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Xd the great

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Everything posted by Xd the great

  1. Yes, I believe. Look for something that is 3500, set it to whatever you want. Recommend you to back up your game first. Did you install module manager? What are your bdac settings? @jrodriguez why is my gps targetting system missing the mark? Bombs and missiles can no longer hit their designated target accurately using gps.
  2. Is it just me, or does Vessel Mover make spawned crafts' Breaking Ground robotics all gone? I.E. controller fields become blank?
  3. There are also explosives that can tear the rocket apart if it went out of control during reentry. It will be switched off after reentry burn. But these measure are early on in the landing part.
  4. Never heard of such a mode. I think there is a threshold for speed and heading during recovery attempt. If something goes wrong, they don't abort. The continue to send the booster on its "I want to dive" trajectory Had they have a runaway attempt, the "How not to land an orbital class booster" might be a little less 4th of July.
  5. Was it the heat or the speed? Or not enough TEA-TAB?
  6. So, Raptor is the most technological advanced engine there is, and SpaceX is like "we are spewing this so fast it does not even sound complex". Damn.
  7. It will get a "quick aggressive deceleration" when it hits the ground. Jokes aside, how does the core even manage that much heat?
  8. People at the DoD: What the hell we agreed to 40km? Not 1260km? Musk: !. my rocket can do it. 2. This is my company.
  9. Fling WMDs at everyone. No more people, no more WMDs. Or ban use of intercept missiles like the THAAD.
  11. Probably the biggest concern would be radiation leakage, X-ray and stuff. Or formation of NOx...
  12. I think they will stuff a BIG FUEL TANK in the location of the fairing. So what, 150 tons of propellant?
  13. Regarding 3), they dumped the gravel as new bricks.
  14. Deploying 60 sats at once, sounds like good old "60 decouplers and 600 explosion" days.
  15. It is on the sats. I wonder if this is related to the whatsapp hack...
  16. That guy can steal all our sats with his starships!
  17. Wait a second... 60s scifi books rocket is being used as a base? Can we build bridges between Starships?
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