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Everything posted by Crown

  1. Well, looks like the server's already melted. Thank Sysadmin, the forums are somewhere else.
  2. It's just a jump to the left!
  3. There's that saying, "Never play on patch day". Thankfully it doesn't apply to KSP. The only problem will be server meltdowns
  4. Clam down, buddy! I understand that you want some news but there's no need to offend anyone. Good thing that they still do the DevNews. I thought they needed a break, but I just wonder why they don't post them on the forums of left a note where to find them.
  5. I do kph-to-m/sec-conversions by dividing by 3. Just three. When calculating in my head. The error is about 17 percent but it's enough to estimate the energy that provides a hammer to a toe. Same with pi. For estimations, it's 3. Plus a little bit. In my calculator, it has eight or 15 digits after the comma. But this one is used only if precise numbers are needed. Is there a calculator for gravity assists? I would estimate and assemble it for my own. But there's a calculator for all the inter-planetary transfers, even with some explanation. I think we are not the only persons who discuss that topic. So I'm sure this exists somewhere. Even with the extended error in these transfers (giggling orbits).
  6. It's KerbalAlarmClock in my case. This one gives me a nice countdown. Very useful when you have more than mission running. The settings are a bit overwhelming at first, but it's really easy to use. Makes you never loose an important maneuver again. I had calculated the angles too, together with a bunch of other things for rendezvous and satellite deployment. All in a nice table calculation sheet. Thanks for the tips, guys. I'll try it and post some pictures afterwards (but it could take some time).
  7. Maybe Kerbals can live on Laythe like other people can on Darehitorimo. Just with a big jacket and an oxygen mask. Living in container-like homes to be protected from the sand storms. This sounds quite familiar now. I think 800hPa is about the pressure on a 3000 meter mountain. So there shouldn't be a big problem regarding this. Of course only if all this radiation isn't trying to cook the brave little green guys.
  8. Oh, I think I am going to try gravity assists in my career mode. There's a window to Moho in 2 days and I hope to be able to use at least Mun, if not Minmus too, to save some fuel. Quicksave is a friend there and I am sure that I need more than one try to get it right.
  9. That's the pattern I use: The Rest is done by feeling. Ap at about 70km and I try to keep the vessel in front of the Ap. I know this might not be the most efficient way but for be it works. So I stick with it. Ones I mapped it using a graph with angle over altitude, and as far as I remember, it looked quite linear. As the usual ascent pattern (at least in MechJeb) looks like a mixture of and (with ).
  10. * I think a landing on Eve would be a reason, because despite many crazy-looking solution I can't figure out a way to get a rocket onto the surface which would be able to lift one Kerbal. * A trip around the sun with a trajectory very close to the surface. I am not sure if study the sun will bring much science, but it's quite difficult to bring a Kerbal home on a quite-free-return-path from around the sun. (Now I feel the need to calculate this)
  11. Any time I make a Mun injection the orbits look like Jeb's drunk. Don't drink and launch, kids!
  12. Back in the day when the ASAS was shaking ships apart, I had some joystick settings for KSP. So it was easier to use a joystick to fly a plane than enabling SAS (and less terrifying). But I haven't flown a plane in a very long time. Now the control stick is sitting here, quietly in the shelf. I never tried to land rockets/landers with a control stick. So I am used to land things with WASDCtrlShift. But nice things you did there.
  13. Did you mean "accent" or "ascent"? A way to speak like Eve or trying to get back into orbit?
  14. I think it has something to do with those two guys: Source
  15. I developed the habit of writing instructions and a basic stage description into the vessel description. As well as a changelog to keep track of the changes and development. It's put in into the vessel's file (like Doxygen does) because this way the vessel always carries it's information with it. Sadly the vessel description field is limited to 1000 characters. Could you increase the size of a vessel's description field? I am sure no-one is going to write an entire book in those fields*, but it's - at least for me - the only way to make notes about vessels and missions without the use of mods. This way the notes and informations are intrinsically tied to the vessel and can't be lost without loosing the vessel itself. Thanks C. *I know what's inevitable now.
  16. Everything comes together like gears, I think. They have more personnel, more testers, different development pattern. And also they have no pressure time-wise from any publisher. The only pressure comes from thousands of fans, crying for the next update. Which might be more pressurising than anything else But as long as they move on as they did the last years, the fan (We) will be like children on Christmas. Can't wait for it but after unpacking we are happy to infinity. Love you, Squad. You give presents more often than Christmas.
  17. I think now it's closer to the SAS in version 0.19.x but without the tendency to shake the ship apart. Now it's easier to 'lock' a heading into the SAS and leave it for himself to correct it.
  18. Do we get science for recovered space debris? Like a burned-out transfer stage? Would be another reason to clean up Kerbin's orbit.
  19. a before a e i o u becomes an an. Well, that's sad that the optimisations won't make it into the game. As with 0.22.0. Maybe they aren't finished yet and they come with 0.23.
  20. Lol I think it's funner to see all the people asking for dates. And it's more exciting (and flexible for Squad) if they do things like today. Where anyone is freaking out. Economic breakdown because of KSP release. edit: It's kinds like those rope pull games on social network sites. But regardless who wins the pull/poll Squad's going to do what they think is right. And even without a published release date, they are under very high pressure. Because thousands of players want to be the game better than ever before.
  21. Correct. One can't know the background of the person posting something. Noone can see if he is a professor for aerospace engineering, has a degree in engineering or if he's just pupil. I remember players of X2 - The Threat who are 16 but so much into the whole economic thing in this game, which I have no idea of. Thankfully there are people that answer to a question with a simple "it's too small to display" and other serve more background to the problem. So one can pick the most suitable answer. And I know that maths is a barrier too. It's like learning another language and, in fact, it is another language. It can express many things but you can't order a pizza with it (I'd love to see that pizzeria). It looks this complicated because it doesn't fit the language schemes we know and schools fail to teach us to love maths. Before I knew KSP I didn't like maths. Mainly because I saw no purpose in it. But now, with KSP, I know it's useful. I love KSP, I learned to love maths. Don't let yourself down, just because other speak on what seems to be a higher level. Ask them for a more simple explanation. Tell them what you don't understand. If they care, they will take their time to explain. It takes time and a lot of reading. It's not easy to catch up. But it will be worth it. “If you want to build a ship, don't drum up people together to collect wood and don't assign them tasks and work, but rather teach them to long for the endless immensity of the sea†-Antoine de Saint-Exupery
  22. In KSP there has to be a sharp edge to space (due to time warp). This is at about 69'000m meters. Anything else is calculated. The pressure at 46'171m altitude at Kerbin ist: . This number is so tiny that the gauge can't display it. All scientific instruments have a 0.00 format to display their measurements. This pressure is just too tiny to display.
  23. I think this is a nice sign. The USA stepped on the moon and set their flag on them. Doing this they open the people's mind to space, and now space is open for everyone. Symboled by a white flag. The borders in the people's minds slowly faded. The flags are telling us what we all should do. Slowly fading the borders in our head and seeing earth as it is. One.
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