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Everything posted by Mecripp

  1. Well let me back up there what SpaceX launch pack you have what modder ? LazarusLuan or Kartoffelkuchen LazTek = http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/27154-090-laztek-spacex-launch-exploration-colonial-transporter-amp-historic-mods-12514/ Kartoffelkuchen = http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/71323-launchers-pack-the-return-of-the-atlas-atlas-lvp-v1/ And there are some older thread but we would go there just yet
  2. Do you have Old School Fairings , Firespitter (Plugin) installed ? The craft file might be crazy if they are using Editor Extensions
  3. Can you post a screen shot ? I just tested it and it works just fine.
  4. There from the same guy and same spot EDIT- Just About all the parts on that craft are ZZZ and if you go through the thread you will found more links and stuff
  5. They where also in KAS mod but just one color but have been replaced
  6. You could just make your own FuelCell and use what ever INPUT_RESOURCE and OUTPUT_RESOURCE you want.
  7. None at all ? The Poodle isn't for atmosphere launches it just has a small plum and if you try a atmosphere launch you do get alot of smoke but you can see that it has a plum but be quick before you can't see through all the smoke
  8. There from a ZZZ he made alot of great stuff http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/40366-habhub-and-other-strange-things/#post835419 You might try here too http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/119935-wip-z_thing-zzzs-part-collection/
  9. Really don't see what (Active Texture Management) does for you know has most of KSP is already dds and that plugin has pretty much my guess has been replace with Dynamic Texture Loader http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/128660-1051-64-feb-1-2016-dynamic-texture-loader/
  10. You might try here first Mod Development http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/85372-mod-development-links-compilation-some-links-do-not-work-formatting-broken/ And for code maybe here somewhere in this threads http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/forum/29-plugin-development-help-and-support/
  11. Why can't you have the top solar on the part which would be good and couldn't you have the side panels people could put on by nodes ?
  12. After looking at your mod in the picture you might look at this thread http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/121967-help-with-dual-side-solar-panel-blenderunity/#post2220924 Maybe alittle info ?
  13. One of bobcats rovers had this problem but his panels was on the backside of the doors that open but was thinking it was that the transform was facing the wrong way or to low and some was over the top of it.
  14. Look at the code can't see anything wrong but what your showing in the picture shouldn't the Sun Exposure be showing something ?
  15. Don't think Persistent Trails is waht your asking for has I think it just tracks were you have been not any type of smoke trail just show were you have been and will ghost back over the path.
  16. Might look at ALCOR,"Advanced Landing Capsule http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/50272-104alcorquotadvanced-landing-capsule-for-orbital-rendezvousquot-by-aset-21072015/ It has a light you can turn on in off in the pod
  17. As , I tried to say with a unity beta for linux Y is always facing up even if the part isn't, I have to look at the numbers
  18. Thanks for looking at it was hoping the modder would have updated be now and fix it has my problem, I'm running Linux and a beta unity and seeing where things are pointing well guess you can say it's broke but will have a look at it again and see if, I can get the right angle
  19. If you have time would you mind look at this mod and see why the top node is not attaching http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/97574-90-quiztech-v12/
  20. Looks about like the patch, I post you in anther thread glad it help but all good have fun.
  21. Here is a update for this mod if anyone wants https://github.com/Mecripp/Aerobatic-Smoke And big thanks to Nazari1382 And all those who give us all these great mods to play with
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