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Everything posted by Artienia

  1. That is... one of the most unique takes i've seen on the challange for sure. I was going to shoot it down with a "It's a shuttle challange not a rocket one" but oh boy this certainly impressed me Here you go commander, your KERBIN STS-1A badge I am *very* looking forward to the next missions, fly safe!
  2. Ah i understand! I was under the impression you were aiming for commander. With that out of the way i am proud to present you your new badge Great album and flight! Exactly what we needed. Here is your badge, we shall wait for the triumphant return of the pod! Fly safe commander
  3. I personally didn't doubt you, i think you did these legit. But if i were to enforce the submission lax, then cheaters could break the rules. While i can see that the sat is in GEO orbit, where is the second one?
  4. Unfortunately i cannot award you your badge as you did not post the pod's orbit and it's fullness. Unfortunately i cannot award you your badge as i only saw one deployment of the sattelites, if you show where the second one is i can award you your badge! Due to 1b i am unable to grant this badge I do not see the pictures of where you used the MMUs to attach it to the telescope itself, nor the declanation unfortunately. I am unable to grant this badge while there isn't a lot of information, there is enough for me to grant this badge However please know that you can't use this badge until you obtiain the previous tiers (which i was unable to reward you), however you do not have to redo this mission Badge Granted, same restriction as STS-4. Badge Granted, same restriction as STS-4 --------------------------------- I am very happy that you are actively aiming to get all the badges, however as you can see you did not provide enough information for me to actually award you some of the later badges. To combat this please take more pictures on the mission-critical aspects of the missions, e.g.: orbits. I am glad that you have switched from multiple imgur links to one singular album, however i do request that you order the images in the album itself as currently they are out of order. This isn't an issue with 3 pictures but with 20 it will be. Thank you for understanding I eagerly wait for your mission re-runs, and after that your next future missions Fly safe!
  5. What an amazing video, great editing skills! You truly deserve your badge, here you go! The color of the laurels indicates what type of parts were used for mission crafts - silver for mod parts, gold for stock only (including DLC).
  6. Your launch vehicle can have any number of boosters, your shuttle can do too but the shuttle itself must be reusable (so you cant decouple them)
  7. I am just an assistant so i'll give my best judgement to this situation. As i see it the engines qualify for "in-line stock". If i scaled up a planet, it should obviously follow that the engines should scale up aswell. So if you used RSS it would only make sense for you to use RSS-designed engines. That's my take on it. If you were to submit i would give you the badge, but as just an assistant, Strumhauke has the final say and could revoke it (Doubtful he would though) In short: go ahead man i'm excited
  8. I originally thought it as a science mode but it can be made in even sandbox too, as long as you're having fun!
  9. Kerbin STS-2a Because imgur keeps uploading my pictures out of order, i'll only send a partial collection of them, but i can send all of them out of order if anyone wishes to verify this. If anyone would like to give this launch an OK that would be appriciated, as i wouldn't want to self-verify myself Click the spoiler for the key moments
  10. Thank you! I personally like the Duna Commsat mission as i want to see what everyone comes up with for 100% coverage for Duna and Ike. The best i could come up with was a 5 sattelite combo Also after brainstorming some original ideas, i thought of this: What about some water base for Eve? maybe even a submarine? Boat? I think that would be really fun to build an Eve boat
  11. Well if we're suggestion some ideas i got a couple of my own aswell. I'll just say rough drafts DUNA STS-4 Construct some sort of communication network around duna DUNA STS-5/8 Construct 2 bases on the "Near" and "Far" side of Ike JOOL STS-2 Deploy 3 Sattelites around Laythe and Tylo each JOOL STS-3 Land on Tylo and construct a surface base JOOL STS-4 Land on Laythe and construct a surface base JOOL STS-5 Dive inside Jool's atmosphere (Maybe like at 50k alt or something idk) JOOL STS-6 Land on all 5 of Jool's moons and deploy a science pack on them (or something) EVE STS-2 From orbit construct a comm array EVE STS-3 From orbit construct a surface base EVE STS-4 Eve Space Station EVE STS-5 Do Gilly stuff EVE STS-6 (super WIP) Land on eve and make it back to orbit (Refueling both at surface and orbit station? Should be technically possible...) MINMUS STS-2 Comms Array MINMUS STS-3 Surface Base MINMUS STS-4 Minmus Space station I think these would be easy to make yet provide a lot as we'd be doubling the off-kerbin shuttle work (9, and these new 12 ones) Also while we're at the missions, would it be possible to rearrange the order of the mission listings on the first page from (Kerbin -> Kerbin 9 -> Mun -> Duna -> Jool -> Eve -> Minmus -> Kerbin Test) to (Kerbin -> Kerbin 9 -> Kerbin Test -> Mun -> Minmus -> Duna -> Eve -> Jool) because it's out-of-orderness really drives me mad
  12. Understandable, i'm suprised it works myself, sadly the stuff has to be scaled down (to a height of about 120px btw) to fit the entire thing in, managed to do 6 too lazy to to do the other ones, it's just a test anyways. I'll see if i can polish it later on
  13. I believe i got a feasable solution The megabadge could be divided into squares, where if you click those images it would take you there. Basically it would look like one large imagine but function like a lot of tiny small ones. i'll actually try it out with my signiture (forgive me sturm for a minute) and see if it would actually work. if it does i'll be glad to crop the images and send them over to you if you like how they look!
  14. Simply astounding. I thought i was decent with shuttles but this completely blows me out of the water. This is why i am proud to award you your 23rd Stock-Commander badge, STS-5/8 You have shown us the limits of not just this challange but determination itself. I am honored to judge missions of such preciceness. Anyways, big talk aside i believe you are the only person who have gotten all 23 of the Stock-Commander badges (STS-1c isn't included due to it's exclusiveness) so bravo. I hope as more missions get added you'll be at the forefront of the most kerbal engineering possible With this i am also certain you can use the second all-in-one picture. I originally made it just for fun but it seems that it's got a use only a couple hours later. Thank you for participating and I hope you will continue!
  15. Oh my bad, i'll fix that right away, also my apologies. I looked at your submissions but i saw you had all the badges so i didn't judge them. Could you link your shuttle submission? You submitted a lot of ones P.S. The last one is STS-1c, Don's v5 exclusive christmas-themes mission. I'll include a version without that because it in all fairness a mission not a lot of people completed By the way @sturmhaukeare new missions planned for the other planets? Some new missions for the solar system would be really nice!
  16. I'm not sure if this has been attempted before but this seems like a fun challange. RULES: 1. You may not revert any aircraft or use previous saves (One chance) 2. If an aircraft crashes, ALL PARTS which have been destroyed must not be used ever again. If forexample my rocket touched down hard and destroyed it's landing legs, i cannot use those landing legs in building anymore. There isn't really a win condition as this is more of a gameplay challange not a one-off thing, but if you need one GOALS 1. Build bases on Mün, Minmus, Eve and Duna 2. Descend to Sea-Level on Jool and make it back 3. Go as close to the sun as possible Hopefully this challange can spice up your KSP experience!
  17. A special post, speaking as Artienia not as an Assitant Manager. I compiled all badges for the STSv6 (+1) missions on commander level for those who wish to achieve them all without having it take up too much space. As far as i know only one person has completed and been awarded all 24 of the official badge so this is my own little invitation for all of you to follow on their footsteps! Have fun!
  18. Don't worry, i failed 1b multiple times aswell just for this reason, a person above you failed for similar reasons too so you're not the odd one out. i'd probably simplify the challange (or it's description) but i do not have the authority for that On the bright side at least you're an expert on getting out your new shuttle
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