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  1. Come On Please come back we miss you

  2. Not dead but on life support. I don't want to give away thing but all I'll say is this: KSP 2
  3. Ok so I think, unfortunately, I'll have to ditch the realistic Starman model. I think I can improve the original model. I'll keep you guys posted.
  4. I pretty sure the whole model has screwed itself over which might mean I have to restart from a backup of the 1.0.5 version. Not exactly something I wanted or expected to deal with, but here we are I guess. If I can have something out by February 6th as like an anniversary release, I will. That's the goal right now. Unfortunately, the winter break proved to be much more jam-packed than I expected and school starts again this week on the 10th. I got only about 3 days to really evaluate the situation, figure out the plan from here on out, and start working. If there was more I could say, I would but really, I'm about as lost in this whole thing as you guys are.
  5. Hoping to take a look at it this week
  6. Haven't gotten to work on the mod. Going to try to over Thanksgiving break.
  7. I want to focus on fixing existing issues first. I think it's important to have a good foundation before I continue to add things. Feel free to make suggestions though and I'll see what I can do. I've read about normals being messed but honestly, I'm not sure if that's it. I know when I lowered the face count on the steering wheel, the center part was no longer invisible. Only thing is with a model as complex as Starman, its impossible to do that without making it look terrible. I suppose I could try to cut him up into different pieces, but Idek how to do that. I'm sure its possible. For right now, I'm gonna focus on getting the mod to actually work before I look into fixing the new starman model. New craft files are top priority after everything is working again. 2.1.1 has a perfectly functional craft file right now, the only caveat is that it required Making History.
  8. I'll try and get them to you tomorrow, if not then, definitely on Thursday. One thing I have noticed is since I updated the shaders on the model, no textures are produces when I compile it. May be because its all materials and not textures. But like I said, I'll get them to you asap.
  9. I can have them for you on Thursday. I can PM you a link once I have access to the computer all the stuff is on. Just let me know what all you need and want to take a look at, and I'll get it over to you.
  10. I have no clue. No clue how to fix it either.
  11. Reinstalled, no luck. Also tried on another PC I could try to do that. Installed correctly. Was unable to find it at all in VAB.
  12. No, I haven't. And if I needed to, I wouldn't know unless someone said I did.
  13. No. It hasn't been touched in months and was working fine, and continues to do so with the latest public release being v2.1.1
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