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Everything posted by Kwebib

  1. Sweet, thanks. My programming knowledge is rudimentary (MATLAB is about it). The line under DATA is saying to include 4 random experiments in the contract, and the line under REQUIREMENT is saying you must have at least 4 experiments available for the line under DATA to pick at random. Is that correct?
  2. Thanks for the great mod! On the first page of this thread you mention there is not currently a way to disable certain contracts. Is this still the case? Also, I noticed you said something about adjusting the requirements for contracts to show up. I'm trying to disable the KSC science contracts, but I'm not sure what to change in the .cfg file. Is it something from these lines? DATA { type = List<ScienceSubject> hidden = true scienceSubjectsTemp1 = AllScienceSubjectsByBiomeExperiment(@biomes, @experiments) scienceSubjects = @scienceSubjectsTemp1.Where(s => s.CollectedScience() == 0.0).Random(4) } REQUIREMENT { type = Expression title = Must have valid experiments to run at KSC. expression = @/scienceSubjects.Count() == 4 }
  3. Great mod. Thanks for putting this together. Do you think the Swivel and Valiant should be swapped in the tech tree, though? // Switch "Valiant" and "Swivel" @PART[liquidEngine2] { @TechRequired = generalRocketry } @PART[liquidEngineT15]:NEEDS[MissingHistory]:AFTER[MissingHistory] { @TechRequired = basicRocketry }
  4. Yes, the reflections are broken, but not everything is. I have been using TRR in 1.4.1 to replace the skybox and had to turn off the visor reflections in the config.
  5. I have lurked these forums forever. Made an account just because I think I know the answer to this. The reflections appear to be broken in KSP 1.4. However, you can disable them and get rid of the pink visor in the TRR Config (the file is called "@TRR_Default.cfg"). Search for this line and change it to false: isVisorReflectionEnabled = true
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