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Xd the great

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Everything posted by Xd the great

  1. Just for the record, a ksp v 1.5 is incompatible with bdac. I suggest using other versions of thegame, so kjr will be compatible.
  2. Add struts, add fins. Basically, a rocket that looks right flies right.
  3. Yep, reduce part counts... SM Marine gives you large parts for building battleships. Or use KJR.
  4. I thought there are reports on github about this one. Anyway, thank you for your hard work.
  5. Did someone mention firing a nuclear rocket engine? In atmosphere?
  6. Would you mind to start a new career save and max out all buildings with cheats?
  7. You have module manager, installed stuff in the correct place? Does the game recognize stock parts? Have you used the coorect version of mods, and did you use the steam install?
  8. Other than that, did you install the dependencies? PRE and module manager
  9. Find the 64 bit in the directory. If it does not open, i think someone else had similar problems and the solution should be found in the first 2 pages of the forum. Also, can you confirm that all mods are compatible with your version of ksp?
  10. Bdac does not have the reloadable rail. So far, I have only seen(or made) one mod with this feature. Shameless self promotion, but other major weapons pack does not seem to have this feature included? Someone with more experience please correct me.
  11. Since this is a part mod, any chance it will be broken by ksp v 1.5?
  12. Good news, Kopernicus seems to be updated...
  13. Now I know why elon added aft cargo bay that can open without affecting the aerodynamics that much. Bombing Mars with mars bars is the next best things after nuking Mars...
  14. Some type of ringed probe core of variuos sizes(from 0.625m to 5m). Useful for deorbiting spent stages. I know we have mods and max debris setting, but i really like the idea of watching stages BUUURRRRNNNN.
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