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  1. Valkyrie SSTO Transport Pulsar Supercruise Research Jet Infinity 1111 Ton SSTO VTOL Xplorer SRV Rover Helios Dragon SSTO VTOL
  2. I think one major thing that would make such a series awesome is if you had fixed locations and bases for Jeb to visit, to sort of set the lore. So Jeb would have to get his Antarctic training at the base there.
  3. Well like in real life the difference is that driving is fuel free in space. You can’t hop without fuel, but wheels will spin as long as the sun exists.
  4. Very nice first mission, having back story really makes the game feel way more immersive.
  5. So I imagine once people start making some decent mission builder missions there would be a need for a place to search for and download them. Where will you guys be putting your missions on and how do we find them?
  6. Which updates? KSP works standalone with no DRM so I keep a backup of each version, it’s a tiny game anyway. I’ve been really wanting to get plug and play Track IR working,
  7. You can just move, or mirror the KSP window to your flight simulator seat’s monitor. I use a TV to fly but a monitor to build with screen mirroring, it works fine. I actually use a real life aircraft joystick to fly as well due to familiarity. I highly recommend getting a few modded cockpits and setting up raster prop monitor. Most KSP cockpits have very poor visibility,
  8. Nice, what mod provides the landing lights if you don’t mind me asking? How does it perform during landing? Do you get a slower landing speed?
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