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  1. I will investigate resurfaced recolour features that Nertea has previewed on the resurfaced thread when its available and I have some time. In the meantime I would prefer if Turd didnt take a crap on this mod. ps. Resurfaced will likely become a hard dependency in a future update. pps. while as mods Resurfaced and TU do not clash, only 1 can be used for PBR on a given part and BCS is built around resurfaced including exclusive features (included decals) and variants (silver) in its current form.
  2. Happy new year everyone! Small non-update I guess. Life is sort of getting in the way (nothing bad just either too busy or away from home) so not going to be working on BCS for a little while. But Im hoping I can resume work on the IVA around mid Feb or so. In the meantime hope you all are enjoying it!
  3. We’ve generally made it a point of adding in camera transforms to the model so they can be configured with hullcam and Neptune camera. Will have to check if it’s present on that model. I suspect it’s there it just hasn’t been configured.
  4. Started out with the intention of making a free IVA compatible animated handle but then got carried away. (just to be clear while the handle will turn in free IVA the rest of the mechanism is just greebling).
  5. Sneak peak: Also testing the 7 crew layout which seems viable. Thinking of making it an option. All still very early of course. And yeah a blank version of the panel will also be available to configure with RPM or MAS etc
  6. Support for Boring Crew Services in RO is provided by the Realism Overhaul team. The RO support configs are provided and written by contributors to RO. Please report in the Realism Overhaul forum thread, discord or github. Thanks.
  7. BCS uses a very simple implementation of the Animated Decouplers module on that part. If another mod like KSPIE is breaking it thats not a BCS bug but theirs. I would report the issue to them instead.
  8. You will need to use some form of file sharing such as dropbox, google drive etc I am still unable to reproduce this both with and without Community Tech Tree and VABO. This is in career mode.
  9. I can't reproduce this. I will need to see a mod list and log files. KSP.log, ModuleManager.log, ModuleManager.ConfigCache Do you have any tech tree mods? In the default tech tree they appear in Specialized Construction and Precision Engineering.
  10. On that note its probably worth providing a little update from my side. Although Boring Crew Services v1 is out I'm still on that little side project as I'm about to start the IVA for that. I expect to be super busy in January so I dont think I'll be back at BDB until around February really. A few pending Atlas items plus more PBR conversions are definitely planned. New projects arent final but I have a couple of ideas but we'll see eventually. Like Cobalt said, we're pretty far from done
  11. We know how to split up BDB. In principle its simple enough to have a core mod containing the plugin and most of the patches and such plus a bunch of parts expansions since almost every folder in /Parts is independent as it is. The issue is more having the mental energy in order to deal with the can of worms that opens up. Just as one example say users on CKAN who dont follow the forums threads not understanding enough to download the expansions after the big split update drops and then finding their inevitably not backed saves broken due to 90% of the parts being gone and other things of that nature. Then tricky decisions as to what parts if any should be inherited by the core mod on CKAN and spacedock are also things to deal. There is an argument to be made it would be beneficial in the long run and we should just rip off the bandaid and do it. But it would cause a lot of disruption in the meantime we're currently not prepared to deal with it. I would ask to drop this topic for now since I don't really want to invite a suggestion box on this topic at the present.
  12. We don't provide compatibility with real fuels so its up to whoever looks after realfuels-stock to maintain compatibility. If it hasn't been updated then you might be out of luck unless you're willing to write your own configs. Im not familiar with RF configs but you could study other configs inside realfuels stock and work it out.
  13. Oh thought it was worth mentioning here, Boring Crew Services v1.0.0 was released recently being one of the first part mods with full resurfaced compatibility. Basically everything except the parachute canopies have resurfaced materials in addition to being backwards compatible with legacy shaders. In addition, the silver foil variant is resurfaced exclusive. The PBR look is less obvious with non metals ofc but you can see the metalicity of some of the metal masked areas like the surrounds of the RCS ports etc. And non metals do look nicer with a properly tuned smoothness map showing up subtle surface wear and tear better than the legacy shaders. You can see this on the tiles up close. Using some partial metalicity on windows can also look nice. Making it look like it has a coating rather than just plain glass. Its subtle but more apparent when there are prominent reflections. A bit of normal map trickery is used to make the solar cells look uneven and "sparkly" and it shows up nicely when used with resurfaced here. Solar panels are done at 100% smoothness (the brightness of the alpha channel in the main texture) and 75% metalicity in the resurfaced metal map (being a semiconductor) Another cool feature resurfaced allows is the use of a dedicated decal shader. While BCS ships with some custom conformal decals, it also features some ready made properly aligned decals built into a decal mesh that lies on top of the capsule and available when resurfaced is installed. They can be toggled on and off with b9ps allowing for a hassle free onc click realistic decal setup without needing to fiddle around. The decal shader can also be used for other purposes like some high res details or variant specific baked ambient occlusion etc.
  14. I was being a bit vague so as not to put Cobalt on the hook for the Gemini chute lol But yeah the basic principle for the two point harness is possible now other details not withstanding. The Rogallo wing still sounds a bit too jank without being a real control surface
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