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Everything posted by Artienia

  1. Not really. i dont use the ingame menu beccause Hyperedit is more percise, and works an Altitude rather than Semi major Axis.
  2. 1) Will remove the badges, as requested 2) I only have hyperedit so i ccan test the shuttles. Like STS 4 i wasnt sure if it could dock, so i used hyperedit. Than when they ould, i launched the real mmission
  3. 1) Badges are placeholders, no Stars are there. I just put them so i dont have to redo every timem i get a new badge. The Center ribbion is just to look cool. it shows how far i went in the world, it was mainly used to show my "'badge" without you judging it (cause you were away) but now u are here so it's only pourpuse is to look cool 2) - I just took a picture of STS 4 from my save and this is what it's things are. The icon i left blank is Janitor's toolbar. ) Hope this anwsers some questions
  4. Also what do you think about gettingg new badges? Any hope we see new (or expanded) badges? Any ideas? if you have would you care to share it?
  5. HE IS BACK Also have you considered hiring someone to help you review? (EDIT: just wanna clarify i am not virtue-signaling for me to get hired, but for other people instead
  6. Look on the side of CCcommand deck and Engineering. It is there Also i wanted to put a 6 way but there is only one part in stock and it is 1.25 (or something like that). SSRX has a correct part but i fear if i incclude it i will go overboard on the mod : stock ratio and get a modded badge
  7. i use USI-LS. Does that mean i can put a life module on a statoin or a lunar base and still it be stock category? It doesn't make my job easier, doesnt remove any stock featueres, same execution as everything else. because if not i will just do the mission without it, send it and than later add it off-mission so mmy kerbals don't starve
  8. By that i mean minor parts. Forexample a Flat Adapter instead of a long one, a larger "connecct 6 ways" things etc. Mods (or parts) that don't influence the outcome a lot
  9. Hey guys., in my opinion the payload of the shuttle shouldn't re restricted by the stock-mod badge. aka you can put modded stuff in there and still get stock bage, of course shuttle and Launch system needeing to be stock What do you think? the shuttle flies the same if it has a mod 30ton stuff and a stock 30ton stuff in it. As long as the shuttle is stock (and launch system), you get a stock badge open to diff opinions
  10. I am just waitin' for dan to give it to me (if i was a good boy) Would you mind sharing some tips how to do the asteroid one?
  11. i wanna make more STS Missions but i think you guys are already irritated and i feel somewhere alongg the line i broke a rule and i would have to redo everything again
  12. i don't think people want to see constant spam of F5 and F9 on the screen Also i dont know how to do it, KSP lags already without any background stuff also am lazy
  13. Artemis IV and IV-b Shuttle Launch Highlights: This kind of gets boring doesn't it. Dokiing was interesting, Mechjeb helped. Forgot a landiing gear so i had to use the ccargo bay as one. Totally intentional . blah blah blah here is a meme EDIT: I really hope TCA is allowed in stock badge becase i am going to cry if not lol
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