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Everything posted by Mrpasta44

  1. Both? Deferred has been updated since then and should support the terrain shader in use now, though I'm not totally certain.
  2. Eve, Kerbin and Dunas atmospheres are recalculated for 10x scale, so they will be different but they should act roughly the same when you're in the thick of it. Nothing else is done yet
  3. ive noticed this myself, i just gotta do some adjustments to the Load and Unload Distance in the scatterer planetslist.cfg when 10x scale is used.
  4. I need an excuse to actually play the game, id love to join
  5. If you download from master on Github there is a wip 10x rescale in the settings.cfg file, terrain should look semi-decent too as i tweaked the noise mods for when the setting is enabled. its pretty untested though so id love feedback!
  6. You should be able to use any visual pack that doesn't change the textures of the stock planets, I've seen Spectra and blackracks stock volumetrics working fine so far though I'm uncertain of others.
  7. Would you happen to be using Deferred? The Kerbin revamp isn't using a fancy ultra shader due to there not really being any good textures to use and deferred wont like that. If not then i have no clue without logs
  8. Jool system is being worked on right now and Eeloo will come after cant say for sure how long it will take though
  9. nuh uh Following some severe setbacks (PC went kablooey) I've been hard at work behind the scenes on an update. you should expect to see some new features such as: -Eve and Duna homeswitch, similar to Alien Space Programs. -Built in Rescaler for 2.5x, 5.0625x and 10x scale. -Kerbin, Mun and Minmus Re-revamps: --Kerbin now has many water carved features such as rivers, and its mountains have been tamed down alot. --The Mun is now much more alike our real Moon while still maintaining locations of its craters in stock (and adding some new ones). --And Minmus is just a whole lot cooler. -More that i have forgotten about probably. Due to the whole PC dying thing I lost my Github account, thus its being hosted on another repository now. Its link should be updated by the time i post this. oh and by the way here are some pictures
  10. 0.20 is out now, adding Dres and improving on my Duna and Ike revamp Up on Github now and Spacedock soon Dres Duna
  11. Kerbin is getting a heathy smattering of KK launchsites
  12. did you install the mod through Ckan? There seems to be some people having issues with it. if so, try installing the pack manually, there are links to the dependencies in the README
  13. Thats rather worrying! i already have it fixed in my dev version, but it had never caused such issues for me before! thanks for pointing it out!
  14. most visual mods seem to work fine, have not tested spectra specifically so proceed with caution. yes I would love to, but i have plans of my own (:<
  15. Kerbol has been shrunk down to a more reasonable size yes
  16. The future is now, I've made biome maps for Kerbin, Mun, Minmus, Eve, Gilly and Moho so far. Also coming soon, Kerbol! With a classic looking sunflare from Sushut! (messing with Minmar Kerbin Rings compatibility as well) The next update should have all this, plus Dres and an improved Duna
  17. Had issues with getting them where i wanted so i left them as is for now, expect them to be in pretty spots soon tho <:
  18. They should roughly line up, i am planning on making custom ones in the future
  19. have tested the pack and most visual mods work fine, OPM and MPE work too. mods that edit orbits might not work depending on MM load order I love how your mod looks with mine
  20. 0.10 is here, now with Eve, Gilly and Kerbin! Changes Added Kerbin Added Eve Added Gilly Updated Mun Fixed Minmus PQS (again) Sigma Dimensions compatibility
  21. More pics of upcoming update Kerbin Mun Eve and Gilly thank you so much for totm
  22. works fine for me <: Kerbin and Eve Progress update!
  23. 0.03 is out now, comes with Duna, Ike and Moho! Changes: - added Duna - Added Ike - Added Moho - Fixed Minmus south pole PQS - Re-boosted Mb - Fixed Scaledspace Meshes
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