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Xd the great

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Everything posted by Xd the great

  1. How bout we start a GoFundMe to see those numbers? (If law allows)
  2. Charging mobiles phones through the air is due to EM induction creating currents to charge the battery. You need a base to produce the magnetic field needed. About "Teleporting" energy, it can be done through using solar panels to capture Sunlight. The problem is how to convert that energy to thrust. All rocket engine do this by throwing mass out of your rocket. Either by electric propulsion as mentioned by @wumpus, or by traditional "burn the fuel and shoot exhaust gas out very fast", aka chemical engines.
  3. Imagine your average canal operator looks out the window, and says, "what the hell is that flat ship?"
  4. Oh, so a Crew Dragon on top of the Starship. Just that additional steel platingis used on Crew Dragon. Keep in mind that starship needs to land on Mars. So unless Elon decides that Marsship will replace Starship in going to Mars, Starship will not have wings.
  5. Shuttle cannot do remote controlled flying. Starship can. This means NASA needs to risk astronauts for testing/routine flying for safety data, but Starship can fly thousands of times before Elon throw himself and his gang on it. A crew dragon in the cargo bay.
  6. That "Proven by KSP" badge would be on everything. The other one will spark a mutiny on ISS.
  7. Aww man, I wanted a quarter of Americans to look up at the sky and see a Starship flying and landing. That would have been good PR.
  8. Settings--> weapon fire hold delay. (Or something like that) Or use action group.
  9. The Martian explained this very well, and I expect said answer to be "Yes". Oh yeah, I never thought about it.
  10. No, it has no propulsion. Maybe leakage of hydraulic fluid? Or TEA-TAB going haywire?
  11. If a Starship launch costs below 6 million, it could be even cheaper than Rocket Lab. Imagine launching your oversized Mars colonial class ship for a single cubesat.
  12. Would it be the other BDAc unrelated mods? Did you install BDAc by hand? Calling in the calvary: @jrodriguez!
  13. I think the F9 tech is designes to be scaled. I am more worried about the droneship, if it can take that much weight, or if the droneshop can stay so presicely afloat (+-0.9m) after landing SH.
  14. Yeah, we had some problems with the Crew Dragon, so we just moved on with Crew Starship. What do you mean by violation of contract?
  15. No, as piston engines only work on ground, or to drive propellers. They csnnot fly in space. Unless you are talking about vehicles. Then, the weight of such oxidizer would decrease your payload capscuty. So, no.
  16. Are multiwings (X-wing like) accepted? Because it makes every plane much more powerful.
  17. I think, maybe a flame trench dedicated to landing? First rockets land simutaniously, sets up infrastructure for a landing pad. Other rockets use that pad for propulsive landing, bringing a lunar base with them.
  18. Tweet this to Elon. It might be an excellent way of shaping public opinion on how safe rockets are, especially in the point to point market.
  19. 3 days later, a New Shepard comes crashing through Elon's house. Jokes aside, does anyone know why Falcon 9s have double sonic booms?
  20. Then send them to Mars. Just kidding. SpaceX probably has to adhere to stricts rules regarding pollutants, and CO2 is a much tamer greenhouse gas than methane
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