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Cheif Operations Director

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Everything posted by Cheif Operations Director

  1. Would I rather want to live in the Truman Show, or be told the truth. Interesting concept
  2. Reminds me of the time, I had a dream I can not really remember the details, but everything two weeks or so after I had the dream later happened in that dream. It was really strange.
  3. I have been trying to set up PyCharm for a few hours now, I have read the tutorials on JetBrains, but what they seem to be referencing is not there. Any ideas? I did not really know where to post this so... Here I guess
  4. The threat of annihilation, a basic human fear, is the driver behind technology. War is not required for technological advancement. Only the possibility of it.
  5. Perhaps I am misreading the situation again, who knows
  6. What does the craft I have created have to do with beta testing? All I am detecting is a passive aggressive person right now who is trying to prove superiority at craft building or something, perhaps I am misreading the situation. Either way to quote myself again. Precisely what gives this post comedy effect. As a note I do bit doubt your Beta Testing Abilities or something. It is just funny
  7. I am only kidding around, I was saying that is is funny to see a fan of a game offer to get the game before everyone else as a beta tester. It is fine It was just funny
  8. I am only kidding (on bothering to reply) the answer is still 54
  9. I am running windows, so I guess pip will work, this assumes pip has all of the files I want. Where are site-packages? If I wanted to create my own library with my own functions (for the sake of argument) how do I do that? If I have a program written for python and I want to test it for micropython, how do I go about doing that? My code right now is still "software" but I want to start testing it with either Circuit or Micro python. (Which ever one will support the cheapest but worth while electronics) I understand this, I have no intention of actually doing it right now. I just want to know the files I would need to edit, AND how to change the syntax highlighting to be something else ( I am not referring to the tools drop down bar) For example if I have the function time.time(), I may want this to be considered highlighted syntax. (For reasons just an example) so how do I do that, that is my question. I am doing that, I just am trying to figure out how to do more stuff with python's libraries and other peoples libraries. I have used the IPython console, I was referring to the windows command prompt, if that is what you are referring to
  10. Yes, finding on political songs like I like to listen to are hard to find anywhere else other than YouTube, or equivalent platforms.
  11. Ok, I am using the Anaconda-> spyder IDE. I am trying to find the library for Circuit python, this is it correct? https://github.com/adafruit/circuitpython This is the Micro Python Library Correct? https://github.com/micropython/micropython How do I add the library to the spyder IDE? I saw most things being pip anaconda library name, but before I start messing around with admin access and command prompts I want to make sure this is correct. I have both of those repositories in .zip form. Is there a folder I should unzip them too to add them? That would be exponentially less risky I presume so it would be preferable. Also my first question still stands on changing syntax highlighting and generally syntax. I have no intention of editing it at least not for awhile. I just wanted to know how that part works. If it is the pip anaconda library name thing. How do I actually go about opening that command prompt. It would be my first time doing that
  12. Looks like quarantining the Apollo astronauts was actually not a waste of time and money. In al honesty I doubt it is life
  13. Ok noted, I was looking very hard at the adafruit stuff, Now how do I make my own python library? Including with my own syntax like what I posted for my last post? I read what Shpraget said and I did not think it was related. Did I miss read it?
  14. Basically I want a function called pinoutputs(): It will then take a bunch of true statements that are set when each loop of the code runs, fire the appropriate pins and then clear the vars back to false to allow the code to resume. Now the problem here is that I need to access these variables which are all local vars outside of the function. I can use global vars, but I have about 40 pins planned (sort of) either way for each function that access's these pins I need to list all global vars, that means for EVERY FUNCTION that uses these pins which is +8 RIGHT NOW I need a block of 40 lines of code to access the corresponding pins, and that is just for the pins. This is completely outrages in terms of code that needs to be run, there has to be a better way than this. Is there? what if I just put all the vars at the beginning? on the 0 indent would this still count as a local variable? Also how hard is it to change the syntax of python via a library? I know this is preposterous but humor me, if I wanted to add a new syntax function (like if or while etc) and it was "ksptwoshouldbegood" that is the syntax I want for whatever reason, how do I make this a reality?
  15. nvm I made a bit of a mistake with the coding I got it to work Also that problem I was having with globals re-imerged in a pretty ugly way
  16. Likewise, I wish there was a detonater part so you could just blow up rockets whenever you want to. and my blow up I mean large smoke clouds instatenous explosion etc
  17. Has another ever actually had to do an inflight abort to save your crew. I think the only time I had too actually do an abort with LES was when my rocket was too heavy for the launch pad and the center tanks blew up. I also seem to remember having to abort once due to heating causing a pre-mature detachment of a stage.
  18. You could give people different debug permissions. Also allowing you to revert a save may prevent the consqunces of griefing
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