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Xd the great

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Everything posted by Xd the great

  1. Would you mind to verify that your game version matches with that of your mods? I am not pesking for updates, but will the next version of bdac be 1.4.5 or 1.5 compatible?
  2. Yes, so thats why I suggest squad make the thrust more upward and less horizontal, for every one who does not use mods. On a semi related topic, does anyone know the thrust angle of the LES?
  3. Rotate camera and press spacebar.
  4. That should be the right link. Is ksp even supported on android?
  5. I think the LES is turning too much and not going high enough.
  6. The launch escape system could be built by 2 parts instead of 1, allowing us for bigger control over horizontal turn and other escape profiles.
  7. NASA is running experiments on this. Assuming elon uses a 7 month hofman transfer, 7 months in such a cramped space will be hard. Therefore, INFLATABLE BALLOONS HABS. Once on Mars. Plus the initial launches, in 2 salvos, for fuel plant will be 4 bfr cargo and 2 crewed bfr, so plenty of space. *starts imagining people going nuts and live in the cargo bfr's fuel tanks*
  8. I wonder if the settings changed, so your computer stopped using more hardware. Or maybe you ran some windows defender or IE in the bsckground.
  9. What if the bfr blows and spread nuclear material everywhere.
  10. 70. Anti-bacterial spray. To reduce chance of contamination of microbes.
  11. Potatoes are good , but you will get bored over time. Worms. Carrot. Did someone say that martian soil is probably suitable for carrots? Fungus, mushrooms.
  12. Of course. Ksp players are the most helpful ones in any community. Are you building a space shuttle or a rocket? And use symmetry. Use R to toggle between mirror and the other one.
  13. What if black holes evaporate to explode and form new universe?
  14. Sounds like a subnarine launched ICBM. The sea dragon will be a good starting point.
  15. How about a smaller bfs? A bfs in a bfs. Should work. The full scaled one may be suborbital.
  16. If you mean a BFR with the booster boosted by falcon 9s, I say no. Falcon 9 would not increase the payload that much, but will instead add costs to refurbrishment and recovery. If you mean a bfs (the ship) boosted by falcon 9 like how the space shuttle was boosted by solid rocket boister, I say no. Also. The cost of refurbrishment and fuel of a bfr booster is lower than that of 2 falcon 9s. If you start thinking about a big falcon heavy, aka 3 boosters with a ship like th FH, no. The load on the centre core will rip it apart, and elon hates reuseable core for reasons such as higher reentry heat and aerodynamic forces. Still, 93 rocket engines firing is so kerbal, Imma try it out tonight.
  17. Did you use the advance search functions to check for the parts? Or did you install all the dependencies? Maybe try deleting the mod and reinstalling.
  18. I absolutely love your work. Will it be suited for kerbal sized stuff or will it be suited for rss? Actually, what does stockalike mean? Does the texture look like stock?
  19. Yes, i have experienced the magnetic attraction. Simply use a smaller docking port should solve your problem. If it does not, use rcs to slow down during the magnetic acceleration.
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