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Everything posted by Mignear

  1. Something I quickly put together.
  2. The use of radiators is pretty good. They work pretty well as well and if you have to you can use them to cool the plane down after landing if its hot for whatever reason.
  3. Its east of the Dessert Airfield. Trying to land a non-VTOL aircraft there is... well, you saw the many crashes I have there. Got pretty close though, the last few crashes just destroyed the engines of the plane.
  4. Work continues, I think I like how it looks. Back to the adjustments.
  5. An attempt to recover a crashed plane led to the rescue plane crashing in treacherous terrain, the rescue plane sent to rescue both of them then crashed in the same treacherous terrain, you know. Eventually I got to just dropping a rover down to drive the pilots to a better landing spot, and this is what awaits them. Unforgiving terrain destroys even the rover. Think this is like the 4th rescue plane? Attempting to land my latest workhorse plane loaded with crew cabin. Of course it fails, another stranded pilot. For now, I call that location Mount Treacherous.
  6. Further tests of the '36', and the beginning of its twin, the '35' First, strange sight after landing the '35'. '35' after its final modification, and flight to Glory Base. '36' on yet another test flight. She's not yet finished yet.
  7. Tweaking the successful 32's design gave me the '36'. A lot lighter, lesser fuel, and much more agile, maybe a little too agile.
  8. Finalising the '32' And starting work on its sister, the '36'. It has potential.
  9. But that means you can send said JAM copies of Jeb to fly your deathtraps experimental aircraft
  10. Slight modification of the '33' gave me this, lighter, still has a large fuel load, but smaller wings. Shorter overall length means the belly drop tank has to be shortened as well.
  11. More tests and minor adjustments of the new aircraft designated as '33'. First is the full fuel load by adding wing mounted drop tanks. 44 tons, 6k fuel. Lift off is... difficult. Next, simulated bomb load. Flight test of another aircraft.
  12. When you decide to test the full potential of your aircraft's full fuel load. 44 tons, over 6000 units of fuel. Probably too much fuel?
  13. After my last build having a very low fuel load which forced me to do a last minute addition of drop tanks, my next build was to be able to take a belly drop tank that uses the Mk1 tanks instead of the Mk0 tanks. Doubles as practice for building with wing pieces Turns out this build didn't need the belly tank anyway, without the tank it has over 3000 units of fuel, with the tank it has about 4000. Way overkill. After the tests, a quick check shows that its the largest I've built out of all the fighters I've built and also the heaviest at easily twice the weight of the others.
  14. Was in the mood for KSP, originally planned to make just 1, but ended up making 2 variants instead. These run low amounts of fuel to be balanced. The longer version, the 15/35, runs on slightly over 800 units of fuel, weighs 13 tons. Short version, 15/25, runs on 380 units of fuel, weights like 10tons.
  15. When you're just doing a flight test for a new plane and accidentally finds out it has hover capability which wasn't in the plan.
  16. Parachutes. I packed like 10 of em on the main body, and turns out the main body parts are more heat resistant than the wings so they survived the heat.
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