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Xd the great

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Everything posted by Xd the great

  1. Yes, its me back with crazy ideas again. Is there a mod out there that comes with some sort of viewing stand for kerbals? Preferrably one that auto-spawn kerbals.
  2. The chance of leaking fluorine into the atmo is pretty bad. And high pressure fluorine is much worse.
  3. Its good to see competition in the reuseable rocket market. But, its hard to catch up with spaceX
  4. Ah I see. Thanks Anyway, the bfr wont be recovering the fairings. It stays with the ship.
  5. I have been testing with goalkeepers and cruise missile. I see that one missile have been buffed with a larger blast radius, but this combined with the low accuracy of the goalkeeper CIWS has caused the blast from the missile being shot down to knock out the goalkeeper too. Will this be balanced? Logs here: https://www.dropbox.com/s/3k0xjlcwq8t9ap7/output_log.txt?dl=0 One balancing idea is to reduce the blast of missiles when shot down.
  6. I know the space ice-cream isnt real space food, but its tasty. Huh, why arent they recovering the fairing?
  7. https://kerbalx.com/Xdthegreat/raptor Plane name: raptor contains mk22 parts, if allowed.
  8. SPACE FOOD. Anyway, when will elon fly on one of those dragons.
  9. Maybe you should start simple. Try getting 2 planes in the air first, then have them fight. Basically, peace mode means nobody attacks anybody. Peace. Turn that off and missiles start slamming into things and kerbals get killed. As @SpannerMonkey(smce) said, the wing commander will do stuff, but it has limited range for flying in formation (300m?). Maybe the mod burn together will help. Maybe.
  10. But you can build more facilities and stuff at the same time.
  11. I am willing to update this mod, but I dont know anything about coding and licencing. And I dont have the permission of the owner.
  12. Can the moderators move this back to the science thread?
  13. Duh, nasa just wants to use up the ssme. And throw then away.
  14. Yeah, Bo is screwed, might as well work woth spaceX or sabotage the bfr. Still, neew glenn, new rocket, explosions, EXCITEMENT!
  15. Ah i see. I thought we were talking about eva suits. My mistake. Anyway, the expansion of the suit should be controlled. Flying in a balloon is hard, trying to be in one in an emergency situation is even harder.
  16. With more heating/cooling units, bigger air tanks, rcs for manourvering, ropes, battery, and radiation proof. Also comes with safety ropes. Yeah, not very fancy, but expensive.
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