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Everything posted by Garga

  1. I installed Infernal Robotics - Next and everything works on KSP 1.4.1, 64bits. It's still beta but so far had no problem. I added Utlitrons (landing foot, grabbers, sampler) from older versions of Rework. To control it's moving parts you need to find and press IR's toolbar button which brings the servo control window, or use actions. But I couldn't get the Sequencer from the same page to work and it doesn't appear in the toolbars and couldn't find any help in this regard (tested both releases for 1.4.1 and 1.4.2)..
  2. Would you try one more thing? Use your RCS buildAid in editor, set it to parachute and temporarily remove the parachutes, see if it shows any rotation. Sometimes this happens and usually is solved with using the translate gizmo set on absolute and click on any one of the 3 arrows without moving it so the part snaps to the dead center.
  3. I'm not sure if it helps in this case, but would you change the terrain details in the settings and trying to approach again? The last time I was trying to visit the Monolith in the old launchsite, it was beneath the surface (along with many other anomalies). If not, maybe posting the coordination and the game version so other can try to see what happens.
  4. A lot of beautiful planes. What could I do? Build something in the realm of silly, so I present to you, "ID Eaart's Ocgon". No fuselage, no SAS, no vertical surface and no thrust vectoring: The album contains another attempts of building flying wings. The Kerbal aesthetics was the main focus of the designs. They all have something in common: They all do their best to kill the pilot!
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