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Everything posted by FlightSergeantMatt

  1. Working on it. I’m just super busy with work, university and life right now. Ill do it as soon as I can. If anyone else wants to do it feel free
  2. I don’t know if there is one, but that would be cool
  3. Are we just gonna use BDa for weapons? And yeah I’ll go through the feed and create a mod list as soon as I have time
  4. I also have one other thought and that’s whether or not we want to remove or ban any stock parts? My thoughts is that the SR-71 was the only truly functioning aircraft powered by a “ram jet” specifically a turbo-ramjet to go into service in the 60s and that was in 66. The j58 engines only produced a maximum of 150KN of thrust, which makes KSP engines way over powered for the time. There fore I think we shouldn’t use the whiplash or the rapier stock engines. Even the panther is way over powered at high altitudes. Just a thought I believe the enterprise was commissioned in 61, but I just thought it would be a cool idea since it’s such an easy mod to use with it being only 1 part you could spawn aircraft on it afte moving into enemy territory since 60s aircraft predominantly struggled with range I also haven’t used FAR, how big a difference does it make to aircraft designing? I’ll do some research, but addded realism sounds fun to me.
  5. Like all the mod ideas! I know I started this feed, but I’m not particularly good with modding and all of that. I can add mods obviously, but as soon as I start having glitches or parts that don’t work I have no idea how to get rid of them. I just start over again with a new KSP and hope for the best. So anyone who thinks they would be able to set up a working version of this, pick the KSP version, mod it and then we can email out the save file I guess? If anyone thinks they will be able to do that let everyone know and add the mods we way and start experimenting with mods and builds. I would definitely like airplane plus included and also have you seen the enterprise mod? It provides a fully functioning 1 part aircraft carrier with catapults and arrestor hooks, I think w could incorporate those as mobile bases almost?
  6. Don’t think so mate! I have no idea how
  7. These points are all great in my opinion! Can we add these ideas to the rules set? Can we set it you can build say multi role fighters instead of just an attack fighter or bomber? Just total up all the points for the turn? I think navies could be hard! Unless anyone is a mod expert and can get the one they use is in FOK (I can’t remember the name). In my version of KSP it’s very glitchy
  8. Rules look good, but why do attackers get 20 points and fighters get 25? Seems like it should be the other way
  9. I think doing time is awkward, cause people are super busy I’m sure! I know I am. I think a good idea would be to just limit the amount of units each player can deploy each turn. Say 1 bomber or 3 fighters, 2 tanks, and 2 ships each turn. And you have as long as you need to take your turn (but be as fast as possible). Then we can set armament limits
  10. Someone on here said he had a set of 60s era fall of kerbin style rules, think those would be awesome! Hopefully they will share them and we can work through them
  11. Can we try to decide on an era then discuss mods and rules? Who’s interested in 60s era tech? I think it’s a great middle ground to start on. Anyone who’s interested in this, quote and respond and we can start talking about mods and rules
  12. I really like the late 60s idea! Some great technology at the time but a lot more simple for us to start with. If anyone who’s interested in doing that let me know. I’d love to see the rules sheet you have
  13. Yes! Well BD is given, will want vessel mover, physics range extender and I’d like airplane plus. And I feel like it would be fun to have very loose rules on planes, tanks, vessels etc. If you want a plane with a tank turret or naval gun, you can have it if you can build it sort of thing. Just a thought
  14. Awesome! Yes definitely I have a busy schedule so will be no rush! More time to plan tactics also
  15. Sounds pretty awesome! I enjoyed watching the fall of kerbin series so that really appeared to me. Hopefully we can get a few more people involved and discuss mods and rules etc
  16. I’m interested in doing a KSP turn based war using BD armoury, similar to “fall of kerbin” and “kollaborative warfare”. The game will require 2 or more players/teams, building there own vessels and setting up defenses and attacking each other’s bases by taking it in turns to pass around the save file. Should be really good fun! I’ve tried doing a similar thing by myself but that’s getting boring now! Will need to come up with rules. Reply if interested
  17. Great idea! love the series and have been trying to do the same thing, taking turns by myself... not the same. defintely interested
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