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Xd the great

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Everything posted by Xd the great

  1. As title said, how manu ksp players work in such industries?
  2. Wan hu from https://www.grc.nasa.gov/www/k-12/rocket/TRCRocket/history_of_rockets.html
  3. Given the name "rocket-tearing-itself-apart vibrations", no wonder the faliure.
  4. Yep, if i remember correctly it is a pintle injector. Also, 3D printed, so that might be a problem.
  5. Next generation LES: Launches you through the capsule instad of launching the capsule through the sky.
  6. N2O4 running over the length of the entire vehicle is gonna destroy everything.
  7. The next generation of spacepen. For the Space Force.
  8. A robotic arm to attach to satellites and bring them to Earth for recycle sounds fun.
  9. KSP isnt bad for beginners learning new stuff. Bit if you want to build a rocket, KSP is bad.
  10. Dunno which is lighter and is less prone to faliure, a space shuttle-like door or a rolling door..
  11. Looks like somone placed too much jam on one side of a donut.
  12. At what thrust level and pressure did the raptor engine run at?
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