever and monkeys have TV again Woohoo. @PART[*]:HAS[@INTERNAL[xorbitalOrbInternals]] { MODULE { name = RasterPropMonitorComputer } @INTERNAL { @name = xorbitalOrbInternalsRPM } } And INTERNAL { name = xorbitalOrbInternalsRPM MODEL { model = CMES/Hab/HabitatPack/Spaces/orbitalOrbInternals/model } MODULE { name = InternalCameraTargetHelper } MODULE { name = InternalSeat seatTransformName = Seat1 portraitCameraName = pilot_camera allowCrewHelmet = false } MODULE { name = InternalSeat seatTransformName = Seat2 allowCrewHelmet = false } MODULE { name = InternalCameraSwitch colliderTransformName = Cam1 cameraTransformName = Cam1 } MODULE { name = InternalCameraSwitch colliderTransformName = Cam2 cameraTransformName = Cam2 } PROP { name = IndicatorPanelRPM position = 0.1526378,-0.5076971,0.2497 rotation = 0.353027,0,-2.294823E-07,0.9356132 scale = 1,0.9999998,0.9999998 } PROP { name = JSIEvaHatch position = 0,0.922047,0.6258945 rotation = 0,0,0,1 scale = 0.2218108,0.05002288,0.07007596 } PROP { name = JSIStockSquareBlinkenlichten position = 0.3637466,-0.6322324,0.3760676 rotation = 0.353027,0,-2.294823E-07,0.9356132 scale = 1,1,1 } PROP { name = JSIStockSquareBlinkenlichten position = 0.363747,-0.6482133,0.3942289 rotation = 0.353027,0,0,0.9356132 scale = 1,1,0.9999998 } PROP { name = JSIStockSquareBlinkenlichten position = 0.363747,-0.6641689,0.4123617 rotation = 0.353027,0,0,0.9356132 scale = 1,1,0.9999998 } PROP { name = JSIStockSquareBlinkenlichten position = 0.332494,-0.6641687,0.4123614 rotation = 0.353027,0,0,0.9356132 scale = 1,1,0.9999998 } PROP { name = JSIStockSquareBlinkenlichten position = 0.332494,-0.6482136,0.3942284 rotation = 0.353027,0,0,0.9356132 scale = 1,1,0.9999998 } PROP { name = JSIStockSquareBlinkenlichten position = 0.332494,-0.6322326,0.3760674 rotation = 0.353027,0,0,0.9356132 scale = 1,1,0.9999998 } PROP { name = JSIStockSquareBlinkenlichten position = 0.2711269,-0.6322326,0.3760674 rotation = 0.353027,0,0,0.9356132 scale = 1,1,0.9999998 } PROP { name = JSIStockSquareBlinkenlichten position = 0.2711269,-0.6482136,0.3942284 rotation = 0.353027,0,0,0.9356132 scale = 1,1,0.9999998 } PROP { name = JSIStockSquareBlinkenlichten position = 0.2711269,-0.6641687,0.4123614 rotation = 0.353027,0,0,0.9356132 scale = 1,1,0.9999998 } PROP { name = JSIStockSquareBlinkenlichten position = 0.3023799,-0.6641687,0.4123614 rotation = 0.353027,0,0,0.9356132 scale = 1,1,0.9999998 } PROP { name = JSIStockSquareBlinkenlichten position = 0.3023799,-0.6482136,0.3942284 rotation = 0.353027,0,0,0.9356132 scale = 1,1,0.9999998 } PROP { name = JSIStockSquareBlinkenlichten position = 0.3023799,-0.6322326,0.3760674 rotation = 0.353027,0,0,0.9356132 scale = 1,1,0.9999998 } PROP { name = JSIStockSquareBlinkenlichten position = 0.2400035,-0.6322326,0.3760674 rotation = 0.353027,0,0,0.9356132 scale = 1,1,0.9999998 } PROP { name = JSIStockSquareBlinkenlichten position = 0.2400035,-0.6482136,0.3942284 rotation = 0.353027,0,0,0.9356132 scale = 1,1,0.9999998 } PROP { name = JSIStockSquareBlinkenlichten position = 0.2400035,-0.6641687,0.4123614 rotation = 0.353027,0,0,0.9356132 scale = 1,1,0.9999998 } PROP { name = JSIStockSquareButtonGear position = 0.1388332,-0.5893143,0.327293 rotation = 0.353027,0,-2.294823E-07,0.9356132 scale = 1,1,1 } PROP { name = JSIStockSquareButtonLight position = 0.1686486,-0.5738091,0.3096717 rotation = 0.353027,0,-2.294823E-07,0.9356132 scale = 1,1,1 } PROP { name = JSIStockSquareButtonRCS position = 0.1686486,-0.5890815,0.3270284 rotation = 0.353027,0,-2.294823E-07,0.9356132 scale = 1,1,1 } PROP { name = JSIStockSquareButtonSAS position = 0.1388068,-0.5738091,0.3096717 rotation = 0.353027,0,-2.294823E-07,0.9356132 scale = 1,1,1 } PROP { name = RasterPropMonitorBasicMFD position = 0.2998753,-0.5115483,0.3089512 rotation = -0.295497,-0.00144417,0.001334668,0.9553416 scale = 0.7,0.7,0.7 } PROP { name = RasterPropMonitorBasicMFD position = 0.1540478,-0.6446412,0.3992446 rotation = -0.399588,1.600588E-07,-1.644485E-07,0.9166949 scale = 0.3,0.3,0.3 } PROP { name = RasterPropMonitorBasicMFD position = 0.4916345,-0.6190413,0.3716917 rotation = -0.3995879,0,0,0.9166949 scale = 0.5,0.5,0.5 } PROP { name = RasterPropMonitorBasicMFD position = 0.491635,-0.5181342,0.263085 rotation = -0.3995879,0,0,0.9166949 scale = 0.5,0.5,0.5 } } EDIT- Scratch that, I zipped that folder up my bad put need a cfg for the realchute or that make for hard landings.
  16. Stop using windows and drop ATM EDIT- Maybe you just try'ed the wrong Linux Dragon01 you know they do have some that look just like window and Mac ?
  17. Found my bug it's ConnectedLivingSpace, Maybe out of date will see if there is a update or maybe drop it and about ( DDS ), I'm not sure that is the way to go isn't that still in the work on stage thought they was still having problems with it? EDIT- Could see MBM before DDS. EDIT- Well on a side note of plugin's, I have delete all your plugins but 1 lol EDIT- Downloaded a up to date ConnectedLivingSpace and still got the bug so did stock fix away to transfer kerbals ?
  18. LOL who don't have module manager and are installing mods ? hehe EDIT- And have to have for your mod anyway. ( Got to love that monkey )
  19. @YANFRET just asking but why did you give all parts the And it's slow going adding mods one by one to see when it chokes.EDIT- Did see had this plugin 5x KSPAPIExtensions.dll but looks like only 1 loads EDIT- About MJ you could have just run a MM That way if they don't have MJ they don't get the error message.
  20. karbonite, I thought was heavyer then LFO ? But so far on what you are askinng you could just think of it as a GasStation just really store fuel.
  21. Best your going to get in ksp right now is http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/98583-0-25-KerbQuake-continued-v1-2-1-Reactive-Camera-Shakes-while-IVA-2014-10-29 is the only one, I know. EDIT- For sound you might try http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/55227-Kerbal-Sound-Overhaul-Project
  22. Your right it's one of the mods, I'm running, Put in a test install and all good, Will try and hunt it down.
  23. Ouch was looking good but the docking ports and launch escape sys are still input null and if there around 4 on 1 craft it won't make it to the launch pad And on your Antenna there is There's not a fx on it that, I can see that all it does is tell the Antenna to flash it's light if it has them or to extend might be one of your transmit error.
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