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Posts posted by Bakkerbaard

  1. 27 minutes ago, Azimech said:

    Work has started on the 1966 Dodge Charger. Here you see it next to my '69 Charger. It's a bit slower than the '69 (85 m/s) and too much lift on the rear makes it nervous & jumpy but that's something I'll solve soon.

    As always 100% stock. This is version 0.3. What do you think?

    I think that forking awesome. If there's gonna be a '70 Challenger, I wanna download it and send that to the moon to survey.

    28 minutes ago, Azimech said:

    Als ik niet oppas ben ik een baardbakker. Of was 't baardschroeier?

    Hangt ervan af hoe dicht ik bij de uitlaat sta. ;o)

    Do we know eachother?

  2. 16 hours ago, Gargamel said:

    Not doable (IME) solely with MJ

    I was afraid someone would say that.

    16 hours ago, Gargamel said:

    Make a utility rover with a crane or some sort of payload ability, and connect the modules that way.

    I was also afraid someone would say this.

    16 hours ago, Gargamel said:

    I'm really bad at it. 

    Because of this reason.

    I've managed to avoid cranes and the like up until this point, but I guess I'll have to go and study.


    Edit: If you're into irony at all. I just sent a wheeled base extension up and it took out a 1x6 solar panel of the first vessel in the landing.

  3. 4 minutes ago, bewing said:

    Degrees, Minutes (a 60th of a degree), and Seconds (a 60th of a minute)

    Now that you mention it, I know this. Or at least, I did know this up until the point I was trying to figure out a distance from a certain point. So, like, about an hour ago I knew that...

    9 minutes ago, bewing said:

    One second of arc is about 10 meters on Kerbin, IIRC. So 5º38'8" S should be about 10 meters south of your current ship.

    Though misguided, I did guess the last one was the number that I needed to fiddle with. It seems though that MechJeb is the cause of the randomness here anyway, so accurate knowledge wouldn't have helped me in the first place. I'll try again next landing, as I've improvised onward for now.

  4. I need to learn about latitudes and longtitudes. More specifically, in relation to MechJeb.

    I understand the very bare bone basics of it: An amount of degrees by an a number of feet and inches on what I assume to be an X and Y axis. While more knowledge on this is welcome, that's something I could wiki during a lunchbreak. What I would like to know is what I adjust to make MechJeb land in close proximity to another vessel on the surface (of the Mün, in particular situation).

    The vessel that's already there is at 5º38'7" (S 10m) by 134º19'59" (W 10m). MechJeb seems to keep a safe distance and lands about 100m away from the vessel, which I appreciate, but this time I'm planning to connect the two vessels and aside from that I don't want a bunch of pods spread out all over the place. Suppose I want to land 10 feet to a side of the first vessel, what number would I change in the aforementioned coordinates? I thought it would be the foot-number, but with MechJeb's safety zone I can't be sure.

    Alternatively, how can I more accurately pinpoint a landing target? Right now my only options are Easy Vessel Switcher or MechJeb's own target picker, which means either settling for what EVS gives me, or eyeballing it from several kilometers up in Map View where a pixel's worth of shift is about 300 meters, if I'm lucky.

  5. On 6/4/2018 at 8:56 PM, IgorZ said:

    I wonder if this touchpad behavior can be somehow disabled via the driver settings.

    Apparently it's possible to tell OS (Win10, in my case) to butt out, but when I googled for it I found it was more effort than getting off the couch and sitting at the table with a mouse. 

    Ofcourse, that's as far as I'm concerned. I prefer to use my system instead of tinkering with it, so if it's not "click checkmark", it's too much hassle.

    Tagging @StrandedonEarth just in case.

  6. I wasn't gonna post, but then Space Oddity played during one of my many Space Station docking procedures and since I'm high on Mechjeb I had all the time to enjoy the show with the right soundtrack. 

    Also, the station is supposed to build rockets so it's called Corellia. Nobody cares, you'd say, but I have to put it somewhere. I don't wanna be the only one that thinks that was an awesome idea.

  7. Am I right in assuming there are parts the Recycle Bin (Large in this case) won't eat?I've been trying to feed it batteries (100EC) and 1x6 Solar Panels and it's acting like a surly child. I've done the airplane noises and everything.

    I've also tried putting these parts into a container and directing that into the Bin, but everything on the front gets eaten and then it stops at the container. I've already read that there's a "secret way" to get the whole vessel into the Bin, and I've yet to discover it, but so far I've tried floating relatively small parts directly into it and so far no dice for some of them.

    Sometimes it eats, sometimes it doesn't. Problem solved.


    Discovered another weird thing. I had already started the smelter on my half finished station and I went back to Kerbin to launch another craft with the workshop. So when I return to the space station, some time later, I'm dropping out of warp some 3km I see a faint lensflare and I hear the sound of explosions. Was kinda eerie. But then I see a whole bunch of markers drifting in several directions away from where my space station used to be.

    Fine, I see what's happened. We reload. Fast forward to my slightly cheated third arrival. Since I'm here sooner than last time I see what caused the explosion. Every part of the space station is verging on overheating. And I mean everything, even poor sweaty Arnard With The Magic Screwdriver. I noticed this when I sent her on EVA.

    The gauges over every part didn't seem to grow, but I stopped the smelter (that was now burning empty, as all the scrap metal had been smelted) and hovered around for a while. I think long enough for some of the deeper red gauges to fill up, but they didn't so now I'm blaming the smelter. 

    While I could understand a large fire based device heating up a ship, I do want to check if this is normal, as the RMB info panel didn't mention the need for radiators. Which, on the third and final build, I didn't add because I think they're ugly. You know, looking good is more important than being safe.

    That was clearly not a bug. Did up a reworked station with the radiators added and I hung around to keep an eye on all the gauges and numbers and whatnot. The gauges do appear, but pretty much level out at 99.85%. Because I should have been in bed two hours ago, I decided to warp a bit (x10) to see if the gauges would go up any further. They didn't. In fact, they went down. Smelter efficiency went up by 2.something% and the radiators dropped at least down to 60%. 

    Might this be a bug then? As far as I'm concerned, this is also just a notification, it's not exactly a terrible baby-kraken. I can work with faster processing for less heat. ;o)

  8. I think it's about MechJeb, but I'm not posting it there because I'm not sure and I don't think it matters much for this question.

    In the VAB I have this label bit in the bottom left, which I think was put there by MechJeb, but I installed that at the same time as KerbEngineer, which I why I'm not sure, but I digress. Again. That label shows some stats, amongst which is the TWR, which I always use to eyeball my contraptions. Snark once taught me that you'll want at least 2 TWR, so I look for at least that, but behind my TWR of 2.00 is another number. I don't know the math (sorry, Snark), but it could be (4.21) or something. The actual numbers don't matter right now.

    Okay, so there is an actual question in all this: Those two numbers, do they indicate atmospheric TWR (Vacuum TWR)?

    Never mattered much to me before, but I'm now setting up a space station that might also have to travel a bit.

  9. I think I may have seen this answered at the top, but I wanna double check before I start construction of a non functional space station: Metallic Ore is not Metal Ore and Metal is not Metals then? Meaning the shipyard will only function on Metal (no S) and Metal Ore (and scrap metal, obviously), right?

    As a metalhead I am quite okay with this, I'm just checking as I think I may not have paid proper attention to it in my current preliminary build.

  10. 9 hours ago, linuxgurugamer said:

    Read the thread, post questions there

    I'm not sure I'm supposed to "read" another thread, or that you have "red" this thread, but I'm just gonna post my question before looking for the Add-On thread about the Critter Crawler.

    First off, there's nothing wrong with it, I would again like to stress. But I seem to be using it wrong. The tiny Crawler seems to suggest that I make tiny egg-shaped craft for recon purposes and so I do, but it doesn't seem to play nice with neither MechJeb or BonVoyage. As for the former, that's probably more an MJ thing, as all my rovers react the same to "follow waypoints": Drive forward and goodbye! As for Bon Voyage, I don't know what that does actually, as it only calls me a miser for not adding wheels when I Poehali the thing. 

    I guess what I wanna know is what CC was intended for. Is it a stand-alone mobilty device, or does in need to function in tandem with three more sets, like wheels?

    Re-re(a)d your reply, nevermind this business.

  11. Just to round this off definitively: You know when you're looking for your glasses and they were on your head the whole time?

    Turns out that Mysterious Docking Port I saw in the Untracable Youtube Clip is the K&K Flexible Docking Port, part of one of the first mods I nabbed. The port is in "Structural" rather than "Coupling" which is why it has eluded me until I was now screwing around with something else entirely.

  12. While I was vigorously pushing the arrow keys to circle around your craft I did have a good look at it. Are you using any kind of invisible/internal struts mod? I don't have it myself and so I can't remember it's name, but all these lines seem very uh... This is where my English fails, but they seem balanced. Geometrical? Anyway, it looks like struts on the inside.

    Otherwise, if this would happen at my job, I'd make my modeller have a look at it, but from the looks of it and until someone who knows better says otherwise, I'm guessing it's (strut-)mod related.

  13. On 6/8/2018 at 6:27 AM, chef_alex21 said:

    anyone have good tips for console players

    As a console player for literally everything else, I feel dirty and wrong for saying this, but: Switch to PC. 

    While the Blitworks port is good, without the work this community puts into the game, you're basically just playing half a game and even if you'd go unmodded, this really is a PC game. However, given that ignorance is indeed bliss, if you don't put it next to the PC version, you can have a lot of fun with Console KSP, but I never got far or good enough to say anything helpfull.

  14. 1 hour ago, dr.phibes said:

    @Bakkerbaard - " and most of them involved hastily running around, killing a thing, running somewhere else and starting over because time's up. Or life's up. Or ammo's up", sounds too much like my old job if you ask me!

    You were in the military? ;o)

  15. - On PS4 I did whatever I knew how (very little) myself, but ever since I went PC MechJeb and I are the best friends ever. Hell, if I could use MechJeb to turn on the laptop and play the game on it's own I'd probably do that...

    - Yesterday I did my first HyperEdit cheat. I'd used HyperEdit before, but I didn't consider replacing a three quarters built spacestation for the same three quarters built spacestation with the right docking ports cheating. It is, obviously, but I didn't feel remorse about it, if you will. Yesterday I plonked a refinery on the Mün because I'd gotten tired of the ten or so failed attempts before it to do things properly.

    - I turned off KSP to play GTA. Didn't enjoy it, watched two bad movies, went to bed instead of KSP.

  16. 12 hours ago, Gargamel said:

    Errr.... I think it's been depreciated, but I think the Modular Rocket Systems (MRS) mod used to have a probe core that was a hexapod.  For a little rover-esque walker, that would be the thing to do.

    Infernal robotics would also be the place to look, as it adds servos and hinges to the game. 

    I must admit with some shame that I'm not sure what depreciated means in this context, but I'm grabbing it now anyway.

    Infernal Robotics I have a love/hate relationship with. I want it, but everytime I try to install it I screw something else up. It's not even IR's fault, but it makes me reluctant to try yet again.

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