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Everything posted by GrandProtectorDark

  1. I don't really see a reason to stay on such an old version. There is plenty of both fancy new stock stuff (being able to place kerbals directly in external seats in editor being something not mentioned yet) and many good new mods. It's definitely worth it to upgrade to newer versions.
  2. I think, In ksp, pure rocket (reusable) sstos are much useful than spaceplanes. Most of my career launches are done via 1 over massive bfr/ish ssto stage. Rocket sstos are most often way larger, but are way simpler to design. In my opinion, spaceplanes are most useful for shuttling large numbers of kerbals between ksc and stations. Spaceplanes are mostly a mark for your skill, rather than being actually practical.
  3. One could also use LiquisFuel and regular ore when only stock resources are present and use a patch for actually appropriate resources when appropriate mods are installed. Although I personally would prefer dedicated resources and custom storage tanks (like nertea did it)
  4. The 2 planets you show there are high Quality as always. Gonna highly anticipate to merge this into my Frankensteins monster-esk universe
  5. I disagree with that. Cheat codes in single player games have always been a thing You very well can cheat by Making a 10000000isp vector engine or just turning on Infinite fuel(Which in one way or another is infinite health(I know that no-crash-damage is a separate thing)). Using Mech-jeb itself isn't cheating however. (It is if you participate in a challenge which forbids mechjeb but that isn't the point) PS:Personally more enjoy flying everything manually but I don't look down on using mechjeb because It does get tedious from time to time for me as well.
  6. The Way Planet packs work has not changed for several Kopernicus versions . Planet packs made in 1.3.1 will work fine in any version upwards (Pre 1.3 packs also work mostly fine but aren't reliably compatible)
  7. Not a symbol suggestion but Kopernicus for 1.5 and upwards, allows to make custom planet icon images to replace the colored dots in the mapview. So One could actually put those symbols into the game.
  8. Small scale co-op friends only might work if you give the time warp privileges to the group leader. Big scale servers with +10 members aren't so much doable without horrible desync options.
  9. I lift my hat to honour such accomplishment. Though it really was impossible. But you did it. Congrats.
  10. @BRAAAP_STUTUTU @juanml82 How I'm reading the technical data about scramjets, It is estimated that the max speed for ramjets may be somewhere from mach 10 to mach 17, to even orbital velocity, at mach 25(depending depending on the assumptions and input data). Kerbin Orbital velocity is somewhere at mach 6-7ish. For our stock size purposes, conventional ramjets are scramjets. Btw Mk2 expansion has a scramjet, which can get up to mach 10. While testing, I got a cheat plane up to dres. For stock size, Scramjets are too Powerfull to be reasonable. But they would work well for RSS I could Imagine
  11. I just manually add Kerbal-words into the dictionary when it underlines them in red
  12. TBH, Surface EVA should totally be a thing for tourist kerbals, but without RCS. I consider orbital EVA a tad to complicated for Tourists, but walking over another planets surface should be in it.
  13. Paid multiplayer really isn't the way to go. Especially since TakeTwo aquired ksp Just can you image the Armageddon levels outry and accusations about Evil T2 ruining ksp when Squad attempted paid multiplayer. Also, the numbers which you proposed are EA level of scumbag online transactions.
  14. About planets. No one currently at squad actually knows how those work (or how it seems). Part revamp. Literally everyone who played with Vens part revamp ad many more who did not, wanted stock part reworks. And for you. The Pre-1.5 black cockpit variant still is usable via mesh-switch (most new parts have multiple appearances)
  15. Actually, The official ksp subreddit already has an official ksp subreddit discord
  16. I'm rather fond of USI LS and think a slightly adjusted version would fit well into KSP. The high degree of penalty customization would most certainly be a good thing, as By default, kerbals turn into Tourists instead of dying but can be deactivated or made to temp or perma death. Only complain is, In USI LS, the hab time function is rather hard to play with without any mods to play around it (like KPBS/SSPR or MKS), so that would have the crew cabins situation be a bit reworked (as the only hab like cabin is the hitchhiker). But TBH, as of now, I think it works better just as mod. Also imagine all the try hard player, bragging about their super-efficient LS no mining no refueling TM missions
  17. Loads fine enough in 1.5 I haven't seen any obvious (new) Issues
  18. I asked the AVP dev on the KSP discord and this is what he says: There do is a mod named KopernicusExpansion, which has the ability to add in wormholes. KEX doesn't do that on itself, but rather needs planet modders to do it(like how EVE doesn't add in clouds on its own)
  19. While not officially released, nerteas dev release for Far future technologies, adds in engines similar to the design theme of KSPI, while remaining as simple plug-and-play as stock engines. https://github.com/ChrisAdderley/FarFutureTechnologies Assuming you manually download the right updated versions of FFTs dependencie mods(B9PartSwitch, CRP, ModuleManager and CryoTanks), it should work in 1.4.5(despite not having been updated since 1.3.1)
  20. Nice to see you are back. Hearing that you are gonna look to further repair this mod is really good. Also, a request, although of rather low priority. The Pulsar jet object from old instantiator was also a nice thing. If you find the time after fixing the more important things in this mod. I'd wish for you to look if it would be possible to re-add that addition as well.
  21. @Nertea Ah, I see now. Comparing your recent work with FFT, I do see the quality difference. But I think they still look really good compared to the alternative(which would be KSPI)
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