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Everything posted by Nivee~

  1. So, Trap Nation has some great music, and while looking for some new music, I found this~ When I heard the lyrics for the first time, I was pretty sure that I heard them somewhere before, even though I did not understand any of them..Then I scrolled through comment section, and I found the original song ITS THE SAME SONG DAD USED TO LISTEN WHEN I WAS VERY LITTLE!! Childhood memories hit me with the speed of light.... (And no, I don't understand any of the lyrics of this one either.)
  2. I found this beauty in my school computer... Now I have this nagging thought in mind : "Who made this?? She/He could easily fit in KSP's modding community..."
  3. This one.... This has been stuck in my head for 2 days now... A violin cover of this song popped up in the notifications, and then after a bit of digging I found this!!!!
  4. Thats a LOT of effort!! Just making the 'set' must have taken a lot of patience! Not to mention the post processing... Great series
  5. I would call all of my cousins in one place and set loose the T.Rex.... ....I doubt the T.Rex will survive... But it will make for a good family dinner. Any guesses how T.Rex meat would taste like?
  6. 4/10, gives off an emo and angsty vibe!!
  7. I did not like Jake Sully... he essentially betrayed humans..and in Avatar 2, I am pretty sure the humans will return, with possibly biological weapons to eliminate Na'vi entirely....
  8. So this occured to me when I was planning an interstellar mission in KSP. In Avatar, the spaceships were accelerated from Earth via solid state lasers, and slowed down at the destination star system using antimatter/matter engines. The engines are used for accelerating from Alpha Centauri and the laser is used to slow down the ship in our solar system. Why didn't anyone think of placing or building a solid state lasers of similar strength in the Alpha centuari system? Could have saved a lot in fuel cost, as the antimatter engine won't need to be used..
  9. I checked out the book... and yup, it's almost the same in terms of plot.. even the MC's name! Ooooohh you must read the book!!!
  10. Yeah, it was about a dead body of an astronaut found on the moon. The only catch? The body was 50000 years old.
  11. I found this comic, a bundle of lovely conspiracy theories regarding the asteroid belt, the earth and the moon. And those were some very nicely thought out conspiracies!! And now I can't seem to find it!!
  12. Here's your 'Spelling 101: Handy rules and simple exercises' textbook. I have a sudden craving for eating fish...even a shark or a dolphin would do, please?
  13. That's a good idea! I never considered it this way! I will do that, thanks!
  14. Banned for calling Comic Sans the worst font ever.
  15. The gravitational disturbances on Kerbin leads to widespread death and destruction. And yes, KSC is also destroyed. I send a Krewed Interstellar mission, powered by Karborundum that I mined on Eeloo.
  16. Well, that will be beyond my powers I am thinking of adding a WASD Editor Camera dependency to allow zooming in, but even so, I won't go below the 20x20 form factor.
  17. Here is your dubstep. I would like some tomato juice, please!
  18. Banned for making stuff too complicated!
  19. Doh!!! I always forget that blender and Wings3D are surface modelling softwares, not a solid modelling one!, like solidworks!! I made a test adapter, and surprisingly, it went quite well! This looks very good, thanks!
  20. I am making an octagon to hexagon adapter. The smaller octagon diverges into a bigger hexagon. I thought it would be easy, but it isnt.. How do I make such an adapter?
  21. Totally forgot about that!!!! But even so, I will use them only when travelling farther from Eeloo. To the outer planets, the Valentine star...and maybe the stars in The World Beyond star pack..(I am fangirling on The World Beyond so bad! ) I almost did! While excavating science from Minmus, it took me about 3 hours to extract all science. And just when I thought that it was over, I realized that I had not done the Materials bay and the mystery goo experiments!!!! I also have the Surface Experiment pack and Dmagic's science mod installed, so more science! From each biome, of each celestial body, of each planet pack... *Listening to 'Bang My Head Against the Wall' by Sia* Yeah, thats what I am going to be doing.. Thanks for the responses!!
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