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Xd the great

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Everything posted by Xd the great

  1. Has anyone reported on the weapons manager issue? Or is missile per target the only thing that can be changed in flight?
  2. 1. Did you install bdac manually? 2. Can you rebuild the craft in v 1.4.5? 3. Its a weapons manager problem.
  3. https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/177690-pre-release-145-xd-horrible-weapons-mod/ the test craft.
  4. WARNING: THIS MOD IS HORRIBLE(as in extremely overpowered and blows everything up), AND IS ONLY INTENDED FOR FUN. I AM NOT IN THE BDAC DEV TEAM, AND THIS MOD HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH THEM. DISCLAIMER: THIS MOD USES MESHES FROM BDARMORY CONTINUED AND SQUAD. ALL CREDITS GO TO THE AUTHORS. REQUIRED MODS: BDARMORY CONTINUED AND ALL ITS DEPENDENCIES. REMOVE ALL PARTS FROM THIS MOD ON YOUR CRAFTS BEFORE UPDATING. Questions: 1. WHY DOES THE NUCLEAR WEAPONS NOT HAVE MUSHROOM CLOUDS? those nukes are meant to be used in space, and therefore no mushroom cloud is needed. Totally not because I dont know how to create an Fx. 2. Why should I download this mod? NUKES FOR KSP V 1.6.1! Reloadable missile rail! More EMP weapons! An insanely powerful engine running on electricity and intake air! A less powerful but more efficient engine running on nothing! (Well, technically, it tuns on electricity, but well...) 3. WHAT OTHER CRAZY THINGS HAVE YOU DONE? A kerbal heat shield mod, meh. Licence: CC BY-SA 4.0 Download: CKAN supported. https://spacedock.info/mod/1951/XD Horrible weapons mod (without test craft) Parts can be found in advanced search mode, in the tier 1 section except the engines. Because why not nuke the ksc before launching kerbals into space? Enjoy. At your own Risk.
  5. I think I have found an extremely minor bug. When the reloabale rails are filled and attempted to be refilled, the alt f12 command shows not empty1, instead of not empty!
  6. I crash kerbol into your dome and hill. I create a new hill, as the last one was destroyed.
  7. Thanks. Enjoy your daughters stay. Wait, it is actually a bug? Yeah, Im a noob. *facepalm* *Goes back to talking trash on science forum, mod making, and asking people to upload logs and screenshots so pros can help*
  8. According to my professional trash analysis, put the missiles under the wing, not at the wingtip or above it.
  9. Yes, I AM NOT PART OF BDAC TEAM. USE MY ADVICE AT YOUR OWN RISK. Risk: your planes blow up, missiles fly everywhere, kerbals get killed.
  10. You squashed it? G tolerance is almost proportional to body size, so the smaller you are, the tougher you are.
  11. Maybe elon wants to strap himself on these bouncy rides.
  12. What window? Do you see a .cmd window open? Do you see a file asking for the build ID?
  13. Suicide burn. Jeb goes out and uses jetpack to land. Send a backup craft to save jeb.
  14. Should I give you the test craft? Yeah, but I am currently busy. Will upload later. NOTE: special mod required. Will upload alongside mod.
  15. primary testing shows some dangerous scene where the missile above the plane firing almost into the plane. Suggestion: increase missile drop time to max for those above the plane wing. or remove missile on wingtip
  16. Right click the missile in the VAB, open engage options, you should see a option to disable targetting missile. @greydragon70 Can you try shooting a missile at the plane and observe the missile explode near the plane? And screenshots please. I know this is hard, but maybe a short video. Best if you can give us a log. Best if you try the EMP missiles.
  17. Is it possible to make the bdac adjustable missile rail and rotary bomb rack to become a reloadable rack by using MM patches? I have thought of a way to make the AI reload missiles, but I will have to do this to confirm my hypothysis stupid idea.
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