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Steven Typles

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  1. I just noticed that by using AdvancedFlyByWire, I have been cheating the game all this time (and probably many others too). And, I'm amazed that this hasn't been mentioned here yet. AdvancedFlyByWire always has control... even on hardest difficulty when communication link with KSC is required for probes. No link with KSC -> indicator says "no control" -> uncontrollable by keyboard (as it should), but all is still controllable by AFBW... I have sometimes wondered why my keyboard wouldn't stage... Thought it was a bug. (I usually don't stage with the keyboard). But, it wasn't. Keyboard not working is sometimes an intended behavior. AFBW should also not have control in these situations. Never noticed this
  2. Unfortunately... this breaks my all-time favorite mod: Kerbal Space Ponies. It seems MKS only recruits Kerbonauts with "Kerman" names. Sorry @RoverDude… You make the best mods... but I'll have to delete MKS to get my ponies back. No doubt. Edit: I actually just found a solution MKS only recruits the "Kerman"-applicants, and leaves the pony-applicants in recruit center. Editing the save file from "type=applicant" to "type=crew" fixes my problem. Welcome back MKS
  3. Contrary to other posts, I think the 1.3.1 version does work. I have it running... (but not at first. I also got the crash after loading screen). KSPIE v 1.15.3 for KSP 1.3 did contain the mod: FShangarExtender. KSPIE v 1.16.0 for KSP 1.3.1 does not contain this mod. I get KSPIE 1.16.0 running by either of these two methods: Make sure you don't have FShangarExtender installed at all (from a previous KSPIE install). Just delete it. Find the 1.3.1 update of FShangarExtender itself, and install that properly. (make sure it's v for 1.3.1. I could only find this on SpaceDock) Also, the 1.3.1 update from FreeThinker (developer) contained the PatchManager, which has since then also been updated. You can find the latest version of that too and install (I did).
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