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Xd the great

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Everything posted by Xd the great

  1. @Box of Stardust, if I use the reloadable missile thingy, set action group rearm to every single action (stage, brakes etc.), I can have the AI help me rearm missiles. Holy. I can carry 20 times missiles into battle.
  2. Drop time longer? Lateral decouple at 10? Yeah you did that. Hmm... Reducing detonation override to 1.
  3. ME Just as I suspect. the drag on the missile is causing it to fall behind your plane. I cannot see your type of missile, but I would say reducing its drag if its your mod, or reduce drop time to 0.1.
  4. First, that is a loooong video. Would you mind cutting out the relevant part? Also, accordong to my extremely limited tweaking knowledge, reduce drop time to 0.5 or even 0, or increase it to max. It is not a bdac bug, it is a problem in tweaking that makes the missiles fire into the plane.
  5. New update is out, recompiled for ksp v 1.4.5. INCINERATE KERBALS AT YOUR PLEASURE.
  6. Just thinking, if a plane have more wing area and control surface, will its turn rate increase?
  7. And also worry about bumpy terrain, craters, munar lunar dust and cosmic radiation.
  8. Just asking, does the bdac team plan on making AGM 84 "harpoon" type missiles? With a special dive attack flight path?
  9. Not bdac and vessel mover... Never seen this type of marker in those two mods
  10. Meh, they flew the shuttle with five computers each with less than 10MB of RAM. You can fly a dragon with a tab for sure.
  11. Theorectically, with a ton of gravity assists and an ion engine, should be yes. But no idiot will do that, as it is currently flying outwards. Wait for 200 years.
  12. So theorectically block 5 FH can put about 8% more stuff in space? I really wanna strap an elon on one of these.
  13. Oh wait, my bad. Yeah, hack the .sfs files. ALWAYS CREATE A BACKUP IN CASE YOU EDITED THE WRONG THING.
  14. But do note that these may be inaccurate since spaceX has a history of undermining their rockets flight capacity to try and achieve second stage reuseability. Also, how is fairing catching going?
  15. The stupid but safest way to test is the remove them one by one. And try to crash the game. Good luck. As doc said, might be incompatible versions of mods. Try checking that manually.
  16. I see what you mean here, but the bfs was supposed to have the same safety as a airline jet. Airline jets dont have emergency parachutes or ejection seats as far as i know...
  17. The soyuz was so cramped tall astronauts could not fit in, and some astronauts never got the chance to fly once the shuttle retired. Dragon to the rescue? Alsp, is it possible to do space tourism and crs missions at the same time? Place 6 more living cargos and some spare food and water and diapers, use the dragon 2, and profit. NASA pays less, SpaceX earns more, people get to go to space for 2 weeks.
  18. The BFS has 4 vacuum and 2 or 3 atmo engines. The 4 vacuums may be spared, i.e. if one breaks switch it and the one diagonally away from it off.
  19. Are you using RO and FAR? The bouncing problem is well known, and requires a heck ton of tuning due to a bug in the physics engine. Or maybe you had the engines gimballing at max range before engine cutoff. Inertia...
  20. My guess: running out of memory. Uninstall mods or use a more powerful computer.
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