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Cheif Operations Director

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Everything posted by Cheif Operations Director

  1. I think you may go back in forth in the first example and slowly loose energy until your in the center. That's just my two cents I'm not a physicist.
  2. I mean all we are asking for a little decency? Perhaps a small amendment to your EULA for non forced arbitration, not counting on it but it would be nice. As a point if we all do not accept the EULA then it does not matter does it? I mean they can not amend a contract after we agree to it which means if we all decline the new EULA then we don't need to worry about it? I'm a missing something, I'm not a lawyer is this true?
  3. I remember when this first happened and half of the people then said everything was fine... Oh how things have changed. This is insane on many levels I'm not sure I'm updating past the current version. Sorry SQUAD ( At this point Take Two ) I like your product but I'm not going to court of this absurdity. Anyone know how to prevent auto updates on steam? May I add that this 30 day period is ridiculous, I mean why do we as some others have pointed out have to pay to opt out of your program. Why do we the customer have t rely on the useless mail system to protect ourselves from your legal nonsense.
  4. I completely agree! However I think that all the plane parts should have a tile version and then a slider for extra thermal protection. I do want a reentry challenge but it makes no sense that an engine can survive re-entry before a nosecose that was designed for the job.
  5. I'm not saying it can't be done, but I've had many an aerodynamic nosecose explode on me during enentry from LKO with the shuttle. I'm not saying their is nothing you have do about that but I do no know what flat tiles are too much to ask for.
  6. I have realistic atmospheres but I do not think it is that as I did not see that in the mod description.
  7. I might add, if you have every scene original Chernobyl footage it looked like those white spots just more animated.
  8. I already left the area and can't remember where it was I had those notes down but that was it
  9. This is Strange I was going around Kerbin in an Sr-71 and landed in a mountain range and it seem like it is snowing at dusk. time code is Ut Y4 D297 05:17:35 Altitude 7400 meters Altitude 7400 meters
  10. All the infamous console version. I'm betting it's relay Problems what's your Antenna rating? I'm doing testing right now hold on
  11. Simple solutions What system are you on Pc or Console. Could be a lack of electricity if your using ION thrusters. Perhaps a lack of propellant, if you lack on the dark side that could explain it. I doubt that is the problem, though. Read https://wiki.kerbalspaceprogram.com/wiki/Probodobodyne_OKTO2 Thoughts I don't know why you would have a problem. If I were you I would launch a rescue mission and rescue bill and collect as much science as you can to make up for the loss. Questions what mods (if any) do you have installed Yes make sure you have an antenna on your craft your that your in range of a tracking station https://wiki.kerbalspaceprogram.com/wiki/Mk1_Command_Pod I'm going to try to replicated the problem of PC. I have mods but the method should be the same
  12. Image now hard it is to build a 18th century British Royal Navy fleet nowadays. It's because the tech is not around anymore to made a replica. In the same way if NASA really wanted too it could build a Saturn V but each engine would need to be redrawn and retested as all the engines were fined tuned and not mass produced. The tanks are a pain to remake and the infrastructure is not their to make them. Does it really make sense to use 1960s tech to go back to the moon. An iPhone has more processing power than the entire Apollo flight computer! It makes more sense to get actual engineeering plan done and make a "Saturn X" or a revamped mass producible version of a Saturn V. At that point it makes more sense to just make a more versatile mars rocket that can by definition launching heavy objects to LEO and medium object to the moon. As a note to all those make ridiculous examples, It's fine to ask a question I'm sure he wanted an honest anaswer. I'm not attacking anyone here but just answer the question well.
  13. You could use rovers and probes in the mean time. Based on all of this I would say that this bug can not be fixed until SQUAD/Blitworks does something. I suggest using just probes and rovers until then and Maby set up a relay network in the mean time. You can use the cheats menu to give yourself more funds but that may be boring.
  14. Some more details, what is your craft made out off. Also solar flares are not a thing In stock What do you mean by relocate
  15. I figured. I have not been down their for about a year and it was in a. Different save
  16. I think I've beeen down to about -2000 meters but I, not sure you can go down that far most likley a figment of my imagination.
  17. How about a Graphics DLC that has three parts. Planets, lighting, and clouds. We can buy which ones we want. For example I would buy all for 3 dollars each but someone else might only want clouds. Maby my PC can only tolerate clouds and not new lighting. This was we get what we need.
  18. I like the Jeb o meter. If the situation is bad enough he will frown. It's a nice feature
  19. I don't get it and what mods do you have in curious
  20. The problem is that the aerodynamic nosecose will blow up if you are not careful I have flipped many a shuttle while trying to prevent overheating. As soon as that nose cone breaks the game is up. Aerodynamics are ruined then the cockpit will explode
  21. Those charachters! Launch who cares if it goes boom! Haha im just joking of course but it would be nice if they could fix this
  22. Pizza Von braun is going to use a gyro to guide a sandwich into your mouth1
  23. If your going for a medium to steep re-entry angle aim for the islands 30 km from the KSC coast. Planting a flag thief is useful. If you come in at high enough speed you should land within 30 km of that island and if your orbiting West to east them within 15km of the space center. You can make a maneuver node and plan by just holding down retrograde until it is on the islands and you should have a pretty precise landing zone. The shallower your de-orbit angled the farther west you will land (assuming your going west to east)
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