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Everything posted by Kwebib

  1. Can you tell me what the 1728 in "Reconditioning Effect" means? I have set my overall multiplier higher to take longer to build rockets, but I want to bring the reconditioning down some.
  2. All the custom patches I have that use @PART are working, but for some reason I can't get edits to EXPERIMENT_DEFINITION to work. For testing purposes, I've tried this and it doesn't work: @EXPERIMENT_DEFINITION[*]:HAS[#id[temperatureScan]]:FINAL { @baseValue = 4000 @scienceCap = 4000 } The thermometer still gives the stock science value. Any ideas?
  3. I like that it's part of the regular part selector, though. Nice to see the part images. As part of the funds override that you're working on, do you plan to give a partial refund of discarded parts? Like maybe 5-10% of their original value?
  4. Not sure about 1.3.1. Older versions here: https://github.com/jrossignol/ContractConfigurator/releases
  5. Would it be possible to have a full list of all inventory parts in the GUI in the editor? Maybe on a separate tab or something?
  6. I don't use CKAN and I get the same issue. I adjusted "localPosition" of the flares and/or plumes in-game with the Smokescreen GUI until they looked right. Then I added my changes to the RealPlume-Stock configs. However, when I go back in-game my changes aren't showing up. Not sure what I'm doing wrong if anyone has any pointers. Here is what I did for the Swivel, for example:
  7. Hmm I did have godrays turned off before. I'll have to try that again. Edit: Godrays are off. Atmosphere still looks fine. I'm going to actually try to play this game now that my mods are all updated. If it breaks again I'll start removing mods one by one.
  8. I've since removed all my mods and am adding them back in one by one. I'll get back with you with more pictures once I get it to break again.
  9. Won't have much time until the weekend, unfortunately, but I'll give it a shot soon.
  10. The USI Sounding Rocket configs that user Drew Kerman made don't appear to be working on the just-released version 1.2. The vessel I was using did not have an engine as the root part. I'm on KSP 1.4.2 and only have these two mods installed for troubleshooting: Might be an easy fix. Hope I'm not missing something.
  11. Should be a blue ball that says "PS". If you look under ...\GameData\PlanetShine\Icons that's what they look like.
  12. Go into orbit and turn the mod on and off in the GUI
  13. Can't stand hearing stuff in space, lol. One of my favorite mods. Thanks for the update!
  14. I cannot, for the life of me, get consistent results when trying to troubleshoot this. Some observations: 1) If I remove every one of my mods except scatterer, it goes away. 2) If I remove only scatterer, it goes away. 1) and 2) suggest conflict between scatterer and another mod 3) I can remove every one of my mods except scatterer, reload the game, then exit and put all my mods back in and reload the game and the problem is fixed temporarily. KSP: 1.4.2 Windows 64bit Problem: Strange color gradient in atmosphere Mods installed: Mods Log: Output Log
  15. https://github.com/jrossignol/ContractConfigurator/releases
  16. Sweet! What specifically do you want to test for the antenna failures?
  17. Indeed. You can only cheat yourself in a single-player game. Thanks to the both of you for your mods. It's making career mode so much more interesting.
  18. Ah ok. What if you have, say, some side boosters that you never stage in your test flight. Would those be blocked from inventory while the first, central booster would be added? Or is the first stage the only one that matters?
  19. Ok, this time I only have KCT, SY, OhScrap, and StageRecovery installed. Here is what I did: --- KSP: 1.4.1 Windows 64bit Problem: KCT build time significantly lower after staging the rocket instead of recover only. Mods installed: Mods Reproduction steps: 1) Make this craft in the VAB - Build time is 1d, 4h, 36m, 9s (38169 seconds) 2) Make a quicksave to go back to later (to rule out KCT's build effect) 3) Build, launch, recover only (don't activate or stage anything). 4) Go back into VAB and load the same craft 5) Apply Parts - Build time is 1d, 1h, 10m, 1s (25801 seconds, 68% of original build time) 6) Load quicksave 7) Build, launch, fire engine (but not clamp), recover 8) Repeat step 4 9) Apply Parts - Build time is 0d, 1h, 2m, 59s (3779 seconds, 10% of original build time) Log: Output Log --- This could be intended behavior, but that seems like a pretty large decrease in build time for just firing the engine.
  20. I just posted this in the ScrapYard thread as I thought it was an issue there at first. I also just noticed that this seems to happen in the SPH but not the VAB. I'm confused. Is there some difference in the code between the two buildings? Let me know if I can help troubleshoot in anyway. Edit: I did some more testing and posted my results in the ScrapYard thread: https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/160257-141-scrapyard-the-common-part-inventory-110107-2018-03-18/&do=findComment&comment=3338670
  21. After further testing this seems to be an issue with Oh Scrap. It looks like if you build something and immediately recover it, Oh Scrap still calls the parts "new" (as it should) because they weren't tested. However, the KCT build time remains high because the parts are "new" even though you technically already built them, just didn't test them.
  22. Noticed something strange when using an Airplane Plus craft file from KerbalX. Any idea why this would happen? It became obvious to me because my KCT build times were still high even after recovering the airplane. The weird thing is, the Airplane Plus craft file uses stock parts (Mk1 Inline Cockpit, for example). --- KSP: 1.4.1 Windows 64bit Problem: ScrapYard not using recovered parts when using Airplane Plus craft file. Stock craft files ARE using recovered parts. Auto apply is on in the ScrapYard GUI. Mods installed: Mods Reproduction steps: Use Aeris 1A craft file from KerbalX. Build and recover it and most of the parts still say "Part is New". If you use the Aeris 3A stock craft file, this does not occur. Log: Output_log.txt
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