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Everything posted by Artienia

  1. I dont have any other problems. try reinstalling the mod if it works i'll do it too. i am a lazy ass though. Also you have 2 test mission badges (and no 40-ton payload badge) and this makes me very uncomfortable
  2. I have actually done the missions in a past, but i was denied because i had the orbital decay bug (NOT MOD) Mod is Hullcam HDS and it adds A LOT MORE stuff than telescopes (cameras for rovers, boosters, anything really) I tried Tarsier Space Technology but that was not the best for me. Maybe you could try it and like it better though! If i belive, it is an old texture loader or something. for the longest timee i played on 1.4.3 using 1.4.1 mods. now updateed to .4.5 game, it causes some problems
  3. Artemis III Shuttle and Hades space telescope launch Highlights: Photos from the HST: As you obviously noticed (if not clicking the album, but by just seeing the highlights) i did contain a modded part (one to be exact) in the HST. I had a convo with don a while ago and he said (regarding modded solar panels) one or two should be fine if it is for looks. So i am really hoping i didn't disqualify myself from the stock badge. The telescope is really just for looks, and beside that it can take pictures! i mean how cool is that. The shuttle needed to be a little e l o n g a t e d but it all worked out in the end. I had also had fun with the MMUs Miss me? Do you think i don't pump enough content out already? FEAR NOT! STS/Artemis IV should be easy, and i already have a pretty cool idea how to do it Now, if you excuse me i am going to my corner and wait til cheesecake (best friend forever btw, we are like a brother to eachother x) likes my post See ya at IV EDIT: 19 minutes new record i think
  4. Artemis II Shuttle Launch Highlights: Artemis II (Geosat) Mission was hard. it was pretty hard to get the orbits right, but you get used to it. i don't think i ever did Geosat missions (attempted 2 but didn't really work out). Flying the Shuttle was pretty easy Can't really say more. See you at Artemis III
  5. " 3. All atmospheric flight should be handled manually, with the exception of self scripted autopilot programs. Mechjeb etc is fine for on orbit procedures. " This rule leaves out if you can land on the mün with mechjeb right?
  6. Artemis I-b and Artemis II-b Shuttle Launch Highlights I-b: Highlights II-b: Here it is as i promised, Artemis I-b and II-b Missions with a 41 ton custom-fit pod. This mission took me a lot longer than the previous (obv), around 2 days of irritation (mainly during reentry, this craft was a lot less stable than Artemis I The easiest part of the mission was docking; to my suprise. Randevou was pretty easy too. The mod fit perfectly into the cargo ramp (which i feared wouldn't be case) on the first try. i have done a lot of docking but this was the easiest by far. Returning the Pod (Art II-b) was kind of hard as the plane was 40t heavier, and had a bad time flying
  7. Making the Payload missions now. I already did it but reentry was always very weird and mmy plane always got flipped
  8. Oh i didn't know that. Well i regretted using that anyways because it was heavy, gave very little lift and always exploded during reentry
  9. 1) It is not an ssto, as it separates multiple times. There is no limit how far your Launch System can go, and this was confirmed by don. mk3 Elevons? I do not know where you got that idea because i used fatwings. Although next-gen shuttles for next mission do have mk3 elevons in tthem I choose whiplashes because they (in the stats) gave the most thrust. can switch them though. The rammp will be used to deliver space stations and orbital outposts
  10. Artemis I Shuttle Launch and Landing for STS-1 Highlights: This was really hard to do, especially the re-entry. Half of the Elevons and the Taillfin overheats every time, but this is not detremental for the Artemis I™ shuttle. Other difficulty was Liftoff, but if Mechjeb is allowed (Except on asccent, but doesn't matter because i didn't use it) than TCA would be allowed, which is doing the same as MC; mmaking your life easier. It simply controlls the power of your engines so you don't flip. The ascent is all manual as always. Also the Shuttle is a little differant than the classic Buran-Style ships because why not. It is relatively stable in reentry.
  11. Do you happen to know a mod that displays Com and Col in flight? there is a mod like that, i just cant find it
  12. To be short, For a shuttle there is a lot more power in the Launch systemm (orange tanks) than the shuttle itself. Is there a mod that commpensates for this? Because if you burn too hard you will flip. So basically a mod which acccounts for all acctive engines, and burns them in a way so the Center of thrust is inline with Center of Mass. PS: I imagine this mod would also be used to build VTOL crafts, if that helps Thanks
  13. Tried this and got 16k orbital vel https://imgur.com/laOFNwU
  14. So should i warp into solar Orbit from kerbin, Fall, and when i reach Eve's Orbital speed, warp to eve?
  15. I know this sounds crazy but is Realfuels allowed? No Fuels other than LFO etc, so no fancy Liquid Hydrogen etc. Just having realfuels , no new fuels.
  16. So in a nutshell, I tried a test run going from kerbin to eve, and when reached even had 10k m/s, and i obviously can't correct that So, There must be a calculation that made it be 10k, so how can we reduce it? There must be some 'formula' to do (Like planet velocity / Destination * 3 + Vessel speed) So what is it? Thanks
  17. Would have been a planet pack but nobody cared so i abandoned it.
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