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Xd the great

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Everything posted by Xd the great

  1. Also, a seperate probe core with sas might help. Might. Remember to control the craft from there.
  2. How does kevlar fare in the extreme heat and cold of space?
  3. No. Your time slows down, you get torn to pieces, but gravity has still not accelerated you to light speeds.
  4. Other than that, add fairings, make sure that the rocket is not too long or too short, relative to the length of the rocket. Also, engines like ks 25 is good for countering the tumbleing rocket. And also, did you switch on RCS?
  5. 1. No. No one feels bad for them. Because they respawn. 2. A simple solution to getting to orbit (which i assume to be your goal) will be what is called a gravity turn. Experts please help here. 3. Or MOAR BOOSTERS. You can turn a blind eye on funds, unless you are playing career.
  6. 1. Someone has done this before. 2. Try throwing them out on a place between 2 moons. Gravitational slingshots may help. May.
  7. So there is a smaller tank in a big tank. Will spaceX run a helium fridge?
  8. @HeliosPh0enix i made a mistake answering the 2nd question. Since the spaceship is acceleratong, it will feel that it is moving at speeds. Both the cargo ship and earth will find it true that the ship is accelerating, and all physics laws (relativity) applies to it.
  9. A question for the bfr: how do spaceX plan on keeping the cryo oxygen stored for months?
  10. YAY, thank you very much. Looking foward to blowing up rockets in the rocket itself.
  11. True, that is why i intended for a major update change.
  12. Both you and earth will observe light moving at c. When you move ar 0.5c relative to the earth, your time slows down relative to the earth, and the earth's time slows down relative to you. So, both of you will observe light speed at c. I dont want to type out all the equations, someone help me Well, again, time dilation makes earth (you) think that the spaceship has trouble accelerating.
  13. If you like non-fiction, Ignition! is a pretty good book. That is, if you want to blow up someone's backyard
  14. Do you mind to check the ram usage of your computer?
  15. Going high(duna or jool): burn prograde relative to the sun. Going low (eve or moho): burn retrograde relative to the sun.
  16. NEW UPDATE IS OUT!!!! compatibility for ksp v 1.5
  17. The firewall is good, but VPNs are better. Anyway, expect a chinese spaceX booster in 10 years.
  18. Im reserving my enthusiasm for the SLS crewed launch. Im betting that 90% of the station will be cancelled.
  19. I would certainly like a offset CoM to control my reentry. @SQUAD, maximum of 5 man-minutes is required for this.
  20. The fuselage will be a giant fuel tank, but there are cargo bays near the engines.
  21. Yes they are currently two mods. Kis have not been updated to v1.5 yet.
  22. Check your keyboard settings. Does your alt f12 function in other scenarios?
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