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Xd the great

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Everything posted by Xd the great

  1. Most kerbal capsules have window, heat is provided by using electricity, water can be recycled.
  2. Ahh i see your loint on the eye, but no frogs bang head first into stuff...
  3. Because they can survive on years without food.
  4. Kerbals on fire die immediately. You die and i take over your hill.
  5. True. Tubm kills and torture kerbals, either accidentally or on purpose.
  6. I agree. What bout real life science.
  7. Yes, to crash rockets into. Even if it makes my computer lag.
  8. If it happens, I WILL blow up entire launch sites, like what i do with ksc.
  9. I dunno, have some type of repair building menu in the admin building?
  10. Not, its not just resemblence, that thing is a goddamn soyuz. The 3 module design, solar panels, rounded capsule, retrorockets...
  11. No it depends on the launch location. One hip for west coast launch and one for east coast launch. Saves fuel and trouble of dragging those drone ships around.
  12. Is there a way to modify ablator consumption so that stuff cools down faster? In .cfg?
  13. I mean their eyes are pouching out from their heads. How do thry survive banging headfirst into their visor.
  14. Kerbals have chloroplasts on their skin which produces food. Also, how can they flip up like agent 47? And survive a 50m/s crash?
  15. Also, how to increase ablator consumption to absorb more heat?
  16. So i do have to write some types of module manager instead of just uploading a new part.
  17. Ah i see, but what about uploading and sharing?
  18. SO, since there does not seem to be a nuclear warhead mod compatible with bdac 1.4.4, I built an extremely simple one. Aka a rescaled small warhead with a modified .cfg. 1. Is this allowed under the bdac licence? 2. Am I allowed to share it? Also, how will I make the ablater consume faster so as to keep things cool?
  19. Reproduction steps: Step one: blow up a tank with stock wheels with a tank. Step two: A bunch of wheels and debris should be left behind. Fire at them. Step three. Engage he wheels at point blank range. Step four: Sounds, deflected bullets, but the wheels stay intact.
  20. Shoot first? If the hammer hits one of the bullet chamber, boom! I win. If the hammer hits 2 or 4 spaces from the first bullet, I win. So thats 4/6, or 2/3 of winning. Case closed. I assumed that the revolver cannot be spun and that it always rotates in the same direction, which is usually the normal life.
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