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Ho Lam Kerman

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Everything posted by Ho Lam Kerman

  1. I live in a place where it's already Friday, so that confused me for a bit.
  2. ... that no-one visits because it's 251 meters below the surface of Jool. (See what I did there?) The building is the Burj Khalifa...
  3. With each passing minute, we get closer to the completion of chapter 98!
  4. Zoomed-in view of Eve as seen from the surface of Gilly. I was attempting an Elcano there. Progress is... slow... to say the least.
  5. Today, I launched my first attempt of an Elcano outside of the Kerbin system. I took my trusty Crater Crawler out to Gilly, thinking it's be an easy medal. Yup, I fell into the Gilly trap. After taking my rover for a few unmanned test drives (it has a probe core), I'd say otherwise. Judging by the low gravity, I think I'd need to be driving at a speed of less than 0.2 m/s to be safe. Welp, Jebediah "Franky" Kerman (JFK) promised the country that we'd be driving around Gilly in an awe-inspiring speech, so I couldn't give up. Let's see where this goes... Edit: Oh wow. I'm already 100 meters from the flag. Took me something like 5 minutes. Timewarp is your friend. Edit 2: 700 meters of Gilly. I vow to never return a manned rover to Gilly, ever. Edit 3: I can't believe I've already driven 10 km on Gilly. Apparently driving at 1 m/s, coupled with some RCS, is a lot better than driving at 0.2 m/s, and it's also manageable. Edit 4: Darn it- the same bug that nearly took down my Mun elcano hit again! I've sent a new, better, improved rover, now with ion engines pointing down. Now I can cruise at 3 m/s!
  6. When you think about it, why last Thursday? For all we know, it could have started a split second ago, in it's current state, but we just remember having done stuff in the past. Heck, for all we know the time I typed the first sentence of this comment could be but a memory.
  7. I'll unban him for you. Granted, but it's not right either.
  8. I once had a flag fall, roll and then EXPLODE. (It was a version change, so that could be expected.)
  9. When pigs fly, they said. I can finally go get the thousand kerbucks they promised me.
  10. I'll take a look at my internet history to find it. I'll link it when I do. The PDF is for AWERTY keyboard though, you'll have to manually rearrange the keys. That's why the "throttle up" button looks wonky- it wasn't made for QWERTY keyboard. Edit: Found it with a little bit of searching my internet history. Here it is, go down a bit into the comments to find download links to PDFs: https://www.reddit.com/r/KerbalSpaceProgram/comments/7x2q49/just_finished_my_custom_ksp_keyboard/
  11. True. Lol. TUBM lives in an area where it never snows. (I do. It's boring. Also I didn't use the keyboard suggestions, they were all gibberish.) HOW?!
  12. Look, I don't know what De_Snail is, and why it's in your soup, but I'll drink it for you anyways. I'm starving. Waiter, there's a thing in my soup!
  13. 94, Lister Lime! (Garble the post above you)
  14. Reminds me of Meep from Phineas and Ferb.
  15. True, but I didn't really try. TUBM has a fascinating collection of fossils. (I made it up using the same method as before.)
  16. I'd imagine the CNSA to have some Soviet traditions, given that our spacecraft technology is largely based on the Soviet's. For example, our Shenzhou spacecraft has a large visual resemblance to the Soyuz.
  17. ...that builds spaceplanes. (Very creative, innit?) The building is a hill...
  18. Weed and vender (I hope this is allowed)
  19. Banned for something in particular.
  20. "Now I'm going to drink some of this cyanide."
  21. The Flat Kerbin Society's annual dinner meeting at Jeb's diner? Granted. It smells like moldy, cheesy socks. I wish I was smarter.
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