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Xd the great

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Everything posted by Xd the great

  1. Assuming bfr is a complete success, will they build an ITS or somdthing even bigger?
  2. Considering that the bfr is almost as large as a saturn five, the hangar isnt too big...
  3. Maybe the canines are for tearing other kerbals up.
  4. May our bravest kerbals rest in pieces.
  5. Theorectically if you are far enough from earth, the twr should be very low. Still you need somsthing to drive it.
  6. I thought he tried to send it to mars and failed.
  7. I agree that he is crazy, sending his own car to Mars. Yet, his rockets blew up on reentry, not on asent, so he can deliver payload 96% of the time, and blow up his rockets trying to land. He failed 5 times, 3 falcon 1 missions, 1 during refueling, and 1 during asent.
  8. No, i mean resize the stuff just by messing with the .cfg So I just copied out the entire file, mess with the .cfg file in the copy, and make it into a new part. I managed to create something that looks like a nuclear explosion, i inserted the ksp part tools, I can find the .mu file, but i cannot find the .jpg file after extraction. Is this normal @SpannerMonkey(smce) ?
  9. The so-called max payload on the pricing list is kinda troll, as SpaceX gave margins on those numbers for second stage recovery.
  10. There are computer systems that derive your current velocity from a variety of factors, such as the movement of stars. Then there are systems that use these info to determine prograde and retrograde and etc.
  11. Also, @SpannerMonkey(smce), am I allowed to use the model.mu and jpeg from bdac parts? I still havent learned how to create new parts, so I guess i will use these working mesh to do the testing.
  12. Ohh thanks a lot. TERSTING IN SERIOUS PROGRESS.
  13. I have downloaded everything, the unity and part tools. How can I create an Fx?
  14. Thats why kerbals have mouth and strap themselves in for the whole trip to reduce energy loses.
  15. @Lilithvia fluoride the ion isnt so bad. You use it in toothpaste. Fluorine, the gas, is different. It wants to become fluorine, so it basically does everything to get to that goal.
  16. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Toothpaste#Fluoride 10000 tubes of toothpaste for a litre of fluoride/fluorine if you manager to purify it. So, for a rocket first stage the size of saturn five, might be 7 billion tubes. Correct me if I am wrong.
  17. "I give this project 200% support," Kerman, Jebediah and Valentina.
  18. For food, you need carbon dioxide, light and water in phorosynthesis. Or maybe, there are some type of fungi that thrives on radiation. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Radiotrophic_fungus Kerbals can run on those.
  19. Yes, I dun think you can do it. Click once on the circle of the icon, you should see a option to change focus.
  20. If they are building rockets from eccencially trash, Im in. Where can i be hired/work as a volunteer?
  21. That will also explain the kerman of all kerbals. Still, i am having difficulty picture a giant kerbal with thousands of jeb on it. AND HOW THE HELL DO THEY FLIP BACK UP AFTER FALLING I TRIED AND NEARLY BROKE MY NECK.
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