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Everything posted by 4x4cheesecake

  1. @MissMolly Can you tell me which of your mods contains the hydrogen scoop (maybe just search for "hydrogenscoop" in your gamedata folder)? Thats the only part i cannot find anywhere and I want to do some tests after deleting parts in the craft file.
  2. I'll try it: 1) Download and install Microsoft Visual Studio (Community Version is free to use). During the installation, be sure you will install the packages ".NET Framework 3.5-Development tools", "C# and Visual Basic Roslyn-Compiler" and "C# and Visual Basic". You can find these in the "single component" category. If you have already installed Visual Studio, you can check for these components by starting Visual Studio -> Tools -> Get Tools and Features. This will start the installer environment, click on "modify" and you will find the component list there (had to translate the install environment for my self so the names my be slightly different) 2) Download and unzip the FAR source code AND the actual mod FAR v. 3)Open "FerramAerospaceResearch.sln" (located in the FAR source code folder) in Visual Studio 4)On the right site, you will see the "Solution Explorer" containing the FAR files. 5) There are TWO projects: "FerramAerospaceResearch" and "ferramGraph" and both of them got a "References" list. Expand the list and you will see all requiered references. 6) Some of these references are marked with a yellow triangle, you need to fix this. Right click "References" -> "Add Reference" and click "Browse" in the new window. Browse to "your_installfolder_of_KSP 1.4\KSP_64_Data\Managed" (be sure it is your 1.4 install) and search for every .dll file which is marked with an yellow triangle (should be Assembly-CSharp.dll, KSPAssets.dll, UnityEngine.dll, UnityEngin.UI.dll and ModularFlightIntegrator.dll (THIS ONE IS LOCATED IN YOUR FAR v. FOLDER[not hte source code folder, but the mod folder]) After all .dll files are added, click "OK" and all yellow triangles should be gone. THIS NEED TO BE DONE WITH BOTH PROJECTS 7) Open "CompatibilityChecker.cs" (listed in the Solution Explorer, inside of the FerramAerospaceReasearch project) 8) Search for "return Versioning.version_major == 1 && Versioning.version_minor == 3;" in line 61 (you may have to expand the source code by clicking the small + und the left side) 9) Change "version_minor == 3" to "version_minor == 4" 10) Save 11) Open "Properties" (also found in the Solution Explorer and inside the project). "Application" Tab should be open, check if the Target Framefork is set to ".NET Framework 3.5". Switch to "Build" tab and change the Configuration from "Active (Debug)" to "Release". Check your "Output path" (should be bin\Release but you may want to change this) 12) Your Visual Studio toolbar contains two drop-down menus, one of the shows "Debug" the other "Any CPU". Change "Debug" to "Release". 13) Compile (Click on "Build" -> "Build Solution") 14) Browse to your Release folder (you may have set in step 11). If you haven't changed the output path, it is located in "your_source_code_folder\Ferram-Aerospace-Research-\FerramAerospaceResearch\bin\Release" 15) Pick your new "FerramAerospaceResearch.dll" and "ferramGraph.dll" and replace these with the .dll files in your mod folder of FAR. (I'm not sure if you have to replace the "Scale_redist.dll" as well) 16) Done I guess there is a reason for ferram4 to use this compatibility check so no guarantee everything will work properly. (You can recompile any mods for a new KSP version by loading the source code and setting the references to the latest .dll files in KSP, obviously on your own risk) edit: If FAR is still not running, try to recompile the ModularFlightIntegrator.
  3. Forgot there is a mod list inside of the output_log, so thats already done A craft file would be still nice, I'm quiet curious if you ran into the very same issue I had before or if it is 'just' a mod problem (infernal robotics is marked as WIP, UbioWeldingInc has some limitations and is incompatible with infernal robotics hopefully you had this in mind and didn't try to weld some robotic parts together!)
  4. As long you are not using a mod like Craft History or you have made several different saves while you build the ship, there is no way to go back. Is that the correct link? Cannot find a output_log there. The other ship you have tested, does it contain mod parts? If not, try to reproduce this bug in a pure stock game, that would be great if you can reproduce the bug (which is the first step to a bug report and hopefully a fix). If you can provide me a .craft file, I can try to fix it like I did it before with my ship, but no guarantee. (And if mod parts are involved, a mod list would be nice too)
  5. Even on the screenshot, it looks fine for me. If removing the mods does not help and if you haven't done already, you may want to check the antenna state via right click. Same for the batteries and the probe core, just to be sure everything is actually operational. Honestly running out of ideas (must be something so obvious, nobody thinks about xD) edit: Maybe try to launch the very same probe again and check if this one is working?
  6. Tweakscale can be the reason but every mod can mess around sometimes but since the error seems to be in your .craft file, any editor mod like tweakscale is more likely to cause this issue. Actually, I think it is the re-root function of the editor (or re-root in generell because this happend to me after docking which also causes a re-rooting of parts). Would be convenient if you have used this option too?
  7. Well, I'm out of ideas then. I've recreated your situation as good as I can, following your description but my probe is getting an connection. Hopefully someone else can help you.
  8. Well, I guess its a girder (or a launchclamp? Not sure about the hierachy path): WRN 10:45:57.214] BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size. The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry. If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "KzInterstageAdapter2/RSBtankSaturnSII/RSBdecouplerSaturnSII/RSBtankSaturnSIC/launchClamp1/launchClamp1/model/launchclamp/obj_girdercap/obj_girder/obj_girder_mesh" Had a similar error some time ago but with a cubic strut. You may have to delete and replace any girder(try to replace your launchclamps too) you have used. If it is the very same error like mine, you can also check your craft file in an texteditor, scroll down to the very end of the part list and check if there are two identical girders. If so, delete the last one and try to start your vessel again. This can break your craft or fix it, so you may want to make a backup copy If the craft is not very complex, a rebuild may be the best solution.
  9. Correct but you have to be in the main menu to find the "advanced tweakables" in the "Generel" tab
  10. Ok, sounds like you had only one relay in Kerbin orbit Read my edit for another idea ^^
  11. Are you sure that you have a stable connection between KSC and the mun relays? Sounds pretty unstable to me with just one relay in Kerbin orbit. edit: Just another thought: Have you increased the "Occlusion Modifier Atm" in your difficulty settings? A value above 1 allows the atmosphere to block your signal (a least if the line of sight got a very long way through the atmosphere). Lower the value just to check if you can get a connection.
  12. Actually, you can 'cheat' on these contracts because it is not necessary to deliver the fresh ore...any ore will do the job. So you can send a small drill probe down to Eves surface to get the contract update on "acquire 900 units of fresh ore" and then land another vessel on gilly, having already 900 units of ore on board (brought vom Kerbin) or drill on Gilly for 900 units of ore. I guess that is "semi-intendet" so you cannot stuck on these contracts by having a surface refuel station which may get the update for acquiring the ore but will never be able to deliver it anywhere (or it is not intendet at all since you can dump ore but this will not revert the contract update). Having this feature/bug in mind, a SSTO carrying a drill probe and an ore tank can do this job easily because you don't need to land on Eve but Gilly. But since this is considered as a challenge I'll try it as intended
  13. Well, I would consider most of the issues as minor, except for the QuickHide settings window. I'll definitly take a look at the release version (I actually want to use some of these mods). I guess I'm not going to do a full blown test for all of them again but a check up for the known bugs is totally doable
  14. These are some pretty nice suggestions I would also like to get a possibility to influence the contracts showing up in mission control. Strategies to get more contracts of a kind are nice but it would be even better, if we can also exclude some vessels from contracts. I know, it is possible to decline as contract but why should i spend my hard earned reputation to decline an illogical contract like "adjust the orbit of 'ComSat Relay Alpha1'" or "Extent station 'Duna Base Delivery'". ComNet Relays are usually well placed by the player and as soon as a ship got space for 5 or more kerbals, the game suggest this is spacestation (even though it is a base which needs to be delivered or even a big tourists ship). Would be nice to get "Extent station xyz" contracts only if there is a vessel marked as "Station" and probes marked as "Relay" shouldn't be considered when new contracts are created. It would be also more logical if an agency ask you to launch a probe and after some time, the same agency ask you to adjust the orbit of the probe you have launched ealier. There is absolutly no reason for an agency to adjust the orbit of an probe or relay, which is placed by the players choice.
  15. Well, I've played around with unity engine 5.5.0p4 and it is really nice to have a realtime preview, but after loading the settings into the KS3P mod, the effects looks a bit different. For example: In the unity engine, I reduced the vignette effect to be very subtile but visible but after loading the very same settings in KS3P, the vignette is not visible at all. Also, I wasn't able to set up ambient occlusion in unity engine 5.5.0. While ambient occlusion was active, the whole "game" scene turned into a grey screen (I spawned a blank terrain and a simple sphere with some textures) So, I guess the unity engine version is important, but wich one should I use instead?
  16. Well, sinsce your post contains spaces, I guess your spacebar works properly in other applications^^ Have you checked your keyboard layout in the game settings? Can be found in the "layout" tab. Actually the only thing I can think of.
  17. I finally had the time to continue the tests. I've loaded your latest beta ( and a did a quick test for the bugs I've already reported to you and continued with a full test for the remaining mods. QuickBrake Works fine QuickContract Works fine QuickCurserHide Works fine QuickExit Still getting an NRE while changing the settings in the main menu (only fresh start, not after returning from a running game). Since the changes still apply, I would rate this as a minor issue. QuickFineControl Works fine QuickGoto GoTo last vessel is still no working correctly, like descriped before. QuickHide (+QuickGoto, QuickExit) Name of "QuickGoTo" is not displayed in QuickHide settings window even though, options are available (screenshot available). Switching to a flight scene while mod icons are hidden causes some of them to reappear (in this case, ToolbarControl and QuickExit become visible(and usable), QuickGoTo stays hidden). The icons stay visible until QuickHide is reactivated again. Everytime the scene is switched, some entrys in QuickHide settings window are dublicated. (screenshot available). Return to main menu while icons are hidden causes some of them to become visible (and usable) in the top right corner (in this case: ToolbarControl and QuickExit) QuickIVA "Recover" shortcut does not respect the game rules. A vessel can be recovered even though it is moving really fast on the surface (stock recover option not available) UI is visible even though it is disabled in the QuickIVA settings. UI becomes invisible after changing to map view,switch to third-person view or pause the game. "Enable automatic IVA" is now disabled by default, this was enabled before. QuickMute Master volume slider is available now, but... Position of the mod icon and the slider don't aligne correctly when the mod icon is moved during a scene switch. The slider appears above the old icon position and "jumps" to his correct position as soon as the curser is moved away from the icon (screenshots available). QuickRevert Well, I've tried to simulate a game crash by killing the task via windows task manager but I'm not quiet sure if this is accurate. Revert function is not restored after this (same when using alt + F4). QuickSAS Works fine (but...) Warp to maneuver node does not work while the Est. Burn shows "n/a" and "warp to 15 sec before the 1/2 burntime" is active but i guess there is nothing you can do without implementing a burn time calculation. I don't really get it why this "n/a" bug is still in the game. QuickSearch Works fine (thanks for secondary sort by name ) QuickStart Works fine Running the whole bundle Dublication of entries in QuickHide settings. NOT affected are the entries for QuickExit and ToolbarController (screenshots available). QuickSearch icon is visible in flight scene and cannot be hidden by QuickHide QuickExit, QuickMute and ToolbarControl icons become visible when switching to flight scene, even though QuickHide is active (same as before + QuickMute since QuickMute wasn't installed during the first test) Returning to main menu while QuickHide is active casues the icons for ToolbarControl, QuickMute, QuickExit and QuickSearch to appear in the top right corner. Logs, screenshots: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/5qnqf6hw7adecm8/AAB47jmRQLuFrSx214RQN7oFa?dl=0
  18. @The White Guardian Thanks for this great mod I'm a bit confused because your feature list says, that Ambient Occlusion will not work properly in unity 5.4.0 but your tutorial on how to configure the settings in real time got a link to unity engine 5.4.0p4. Can I still use this unity version to configure the settings for ksp 1.4 or do I need another one?
  19. Well, I read through the last 3 pages of the FAR thread in the mod release section of the forum and it looks like there is no "easy" solution to do this. Apparently you have to compile it on your own to work along with ksp 1.4+. There is also a very short "tutorial" how to do this: If you have no experience in visual studio or programming at all, it will be very hard to follow these steps. In this case, I would recommend to ask someone in the FAR thread to share a rebuild, but this may require the permission of ferram4 (I don't know anything about licences and private sharing and ss8913 already wrote that he is not going to share it public without the permission of ferram4 ). Obviously, bugs can appear since ksp 1.4 is not officially supported.
  20. (Unfortunately I had to pause my testing but I want to share some results with you) Tested on a fresh install, KSP version 1.4.3, mod version QuickBrake: editor -> launch -> revert launch/edit makes the mod icon visible in editor and flight scene, applies input lock when clicked (can be unlocked by clicking again), settingswindow does not open (it does while at KSC, like intended) same happens due following scene switches: editor -> launch->KSC, editor -> launch -> Trackingstation, KSC -> Trackingstation -> flightscene (by using the "fly" option on a vessel) enabled "Break at control loss" causes the brake actiongroup to be enabled for the Kerbal on EVA but this doesn't have any negative effects on gameplay QuickContract: Works fine QuickCurserHide: Well, my game crashed once after hitting F2 multiple times in pause menu and revert the active vessel but I wasn't able to replicate this so i guess thats not related. (Crash log says memory access violation) Nothing else, works fine QuickExit: NRE when changing the settings while in main menu (happens only when it's a fresh started game. After loading a savegame and return to main menu, the NRE doesn't show up. Changes in mod settings still apply) QuickFineControl: Works fine QuickGoTo: actually stable, haven't expect that^^ (can not replicate your crash or create any error, trested for over 1 hour) Just "GoTo last vessel" has problems do identify the "last vessel" correctly. (fresh started game) KSC - goto ts - click vessel A and "fly" - goto sc - goto last vessel -> vessel A (thats correct so far) - goto ts - click vessel B and "fly" - goto sc - goto last vessel -> vessel A (thats wrong) - goto sc - goto last vessel -> vessel B (also wrong) [this is the only pattern which allows me to replicate this bug consistently. I've tried many other scene switches and the result appears to be kind of random.] QuickHide(+QuickExit and QuickGoto) Settings window is messed up. The list of mod (icons) doesn't contain the mod name but "ToolbarControl-212200", "ToolbarControl-205364" and four "QuickGoto-numbers". activate QuickHide while in editor and launching a vessel causes the icons of QuickExit and ToolbarControl to reappear, even though QuickHide is still active. Returning to main menu while QuickHide is active causes the icons of ToolbarControl and QuickExit to be visible in the top right corner Well, thats all for today. Not quiet sure when I have time for the other mods to test. Logs and a screenshot of the QuickHide settings window: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/kal861x41e33bbz/AAC93rWb7QBucI6IbE2-TlrUa?dl=0
  21. I'm always deleting the old versions so get no dublicates. CHecked it anyway but nothing to find. I've also tried to start a new careergame but the history window keeps beeing shifted to the left. The logs are looking fine for me (also no dublicated .dlls in the mod list), take a look if you want: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/msup2h0r760zfsp/AAA8aAWsRE7ja6l-76iRR3Nla?dl=0 I'm going to do some test in the latest version now
  22. Now it's working and the search history window is in the correct position when I'm using QuickSearch on a clean install. When I've tried to use it on my "regular" install along with some other mods, the window position is shifted to the left
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