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Xd the great

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Everything posted by Xd the great

  1. Thats the beauty of ksp. You play for 1000 hours and you still learn from it. And if you wanrt to learn more about gravity assists, as in how to use the "strange orbit", to your advantage, it is really worth learning. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gravity_assist
  2. For reality's sake, use mods. For structural's sake, use Sr.
  3. Do a rescue mission. Aka a apollo spacecraft. Transfer science and you kerbals, then fly home. But to do that, you need a stable orbit.
  4. Circle is a closed geometric shape with 1 side, where any point on its circumference is equildistant to a point in it.
  5. I bake a new cookie. Mine. I am not gonna eat excrements.
  6. I am not sure. Other mods with similar functions can be tried, even though I cannot guarentee they will work.
  7. Is it possible to equip stuff with this mod while sitting on a chair?
  8. Go to the rendeveuz autopilot. I think it does that. Or use the transfer window. Kill relative velocity.
  9. Look into the .cfg files of the modded parts of your rocket in the pic. And have you updated all your mods to compatible versions? Or just restarting the game. Or try to narrow down to the part causing that problem. Logs will help other people determine the problem
  10. Also, is it possible to make the autopilot toggle coming together with ap on and ap off? It helps with aborting during launch.
  11. They are just a usual missile, radar guided, but instead of blowing up enemy planes they disable the AI. And every battery/RTG/Solar panels. Wait, who uses solar panel on planes?
  12. The minimum safe height is the max safe height, once the parachute icons turn green, NOT YELLOW.
  13. The bdac emp missiles have a max blast radius of 100m, which in other words mean that if you get too close, you blow up yourself too. And 1 single emp can knock out planes that are too close. @Box of Stardust yeah, you guys decide.
  14. First, I am pretty sure it is a mod problem. Try to go over the .cfg files of the parts on your modded stuff.
  15. Yeah, try not to use the rss/ro style gravity turn. Use the default option. That works wierd.
  16. Inflatable heat shields work like charm, especially on Mars.
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