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Rover 6428

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Everything posted by Rover 6428

  1. The ship comes back The escape pods won't need an escape system as they will go up initially unmanned, meaning there would not be anyone to save during the launch!
  2. That would be awesome. If we have some extra funds left, we will include it. Until then, try to design one that can have a small monetary footprint.
  3. wait, where did the lab module come from? I haven't made it yet
  4. The Plan: 1) Control (Administrative) module [@VA7NFH] 2) Habitation Module 1 [@Rover 6428] 3) Power Array 1 [@MSA] 4) Laboratory Module [@Rover 6428] 5) Science Package [@Johnster_Space_Program] 6) Docking Pier [@Alienwall] 7) Communication Tower [@VA7NFH] 8) Escape pods [@Barzon Kerman] (First Crew arrives [@Barzon Kerman]) 9) Fuel Depot Module [@Johnster_Space_Program] 10) Laboratory Module 2 [@Rover 6428] (Piloted by @Alienwall) 11) Habitation Module 2 [@swjr-swis] 12) Cupola & EVA Modules [@GRS] (Piloted by @Barzon Kerman) 13) Power Array 2 [@MSA] (Second Crew arrives [@fulgur]) (Tourists arrive [[@fulgur]) 14) Science Package [@Johnster_Space_Program] (Piloted by @VA7NFH) If you have issues or suggestions on other modules, dm me. This also applies to the order of launches. Also, It would be nice if the crew members would be named after the participants (like in collaboration station)
  5. Thanks to @swjr-swis and @Johnster_Space_Program, we now have my habitation module!!! this one is 34k and weighs 16.5 tons. This version is a little overweight for Sky III, but too thin for Sky III A, so maybe we could launch multiple modules at once on Sky III A? https://www.dropbox.com/s/8v4n0fvlygy8imv/Rover6428-HabModule.craft?dl=0 Johnster's version is 31k and weighs 14.2 tons. https://www.dropbox.com/s/pa2o79434brtfih/Rover 6428 Hab Module.craft?dl=0 I think it would be best to go with this one.
  6. Yep, That's basically it!!! The only difference is that the RCS tanks were supposed to be on the opposite side of the BATT-Men. But I guess that will do too. Do you mind only putting 2 radiators, removing the middle rcs, adding a couple solar panels on tug, and batteries & rcs tanks on module?? Otherwise, it is awesome, thanks!
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