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Everything posted by HansonKerman

  1. Liking doesn’t work on my phone, so, LIKE!
  2. Since no-one is answering, I'm starting to think this thread has been totally ignored.
  3. YOU SPELLED MY NAME WROOOONNNNNNNGGGG!!!!!!!!!!!! @The Minmus Derp!!!!!!!
  4. I use my back up: Peeko and Liosen.
  6. Pika-weirdness again... @The Minmus Derp
  7. Pretty sure no Pokemon there. That's against the rules. The building has to be a building. But, just this once. ...that is the size of a Pokéball.
  8. https://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Flabébé_(Pokémon) Links.
  9. Banned for Derailing This Thread. https://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Flabébé_(Pokémon)
  10. https://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Flabébé_(Pokémon).
  11. Bioluminecent moss. We could make meat-flavored yummy meat-veggie SknakSkitiks.
  12. I use Teleport. My Pokémon are fully healed. I take the hill using my Pokémon team: Ditto, Flareon, Jolteon, and of course, my personal favorites, Grass-types. Leafeon, Ivysaur, and the cutest of them all, Flabébé. My (and the Pokémon's) hill.
  13. Technically, yes, but I'm working on the Salvation right now. It has amazing KerbNet speeds though, so kMail me anytime! TUBM sees what I did there.
  14. cookie... i love cookie... please mommy... coookieee...
  15. Hello, fellow travelers who are going to Kerbin! @Ho Lam Kerman
  16. Banned for claiming I’m in your soup. (ban user above/__ in soup)
  17. You’re @RealKerbal3x? @RealKerbal3x
  18. Smoke started generating. ”Dun, dun, dun, dun dadun, dun, dadun,” someone slowly started singing. No one noticed. ”Duun duu duu dundadu dum da dum, dum da dum!” The smoke began to clear, revealing “Acting” Grand Kerbal Samantha. She began to slowly appear and walk down the ramp. Somewhere in the distance, a small explosion sounded. Although it was small, the suddenness of the explosion made Samantha jump, trip on the ramp, and go rolling into the wall of R&D. As Jeb helped her up, Samantha said, “Well, that completely ruined the drama. And I think I have a small bruise on my left arm.” And everyone agreed. About the drama thing, at least.
  19. mommy.. I ate my cookie... could you please make me some more?
  20. Granted. Once you get to the kitchen, you drop your plate, sshhaatteerriinngg iitt.. Ii wwiisshh tthhaatt tthhee ccoommppuutteerr--ffiixxeerr ttoo ffiixx mmyy kkeeyyss oonn tthhee ccoommppuutteerr..
  21. Meowth, the Scratch Cat Pokémon. A Normal-type. It sleeps a lot during the daytime and during the nighttime becomes active, moving around its territory. Ghost-types are strong against Normal-types. I use my Haunter. Hill taken. Also, my Haunter is technically the king, so don't think about using your puny Normal-types on me.
  22. True. TUBM has an idea of who I am by now.
  23. Banned for banning the person who banned himself for your sake.
  24. Banned myself for even thinking about banning @RealKerbal3x.
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