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Xd the great

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Everything posted by Xd the great

  1. Well, the forum name has mission, but i see mostly challenges. Is it okay to upload missions here?
  2. I tried slamming cannon shells into wheels and it didnt explode. Nor for airplane wheels. Is this normal?
  3. Paragliding is a pain. Ask spaceX on paragliding fairings. Now imagine doing that for a booster/capsule.
  4. Aka add wings, heat shield and engines to land. If they use a falcon heavy booster should be alright. Yes all block 4s are thrown away. This mission will have booster recovery from the youtube timeline.
  5. Routine launch, routine landing. Anyway, will spacex test the bfr return method with a falcon secound stage?
  6. Shouldnt we have some rules regarding what not to do? Poking the bears, what else?
  7. Sorry doc. I have deleted everything i downloaded regarding copyright issues.
  8. Meh, how bout caesium as solid and fluorine is pumped inside like a solid booster/liquid engine hybrid
  9. Yeah, but fluorine is so dangerous that handeling them was much harder than dealing with nuclear bombs. And nuclear bombs are just radioactive,they wont blow you up with safety on.
  10. I agree. Someone should build a fluorine hydrogen rocket.
  11. Alright, futhur testing shows that stuff is fine... MONEY FLOW INCOMING
  12. holy grail I am testing stuff. Expect bug spam incoming, as I do not have a github account. For example, read the civilian population thread.
  13. Search for OrX under doctor davincis name in github. Download everything. https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/172730-orx-discussion-thread/&tab=comments#comment-3419452
  14. Probably an incomplete combustion of fuel.
  15. Gonna do that with bda. Anyway, why did the lunar asent stage on apollo use corrosive stuff? They cant test it beforehand and any spacex people will tell you it is a bad idea.
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