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Xd the great

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Everything posted by Xd the great

  1. Basically, the f1b is so simple and powerful, i think they should use it instead of the ssme.
  2. I doubt if I have to set ammo (I didnt have to do that before), but i didnt and there is no such option on the right click popup
  3. They are broke. But, it can be easily fixed by editing the .cfg files. By the way, i may continue maintaining this mod, IF i manahe to get permission from the mod owner.
  4. Maybe. Too lazy for that. Its just a red golfball. Who needs pics?
  5. I tested quite a bit with the universal ammo box. It seemed to be broken. Reproduction steps: 1. Have a vulcan turret and a universa;l ammo box. 2. fire the vulcan turret.
  6. Imagine the horror of bfr landing sequence is impossible.
  7. Just wondering, did you use any exteroir programs? Twitch?
  8. Well, the fans are hard to do... Still, build one. Then set the horizontal jet engines to 0 thrust limit for balance checking. Use the CoM and CoT tracker. Highly suggest using rcs for correction. Flying too is a pain in the ***. Bring airbrakes to slow down midflight. Use action groups for horizontal and vertical mode.
  9. if the bfr flies, everything becomes cheaper and easier.
  10. YAY, this is my first mod. Thanks to people who supported me, and @SpannerMonkey(smce) for teaching me how to mod. After years of investment and R&D, this is what we come up with. A golf-ball looking heatshield for kerbals. HOW TO USE: 1. get it in your inventory. 2. get into a suborbital trajectory. 3. Equip the heatshield. 4. BURNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN A simple demonstration, by kottabosgames: 5. deploy personal parasail, wait for full deployment. 6. once you have full deployment, DIVE and pull up to get yourself flying 7. Land. DEPENDENCIES: KIS and all its dependencies: Download: https://spacedock.info/mod/1925/Kerbal heatshield License: CC-BY-SA 2.0 CKAN is supported. Install instructions: copy the "kerbal heatshield" file in the .zip to your gamedata file. Q&A 1. IS XDTHEGREAT NUTS? No, I am a human. 2. Will you do more stupid stuff like this? YES. GIVE ME IDEAS. 3. Is there more stupid stuff I can do with this mod? Yes. Use your imagination! 4. Why does the heatshield look like a golf ball? This is what our XD team developed, and is totally not because I am a noob and is lazy. 5. Why should I choose this mod? Prevent kerbals from burning up collecting eva reports in the upper atmosphere, and can incinerate kerbals without risking them die. Or uninstalling the mod and let them pop. DISCLAIMER: I DO NOT TAKE ANY RESPONSIBILITIES FOR EYE OR MENTAL DAMAGE DUE TO THE UGLY GRAPHICS AND CRAZY IDEAS. ENJOY.
  11. You have a working, flying rocket. You have to get jeb to orbit. Assuming you have more than enough fuels, this guide is for you. Launch vertically, with full thrust and SAS and RCS on. Stage when engines stop burning. Repeat this, until you go to map view and see that you highest point (ap) is above 70000m. Stop burning. Timewrap until you are 1-2 minutes away from ap. Burn horizontally. Stage when appropriate. Cut off engines when your lowest point (pe) is also above 70000m. Congrats now you are in orbit. How to get home? Burn retrograde. The circle with a cross. Use SAS to help you. Burn until pe is about 30km. Cut off engines, and hold retrograde. Stage away everything except the parachutes and the capsules. When you slow down enough, aka less than 300m/s, stage the parachutes. Watch your capsule drift home. Done. Troubleshooting: 1. My rocket cannot launch! I press spacebars, all engines on first stage are burning, but the rocket stays there! More boosters. MORE BOOSTERS. MOAR BOOSTERS. 2.My parachutes wont open. You stage the parachutes too early. Or too late. 3. I cannot reach orbit! I dont have enough fuel! Bruh, add fuel. Feel free to ask others for a case by case analysis.
  12. @Joe78man you may also use liquid fuel, oxidizer and liquid engine. That gives you more throttle and control over your launch. A swivel, ft 200 fuel tank x3 should give you as much control. Use z for max throttle, x for min throttle, and shift and control for throttle up/down.
  13. Will upload when i got time. Still balancing my heatshields.
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