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Posts posted by MechBFP

  1. 2 hours ago, DMagic said:

    Which version of SCANsat and KSP is this happening in? Some errors in contracts were fixed in the latest version, 18.5, but that only works in KSP 1.4.x.

    Data doesn't carry over from one save to another, it loads the scanning data directly from the save file every time you load a save or change scene.

    Thanks for the info. It is the latest version supported on KSP 1.3.1.

    I figured I would see if anyone else has ever had the isssue before diving too deep into it. When I get a chance I’ll dig around my existing save file and see what I can find, and I’ll also give her a try in 1.4.1 and see if I can reproduce the issue reliably. 

    EDIT: Turns out it was the  minCoverage issue. I manually fixed the files as mentioned in the link above, and everything is fine. Sorry for wasting your time! :(

  2. Hey there, has anyone else ran into an issue with SCANsat were you start a new game and can no longer do contracts for the planets/moons you scanned in the previous game?

    When I started a new game, all the scan maps are blank like I expected, but it appears the SCANsat contracts still "remember" what I did in the previous game as it thinks I already scanned those places and won't offer me the contracts.

    EDIT: I don’t think it is related to the rounding error discussed above, as it is literally every (and only) the planets I scanned in the previous game.

  3. 6 hours ago, Eirhead said:

    My steam is set to automatically update with the newest version. So I think I'm playing with 1.4.1

    I've also started several new games and have the same issue no matter how many different space crafts I build with the Electric Dawn engines. So I don't think going back to the space center will fix it... Besides, I do need the engines to be active while I'm time warping otherwise it's almost pointless to use them since they are intended to go on multi-hour burns. But I'll try it out and see what happens.

    Do you mean the engines don’t work DURING time warp?

    If so, ya that’s normal, no engines work during physics-less warp. 

    If you hold alt plus the increase time warp button, you can do up to 4 times physics warp, which the engines will keep working in. 

  4. I think the blue mun mission wasn’t designed properly. It puts you in an inclined orbit, which has nothing to do with the next objective. 

    Also for “fuel efficiency” it simply tests how MUCH fuel you have remaining, not what percentage of fuel you have remaining, which is illogical as that will vary massively depending on the design. 

  5. Hey there,

    This has happened to me as well, and even though those items don’t show as complete, they actually are (at least in version 1.3.1 that is what happened). 

    As such if you just complete the run, you should be good, as everything will turn to complete once the final objective is met. 

  6. 11 minutes ago, klesh said:

    Haven't been experiencing the same.

    Depends on what you are doing with them, or the ship afterwards. 

    For example eople have reported their ships start shaking and eventually explode after docking, and this is a result of autostruts. 

    If you use too many, your ships can do the same thing shortly after launch. 

    Unless you are very frugal with their usage, and know exactly what you are doing with them, I wouldn’t recommend using them. 

  7. Did you use auto struts when building it?

    I have a feeling your ship is exploding as soon as it loads due to the physics engine kicking in but before you can tell that is what is happening.

    I have never seen a ship just magically have missing parts, ever.

    If you have any mods installed, those might also be causing problems since very few are supported on 1.4.1 yet. 

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