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  1. What bewing suggested can be done of course, only if your quicksave is miles away from a lunar interception. If your plummeting into the inner solar system from Jool you can intercept the Mun and use precise node mod to fine tune so the slingshot makes you hit the atmosphere while losing 100+ m/s or so. But you have to intercept the mun from the proper angle to have a effect. Question: which parts heat up? If it's a specific part then perhaps you can shield it by aerobraking in the atmosphere at a specific angle. I know many parts heat up more if they're exposed to a greater frontal cross section. That means that a cockpit nose heats up more if it hits the atmosphere at a attack angle. That is what you would want to slow down. However, if it doesn't have enough stopping power using to little wings the part may overheat. You can do 2 things. pitch and roll while going through the lower atmosphere your aiming for to actuate the vessel in a spin roll to distribute the heat blast over all cross sectional areas. This means you wont have as much stopping power but you will be able to dive in deeper. Best is to use a attack angle and as soon as the heat bar reaches near max you start rolling and pitching. Or... you can activate spoilers on the elevons as soon as the heat bar reaches max and just keep the nose pointed to prograde and use the spoilers as airbrakes to decelerate. This might not be calibrated and lift balance might tumble the vessel, but that should actually be helpful as that would make the vessel actuate automatically and help stopping. The most stopping power while expending Delta-V is when your are closest to Pe with the oberth effect. So if you use the tumble technique and your well inside the atmosphere and you happen to roll in relation to retrograde from time to time then try to use Z and X keys to quikly full and stop throttling when the nose is near retrograde as that would give the most stopping power. Since you'd couple a deeper dive made possible by tumbling, activated spoilers and retro burns near pe in case the nose happens to tumble the proper way then it might be enough to capture into a orbit. If only a few m/s extra are necessary you can always EVA and push the vessel, it may take to much time but it's always doable. Just rotate the vessel flat body to retro grade and EVA push the vessel facing towards kerbin on the Center of Mass. If any of the steps are not reproducable you can fuel flow any left over monoprop or liquid fuel to stabilize the vessel.
  2. I believe it's "T" on the keyboard. You can also click the offset icon in the top left corner and it will change offset between local and absolute shown on the icon.
  3. I often stick MK2 bays underneath the mk3 cargo bay's. Select mk2 fuel tank to mirror symmetry, attach to the hull and move rotate them under the belly. Properly moved they should blend in well to create a nice looking underbelly. Then just put elevon hydrofoils underneath or to the sides. The only design problem is that the CoM isn't through the middle of the cargo bay's so you should play with the engine layout for the proper center of thrust but that's it.
  4. Yes, I don't see it's "mandatory" or logical for "stock" KSP and the OP mentions 3x rescale but that isn't stock KSP. Engine variations should specialize themselves in different ways and a 330-340ISP rapier would be a turboramjet with high isp rocket capabilities doing multiple roles at once. The most economical way is for a SSTO space plane is to be a SSTO. That means it hauls stuff to and from orbit, going elsewhere is less efficient. That means Rapiers by function should should only be used as the rocket part of a space plane to and from orbit. The only other option is sending one to Laythe, but that is the only case whereby you'd use the LV-N anyway, at least, that is the most sensible option. In most circumstances the rapier space plane has 1500-1600m/s velocity until closed cycle mode with burned off fuel it nearly always have enough TWR not to bother coupled with the lift effect. Also, since your close to orbital velocity you have little delta-v needed and at 30-39Km use much of the oberth effect. MECO is suspected to be within 35-45Km depending on space plane flight path. Giving the Rapier a ISP buff would do little to have any effect and it's better to bring a LV-N anyway or use another dedicated vessel with Rhino, poodle or skipper. Adding more thrust also means larger rocket nozzles on the Rapier, while having extended nozzles for extra ISP, so that's 2 Buff's to make it a engine on par and better then many others. Rapier shouldn't be used for VTOL and whiplashes work quite decently, and, gets you to orbit. For VTOL SSTO I typically use as little wings since you have so much more thrust anyway you don't need as much and couple it with some vectors or aerospike's depending on weight.
  5. Minmus can be done easily also. Minmus has a inclination which crosses Kerbins inclination. Zoom out of map view while focused at kerbin to see Minmus orbit line. Set minmus as target and watch the AN/DN lines. You see the An and Dn marked on opposite sides of the Minmus orbit. What you want to do is meet minmus at the AN or DN itself. This can be done easily since it takes about one quarter orbit for minmus to revolve around Kerbin, in the same time it takes a spaceship to meet Minmus orbit from LKO. So determine the AN/DN of minmus relative to kerbin orbit and launch your vessel when Minmus is one quarter orbit from AN/DN. Do this the same way as if you were going to the Mun by waiting for Minmus to rise above the horizon and then burn. Makes sure your final orbit reaches a little bit further past Minmus. Quicksave or custom save halfway and see if your aproach was correct. If Minmus takes to long to catch up while you get there reload and increase your burn on the prograde by a few m/s and see if you'll meet up the 2nd time. Also verify if your AN/DN is spot on at arrival once getting there. Minmus is very small but it's very far away from Kerbin so it has a relatively large SOI considering it's size, as long as you'll enter the SOI you have the navigational aids to do a landing, by most cases shouldn't cost much more in fuel then using a maneuver node.
  6. Jet speed involves 3 things. Jet thrust! Aerodynamics! and Wing incidence. Jet thrust should be about 15Ton per Whiplash, you can do up to 25 Ton but then you are tweaking every optimization there is so stick to 15Ton. Aerodynamics: Use as few stacks as possible. One stack is a single end to end fuselage. Try to use only tapered ends like 1.25 to 2.5m or 0.625 to 1.25m. Dont put external parts unto the plane except wings, landing gear and a ladder (optionally) all the rest in cargo bays or you suffer drag and wont achieve the speed you want. Wing incidence is the angle of the wing versus the chord line. Using the rotation tool in the editor you can rotate the wing so that it moves slightly up at a incline. This means the plane does not need the same pitch, or none at all so it can keep the nose staying at prograde for reduced drag.
  7. They'd say : "I play with near and FFT" or say "I play with FAR and FFT" and never mention far in the first place. And almost nobody uses Near by reading posts, perhaps I'm wrong It is indeed a large mod, when is Nertea to conclude it is finished I don't know. But since it's quite decently packed and near finished it might draw much attention as a pre-release.
  8. I'm playing mostly JNSQ myself. Heavily modded it could prove testification to something more difficult but doable since stock parts in 2.7x work fine.
  9. I'd say go for Mk3 for the carrier with the crane. It isn't the most hydrodynamic, however it has very good crash tolerance of 50m/s and are larger bulky parts. If a crane is used you need some mass in order not to capsize. This means hitting the water or driving out of the water at speed wont ever destroy the vessel. Stage activated Vector engines are the best sinkable parts. That means a Vector that is staged sinks faster then one that isn't staged? What?? Yeah, what indeed Out of all the ore tanks the radial one is the densest, so if you want as much heavier then water mass kg for kg you should use those. For submarines the SM-25 making history service module is the most hydrodynamic. It doesn't sink but you can stuff it full of Vectors or ore ballast. It also fits inside the Mk3 cargo bay. Best would be to emerge from the water inside a center mk3 cargo bay with a piston to tow it back into the cargo bay. As for engines, I'd go with the Goliath. 2 reasons... 1: It is the most efficient. People want to go very fast on water but the faster you want to go the more power you need exponentially so the less distance capable to travel. Building a high quality hydrofoil or small footprint catamaran will be most efficient when coupling with the Goliath. Best is to make a high quality prop for infinite action radius. 2: The other reason is that the Goliath is very buoyant. So if you place them slightly on top of the water it will help with floating and stability. It will slow down the vessel so only use them when peed is not your goal.
  10. You don't need to install them manually. You can download and use CKAN. Also the actual dependencies for realism overhaul are smokescreen, real fuel, real heat, real chutes and advanced jet engines . The mod page was written for back in year (what?) Kerbal joint reinforcement is substituted with the in game autostruts system since then. But KJR can still be used optionally and is easier to use by all means. Ferram aerospace is also optional since we now have real atmospheres. All the other mods listed are optional in any case. You better discard holding on to it and find a collection of part packs that simulate the type of space plane you want that the list shows. Not all of them are up to date and many others work excellent in RSS also like near future mods and KSPIE. Also read mod early and last pages to see if people report using it in RSS for your particular version.
  11. Combined with Realism overhaul people often use RSS. This is the mod that changes planets to real sizes and densities. People also use principia that substitutes patch conics with real newtonian trajectories taking into account tidal forces, different bodies within their combined sphere (no more SOI's) As for realism overhaul, what it exactly does is described detailed at the release page you shared. So go and look there. Most notably it adds a collection of real engine types and the mod page suggests certain mod packs that work well with realism overhaul. It has a few dependencies that make the realism overhaul pack whole. Namely real fuel so the newly added engines don't use LF/O but RP1 or LH2O instead.
  12. Use Rigid attachment on the docking ports. This can be done in flight. Enable advanced tweakables in the main menu general settings to enable that option when right clicking any part (except experiments and batteries)
  13. Real planes for which FBW is created tend not to purposely stall and thus fall backwards, ever. So why the comparison? Since FBW is created for actual planes and not KSP the point is moot. If you are intending to stall your ksp plane to fall backward your playing the game wrong and false FBW inputs are of consequence. AFAIK when a emergency happens beyond a specific flight plan it disengages the autopilot. The more modern the FBW is on such craft the more safety measures it has in that regard. But even all functions aren't present on dedicated payware flight sim aircraft so why babble about the perfect details when a potential new FBW autopilot version is logically a simple one. More or less a Gramax version with added tweaks, easier UI perhaps and a stock skin. KSP's legacy is stock alike simple features with expectation of low level intuition. If your FBW errors when stalling and falling backwards you should disengage the autopilot, not ask for sophisticated code to make it do automatic switching miracles.
  14. My idea was inspired by the inner lock mod. The problem with stock docking ports is that if you decouple you require to be some distance away for the docking port to re-activate. Some people dislike this because you want to re-dock a mechanism, even with the new parts that may still be useful. Instead, deactivate stock docking ports and then have a context menu option to re-activate the docking port at will with toggle on/off action group options.
  15. Since I never use them I come across the fact that the Sabre engine produces less thrust in closed cycle compared to airbreathing. In airbreathing I get about 1100kN of thrust but when changing to closed cycle it produces 800kN of thrust. According to the engine stats that is supposed to be exactly right. I'm used to rapiers where closed cycle produces more thrust, so is the only method adding extra engines or is there a trick I'm unaware of like taking a prerequisite flight path? If additional engines are used may you recommend which ones from whatever mod pack as long as they're modern or near futuristic?
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