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Everything posted by Mecripp

  1. I know that it does'nt work, he calls them HOMEMFD60x20 EDIT- Mind if, I send you a PM ? EDIT- And can unity run on wine on a Linux ?
  2. How would 1 go about doing that ? either, there gone or they flip or it kicks me to desktop. Edit- is this what he was using to call to RPM--> MODULE { name = JSIInternalPersistence }
  3. Can't fine away to patch Bobcat's Mods to work with RPM .17 any pointer ?
  4. Editted a couple of parts they work together the Elec. RCS Thursters and it's power https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/72893034/Tetriswizard_Parts.zip EDIT- Thats is Great News MrWizard EDIT- Didnt know what to name the new RESOURCE just named it AMP was thing AC/DC or DC/AC convertor still may play around with it.
  5. Try this https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/72893034/RT2_RSS.zip Please read the install txt.
  6. LOL not on Jool you won't hehe. EDIT- Yogui87 great job love this probes got them all over
  7. Did you look at probe control room post ? , I posted a band-aid for RPM .17 there and what ver. of ScanSat you have think, I was using Ver. 7 and all worked.
  8. The American Pack still works throws a couple of errors in vab but not bad 1's something about decoupler didn't match craft save file but no error after that really works better now then it did in .19 or 20 what ever it was. EDIT - 1 thing on the Altair descent stage the landing legs you have to use g or set a action group to deploy.
  9. Can all of BobCat's stuff be posted ? EDIT- Have DEMVMK1, MK2, MK3EX, Mk4 RAT, MK5, SovietEngine Pack. had more but they where planes and station parts.
  10. The Antenna worked for me or are you talking about the scanner antenna ? EDIT- Yes the old did work.
  11. Your adding something to parts like MODULE or changing them not textures.
  12. Here is a BAND-AID for RPM 0.17 https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/72893034/ProbeControlRoom-v1.0b7(Patch).zip
  13. Like KerbMav said ModuleManager is the way to go ModuleManager--->http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/55219-Module-Manager-2-1-5-%28May-22%29
  14. Why not just edit the TechRequired = ********** to what you want ?
  15. That would be great if this can be fix thanks.
  16. Here http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/83305-Development-Resumed-RemoteTech-2?p=1240307&viewfull=1#post1240307 Or here https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/72893034/RemoteTech_AIES_3.cfg
  17. Try this 1 https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/72893034/tomtom.cfg
  18. Most have a error spamming log but all work just need some 1 to fix them but here is a download https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/72893034/uploads_2014_01_Terazone_dev.zip
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