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  1. I've noticed some low res terrain around cliffs. https://imgur.com/a/y8NlS8E Other terrain looks great (2nd pic foreground), and from a distance it all looks great (3rd pic), but it seems like the rougher terrain is stuck at a lower res. Screenshots are from Dak but I also noticed this on Gilly. I'm coming back to the game after a bit of a break so I can't remember, is this normal?
  2. Why does performance degrade so much then in anth's tests? The vessels in his tests were made of one probe core and a bunch of truss segments to reduce strain on the resource system. The only resources present are the EC for one command pod per vessel(10 pods total in his biggest test), and they weren't changing. Is there some thermal calculation being done despite thermals not being implemented yet? I would struggle to understand there being separate orbital calculations per part rather than per vessel. What is being calculated, then, if not the physics? I also find it curious that the way KSP2 frame time scales per anth's tests for parts on different vessels looks very similar to the way they scaled in KSP1 with one x-thousand part vessel rendered in in the scene, per stratzenblitz's benchmarks (and that was with engines running and fuel drain, vs static truss segment vessels in Anth's tests).
  3. T_T I guess I'm one of the three people that really liked that mechanic then, particularly with trimodal/bimodal nukes. Coming back to the game after that was patched out, I tried to recreate that functionality but haven't been able to figure it out.
  4. Hey, my main career save is on exactly the same KSP version with JNSQ and Parallax too! o/ So I found there's a pretty easy gameplay fix for flares, just open map view and they'll display properly when you switch back. You do have to do this each time you load a new scene though.
  5. I've loved this mod for years, but recentlyish realized that I was not seeing planetary flares anymore... they would only appear at the far right or left edges of my screen, as seen in this vid with Duna: https://i.imgur.com/xOggZ1s.mp4 I spent a few hours tinkering, tried messing around with all the settings to no avail, but incidentally discovered that disabling Dynamic Skybox Dimming makes it so the flares don't ever appear. It seems that something in Parallax does this; as I've been able to replicate with only DOE and parallax installed, while it was working normally with all my other usual graphics mods installed. It occasionally works normally even with parallax installed, but I haven't been able to find a pattern to this, and changing the scene makes it broken again.
  6. I made a little MM patch to add BV controllers to every command module, but then had the problem that my Bon Voyage control panel was full of irrelevant craft, as all the modules start out active. I eventually found with a small addition I can make it so the pods initialize with the BV controller inactive: @PART[*]:HAS[@MODULE[ModuleCommand]]:AFTER[BonVoyage] { //gets rid of existing BV modules so you don't end up with doubles !MODULE[BonVoyageModule]{} //adds BV controller to every part MODULE { name = BonVoyageModule } //makes it so it starts out inactive @MODULE[BonVoyageModule] { shutdown = True } } I already had many craft with their modules active, but was able to fix that without too much trouble with multiline find and replace in notepad ++, changing all the shutdown = False in the BonVoyageModules to shutdown = true. Just posting this here in case anyone else runs into the same issues.
  7. Any idea if it's possible to disable the stock alarm clock feature? It's inferior to KAC and its buttons often get in the way when I'm trying to make nodes. Also, would it be possible to disable this maneuver thing which I believe was introduced with the maneuver tool. They always pop up over the Pitch/Yaw/Roll indicators, which I never want covered up
  8. I've noticed that I don't seem to be getting mach effects (besides sonic booms) in this release. Like, if I take off with the camera locked in front of the craft and accelerate past mach 1, in the previous version, the sound would weaken and disappear almost entirely at mach 1. Now it seems unchanged. Same for crossing into and out of the sonic cone when flying at supersonic speeds, I'll hear the boom, but there seems to be no change in sound otherwise, whereas it previously would be the transition either between engine sounds and silence.
  9. Did it ever play nicely with water? I don't think there's been development on it for years, people just take it as is.
  10. Anyone have a good control scheme for a custom Starship-like reentry with airbrakes? Ideally, I'd use normal procedural wing flaps as airbrakes, but I don't know how to get them to respond that way to control input or SAS, rather than as normal control surfaces, even if I have the control point facing the right way. And breaking ground robotics work badly with FAR.
  11. Thanks so much! I'm pretty sure this update fixed a weird, fatal bug that caused consistent crashes and had halted my heavily modded career game.
  12. Funny, I'm having a different issue when Kopernicus spawns an asteroid. It closes my FAR UI window, with no fps impact afaik. It doesn't seem to have anything to do with IVA for me. My log does this when it happens: [LOG 06:48:32.579] [Kopernicus] New object found near Kerbin: Ast. FBA-905! [LOG 06:48:32.591] [FAR v0.16.1.1]: FARVesselAero on Ast. FBA-905 (unloaded) reporting startup [LOG 06:48:32.607] [PR] Generating data for Ast. FBA-905
  13. Edit: I figured out Kerbalism causes this; it happens when a crewed craft consumes the last of its water. Dunno how to fix it but I can just avoid that condition. So I have a very weird one, pretty much just hoping someone's run into the same and knows what it is because it's so nonspecific. At seemingly random, but specific "fatal" ingame times, KSP will freeze and just stop responding, with the cursor turning into the windows progress circle like this. It doesn't seem to correlate with any system stress, can happen when I have plenty of CPU, GPU, and, RAM to spare, and I haven't found any pattern in the game logs (but they don't seem to capture the cause of the crash). I've tried leaving the game open for an hour and coming back with no changes; after it happens I can only end the process. But it happens at a certain ingame time consistently, which I've noticed because I left kerbal alarm clock open and noticed the same time left to an alarm at the moment of freeze. Once this happens, it will reliably happen again at the same time (or the frame after it if timewarping) once I restart the save. It doesn't matter which vessel I'm on, or if I'm in the KSC or tracking station. If I restart the game, enter the save, and time warp straight to the fatal time, I will crash right away. Or I can do other things in the save for hours no problem until I hit the fatal time. I can eventually get past the fatal time by using time warp, but this seems to fail 95% of the time. I've had it happen in the middle of a spaceplane reentry and was eventually able to physical timewarp past it. Once I'm past it, I'm usually fine for days of gameplay before it happens again. Anyone seen anything like this? Mod list: ABookCase Orbital Reference System (ABCORS Adjustable Mod Panel (KAMP) by Morse (AdjustableModPanel 1: Antenna Helper (AntennaHelper 2: AT Utils (AT-Utils v1.10.1) AtmosphereAutopilot (Fly-By-Wire) (AtmosphereAutopilot v1.6.0) AttitudeAdjuster (AttitudeAdjuster 1.2) B9 Aerospace Procedural Wings - Fork (B9-PWings-Fork 3: B9 Part Switch (B9PartSwitch v2.20.0) ballisticfox's lukewarm TUFX (BallisticFoxsLukewarmTUFXProfile V0.8.1) ballisticfox's neutral TUFX profile (BallisticFoxsNeutralTUFXProfile V1.3) BetterBurnTime (BetterBurnTime 1.10) BetterTimeWarpContinued (BetterTimeWarpCont 2.3.13) BonVoyage (BonVoyage 1:1.4.1) Breaking Ground (BreakingGround-DLC 1.7.1) CactEye-2 Orbital Telescope Refocused (CactEyeCommunityRefocused Chatterer (Chatterer 0.9.99) Chatterer Extended (ChattererExtended 0.6.2) ClickThrough Blocker (ClickThroughBlocker 1: Community Category Kit (CommunityCategoryKit v112.0.1) Community Resource Pack (CommunityResourcePack v112.0.1) Community Tech Tree (CommunityTechTree 1:3.4.4) Community Trait Icons (CommunityTraitIcons v1.1.1) Configurable Containers (ConfigurableContainers Contract Configurator (ContractConfigurator 2.1.4) Contract Pack: Exploration Plus (ContractConfigurator-ExplorationPlus 2.0.1) Contract Pack: GAP for JNSQ (ContractConfigurator-JNSQ-GAP 1.0.4) Contract Pack: Research Advancement Division (ResearchAdvancementDivision 1.2.1) CRFP - CarnationRED Flexible Parts (CarnationREDFlexibleParts Cryo Tanks (CryoTanks 1.6.5) Cryo Tanks Core (CryoTanks-Core 1.6.4) Custom Barn Kit (CustomBarnKit Custom Pre Launch Checks (CustomPreLaunchChecks Dated QuickSaves (DatedQuickSaves 1.2.5) Deployable Engines Plugin (DeployableEngines 1.3.1) Distant Object Enhancement /L (DistantObject v2.1.1.9) Distant Object Enhancement /L default config (DistantObject-default v2.1.1.9) Dock Rotate (DockRotate v1.12.1.55) Double Tap Brakes (DoubleTapBrakes Draggable Altimeter (DraggableAltimeter v1.1.0) Dynamic Battery Storage (DynamicBatteryStorage 2: Easy Vessel Switch (EVS) (EasyVesselSwitch 2.3) Editor Extensions Redux (EditorExtensionsRedux Engine Lighting Relit (EngineLightRelit Environmental Visual Enhancements Redux (EnvironmentalVisualEnhancements 3: EVA Enhancements Continued (EVAEnhancementsContinued EvaFollower (EvaFollower 1: Far Future Technologies (FarFutureTechnologies 1.2.0) Ferram Aerospace Research Continued (FerramAerospaceResearchContinued 3: Fill It Up (FillitUp Final Frontier (FinalFrontier 1.10.0-3485) Flight Manager for Reusable Stages (FMRS) Continued (FMRSContinued Flight Tracker (FlightTracker Hangar Extender (HangerExtenderExtended Harmony 2 (Harmony2 Heat Control (HeatControl 0.6.1) Hide Empty Tech Tree Nodes (HideEmptyTechNodes 1.3.2) HyperEdit (HyperEdit Interstellar Fuel Switch (InterstellarFuelSwitch 3.30.0) Interstellar Fuel Switch Core (InterstellarFuelSwitch-Core 3.30.0) JNSQ (JNSQ 0.10.2) JX2Antenna (JX2Antenna 2.0.5) KARE (KARE 1.1.1) Keep It Straight (KeepItStraight 1.4.0) Kerbal Actuators (KerbalActuators v1.8.4) Kerbal Alarm Clock (KerbalAlarmClock v3.14.0.0) Kerbal Atomics (KerbalAtomics 1:1.3.3) Kerbal Atomics - Liquid Fuel Only (KerbalAtomics-NTRsUseLF 1.3.3) Kerbal Attachment System (KAS 1.12) Kerbal Changelog (KerbalChangelog v1.4.2) Kerbal Construction Time (KerbalConstructionTime 1: Kerbal Engineer Redux (KerbalEngineerRedux Kerbal Inventory System (KIS 1.29) Kerbal Inventory System - No Fun (KerbalInventorySystemNoFun 1: Kerbal Konstructs (KerbalKonstructs v1.8.4.0) Kerbal Space Transport System (KSTS 2.0.3) Kerbalism (Kerbalism 3.16) Kerbalism - Default Config (Kerbalism-Config-Default 3.16) Kerbalism Companion Calculator (KerbalismCompanionCalculator v1.3.0) Kopernicus Expansion Continued - Common (KopernicusExpansionContinued-Common release-1.7.1-5) Kopernicus Expansion Continued - EVA Footprints (KopernicusExpansionContinued-EVAFootprints release-1.7.1-5) Kopernicus Planetary System Modifier (Kopernicus 2:release-1.12.1-139) KRASH - Kerbal Ramification Artifical Simulation Hub (simulation mod for KSP) (KRASH Kronometer (Kronometer v1.12.0.2) KSP Community Fixes (KSPCommunityFixes 1.24.3) KSP Recall (KSP-Recall v0.3.0.1) KSP Rescue Pod Fix (KSPRescuePodFix KSP_PartVolume (KSP-PartVolume LightsOut Relit (LightsOutRelit v0.3.0.2) MagiCore (MagiCore MechJeb 2 (MechJeb2 MechJeb and Engineer for all! (MechJebForAll Mk1-Cabin-Hatch (Mk1CabinHatch 1.0.1) Mk2 Stockalike Expansion (Mk2Expansion 2: Mk3 Stockalike Expansion (Mk3Expansion ModularFlightIntegrator (ModularFlightIntegrator Module Manager (ModuleManager 4.2.2) Near Future Aeronautics (NearFutureAeronautics 2.1.1) Near Future Electrical (NearFutureElectrical 1.2.3) Near Future Electrical - Decaying RTGs (NearFutureElectrical-DecayingRTGs 1.2.3) Near Future Electrical Core (NearFutureElectrical-Core 1.2.3) Near Future IVA Props (NearFutureProps 1:0.7.1) Near Future Launch Vehicles (NearFutureLaunchVehicles 2.2.0) Near Future Propulsion (NearFuturePropulsion 1.3.5) Omega's Stockalike Structures: No Textures Required (StockalikeStructures 0.0.12) Parallax (Parallax 2.0.6) Parallax - Stock Planet Textures (Parallax-StockTextures 2.0.0) Parallax - Stock Scatter Textures (Parallax-StockScatterTextures 2.0.1) Parking Brake (ParkingBrake 0.4.4) Part Angle Display Continued (PADContinued PersistentRotation Upgraded (PersistentRotationUpgraded Planes With Purposes (ContractConfigurator-PlanesWithPurposes 1.5) PlanetShine (PlanetShine PlanetShine - Default configuration (PlanetShine-Config-Default Pood's Deep Star Map Skybox (PoodsDeepStarMap v.1.3.0) Portrait Stats (PortraitStats 18.0) Precise Node (PreciseNode 1.2.12) Procedural Parts (ProceduralParts v2.4.1) QuickBrake (QuickBrake 1: QuickGoTo (QuickGoTo 1: QuickStart (QuickStart 1: Rational Resources (RationalResources 1.42) Rational Resources Companion (RationalResourcesCompanion 1.42) Rational Resources Kerbalism (RationalResourcesKerbalism 1.40) RCS Build Aid (RCSBuildAid v1.0.6) Real Plume (RealPlume 2:v13.3.2) Real Plume - Stock Configs (RealPlume-StockConfigs v4.0.8) RecoveryController (RecoveryController Reentry Particle Effect Renewed (ReentryParticleEffect ReStock (ReStock 1.4.3) Rocket Sound Enhancement (RocketSoundEnhancement 0.9.6) Rocket Sound Enhancement - Default (RocketSoundEnhancement-Config-Default 1.2.4) Routine Mission Manager (RoutineMissionManager 1: Sandcastle (Sandcastle v1.1.1) SCANsat (SCANsat v20.4) scatterer (Scatterer 3:v0.0772) Scatterer Default Config (Scatterer-config 3:v0.0838) Scatterer Sunflare (Scatterer-sunflare 3:v0.0838) Sensible Screenshot (SensibleScreenshot SmokeScreen - Extended FX Plugin (SmokeScreen Space Age (SpaceAge v1.3.7) Space Dust (SpaceDust 0.4.4) SpaceTux Library (SpaceTuxLibrary Station Keeping (StationKeeping 1: Stock Waterfall Effects (StockWaterfallEffects 0.7.0) Stockalike Station Parts Expansion Redux (StationPartsExpansionRedux 2.0.10) Stockalike Station Parts Expansion Redux - Internal Spaces (StationPartsExpansionRedux-IVAs 2.0.10) System Heat (SystemHeat 0.6.0) System Heat - Nuclear Engine Configuration (SystemHeat-FissionEngines 0.6.0) System Heat - Nuclear Reactor Configuration (SystemHeat-FissionReactors 0.6.0) System Heat - Resource Converter Configuration (SystemHeat-Converters 0.6.0) System Heat - Resource Harvester Configuration (SystemHeat-Harvesters 0.6.0) TAC Fuel Balancer (TacFuelBalancer v2.21.5.2) TextureReplacer (TextureReplacer v4.5.3) Textures Unlimited (TexturesUnlimited Toolbar Controller (ToolbarController 1: TooManyOrbits (TooManyOrbits Trajectories (Trajectories v2.4.3) Transfer Window Planner (TransferWindowPlanner v1.8.0.0) TriggerAu Flags (TriggerAu-Flags v2.11.0.0) TUFX (TUFX TweakScale - Rescale Everything! (TweakScale v2.4.6.16) TweakScale Redistributable (TweakScale-Redist v2.4.6.16) Un Kerballed Start (UnKerballedStart .1.3.2) VariantPersist (VariantPersist 1.1) WalkAbout (WalkAbout 1:v0.1.8.7) Waterfall - Restock (WaterfallRestock 0.2.3) Waterfall Core (Waterfall 0.9.0) WaypointManager (WaypointManager Who Am I? (WhoAmI 1.4.0) WildBlueCore (WildBlueCore v1.2.3) Wwwwwwwww (Wwwwwwwww Zero MiniAVC (ZeroMiniAVC 1:
  14. After playing around with this a bit, I have to say incredible job to all of you! As someone recently trying to get the ideal setup playing at various scales (2.5x, 3.2x, 6.4x, 10.625x) most of my KSP time, I'd say you've gotten the balance just perfect for a great experience with stock parts. There are some subtleties I've noticed that make it better than any of those rescales. I had thought 2.5x was ideal until I played 3.2x, which was better (but also starting to get dreary timewise) but this scale manages to take the best of both worlds, as while worlds are smaller than 3.2x, the flatter atmosphere height (at 85km, it's less deep than 2.5 or 3.2x) makes for harsher reentries, so your mk1 pod NEEDS a heat shield to survive, which was not the case in either of the above. I'm now struggling to figure out how to reenter a craft holding 3 kerbals in early career without exploding. It's also a perfect scale/shape for more realistic rockets with stock parts; my assessment generally involves building some test endgame rocket and spaceplane SSTOs and seeing what's possible. A Twin Boar stack can barely SSTO an mk1-3 command pod, and surviving reentry is out of the question. While a mammoth based rocket might have the margins to SSTO a single mk1-3 command pod and return, surviving reentry would probably still be a problem. On the spaceplane side, a stock refueling SSTA (minus Eve, of course, maybe Moho, and dunno about the new Tylo or other new worlds/changes) is much harder but still possible, so my spaceplane love will still be satisfied :D. I love the trend toward realism graphically; it's especially refreshing not to have to deal with the scatterer artifacts with rescaled worlds, or clouds poking through terrain in rescales. The graphics quality is an obvious upgrade, but the more realistic look with flatter land just looks gorgeous (and that crazy new sunflare), and allows for lower orbits as well, which feels more realistic/majestic too. I haven't explored more than a bit of Mun and Minmus, but love what I've seen. Overall, extremely well done. Compatibility with all the major mods out of the box is a nice bonus. This is of a quality like the NF mods and Restock. It's so nice to be able to start a career without having to spend a week tweaking and making things compatible/balanced, or with the confidence that major things won't break halfway in, and explore a largely new system while at it. My only question/suggestion for now is why does Kerbin have no rivers? I think they would go along with the realistic design direction while also being very interesting to fly in/around.
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