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Everything posted by HansonKerman

  1. 8/10 Nice and daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaāaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrkkkk.
  2. Number of errors on BSODNumber of errors on BSODNumber of errors on BSOD積極。。。。。。。 ajfosdajoaif aijfioasdf ABA-DOONGY GADE THEN THIS APPERAR AAJKLD WAHTTT????
  3. Banned for probably not knowing what a bluesuit means.
  4. I find Celebi, the Time Travel Pokémon (somehow), teleport into the future, go to Mars Duna, and make a hill there. MY future hill.
  5. Always put your Kerbals' thoughts first. What would they like in the rocket/movie set? What would they not like? All essential factors. No probe control without signal. 3. Don't kill Kerbals. I cannot stress that enough. 4. Only on "simulation flights" shall someone revert to VAB/SPH. Real flights, if they fail, they fail. 5. Always use farings unless I don't need to. 6. TweakScale is allowed. 7. Movie sets need not be to scale.\ Maybe more.
  6. The fun parts about creating a Kerbal with the same username as you in your fanfic:


    1. You get to have the same rank, so you don't have to think up your own thing.
    2. Same with Location.
    3. You don't have to think up a profile picture. You just need to take a screenshot of your Kerbal!
  7. Filling up the Tank, a paper on Glitch digestion, an excerpt. When the Glitch eat, food is collected and broken down... As the food ferments, methane... is released and collected. The methane is then burnt, and the heat created powers a gas turbine. As such, each Glitch has his/her own internal combustion engine. You don't want to know the rest.
  8. Fun light and cleaver burrs (The pot ruled his mettle)
  9. It's called a Glitch. It's a race in the sci-fi-fi game Starbound. It's super awesome. @ARS 5/10 not sure, so I don't want to say if it's good or bad. I dunno.
  10. Repetitive phrase referring to a metal starting with 'I' and ending with 'n'.
  11. “You say, that I don’t have an influence? HA! my influence is the primal fear that is inspired in kerbals when they see my mission plans! I have access to the config files of the game. WHOS YOUR GOD NOW?! HAHHAHAHAHHAHHAHHAHHAHAHHAHAAHHAHHHHAHHAHAHHAHHAHHAHHAHHAAHHAHHAHHAHHAHHAHHAHAHHHAAHAHHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHA! -Fraston, on his power of fear hehehehehheheh
  12. “You say, that I don’t have an influence? HA! my influence is the primal fear that is inspired in kerbals when they see my mission plans! I have access to the config files of the game. WHOS YOUR GOD NOW?! HAHHAHAHAHHAHHAHHAHHAHAHHAHAAHHAHHHHAHHAHAHHAHHAHHAHHAHHAAHHAHHAHHAHHAHHAHHAHAHHHAAHAHHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHA! -Fraston, on his power of fear He he he
  13. 4.8987878789999911100000/10 points. Tries to hard to strike fear into my dear Kerbals.
  14. Of course, my mechanized machine that has a very slight bug in programming's CPU.
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