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Everything posted by Barzon

  1. Thank you so much @sevenperforce ! That has certainly cleared things up for me!
  2. Can someone ELI5 what staged combustion is, and how it is different from full flow combustion, and what full flow combustion even is?
  3. Can I use SolidWorks 2018 to make models that can be used to create custom parts?
  4. Hello, I, for a long while, have wanted to put the stock parts all in their own parts category, but I don't know how? Please, could someone assist me?
  5. They are not, but @Omega482 has stated that they have the intention to add that eventually.
  6. Oh, ok. That's fine then.
  7. Life, don't talk to me about life. @adsii1970
  8. Is there anyway I could use the skybox? Please?
  9. My mom got me this laptop, for around £300 on Ebuyer, and it can run KSP pretty well. I really enjoy it. It is extremely light, but still feels secure, and it has an anti-glare screen, which I find stops my eyes hurting as much. It also has 8GB of RAM.
  10. Oh gosh, I'm retarded, I thought this was the 'Show off your KSP pics thread'.
  11. @DeltaDizzy, what is that skybox? It is beautiful, and could you tell me where to get it please?
  12. Are there radial decouplers for the SRBs? Because if not that would be a very useful part.
  13. Those beautiful pictures made me flip! Bye bye Dragon V2, and F9, and hello Orion and Ares I!
  14. Are there adapter parts for the Orion? If so what do they look like?
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