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  1. Hello, I'm having a problem where when I load RSS with MFI, I'm stuck on the main menu when none of the buttons work. RSS needs MFI in order to function, and RSS and its dependencies are the only mods installed. Logs
  2. I have two questions for anyone who can help, 1) When I install the SSU, one of the dependencies to run it is "OrbiterSound 4.0". When I boot up OS 4.0 it says to select the folder "(Where the Orbiter.exe is located)" I have searched throughout the SSU file and have not found any "Orbiter.exe" file. Where is the "Orbiter.exe" file, and do I need it to use the SSU? 2) Does the SSU work on KSP 1.1.3 or 1.3? My 1.2.2 does not work for unknown reasons.
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