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Ho Lam Kerman

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Everything posted by Ho Lam Kerman

  1. I'd implement OPM. I play on a Mac, but that potato still can manage to handle it. So I don't think it'll hinder memory, and might be a fun idea to implement. Also I would like a few cometary objects on very elliptic paths, and some asteroidal objects in the general orbit of Dres. I might consider having the Kerbin asteroids moved out to Dres. I might even consider having the "Toy" camp and the "Geek" camp of Jool Trojans. Lagrange points would be discussed too. Basically, I'd like a system inspired by our own. I like realism, but not RO-type hardcore realism.
  2. I put clamps and engines onto one stage, or don't use clamps altogether. I throttle up, then press space, and off we go.
  3. 1. bool isJebStrandedOnMun = true float agencyMoney = 100.0 2.
  4. "Since the above post didn't ask anything, I cannot answer." Where is this video? (It's a reference.)
  5. 4023: The Coaxium blows up, sending you to floor 4167.
  6. RB483334725RU Oh, that. It's a parcel tracking number. (I bought a meteorite online. I'm still waiting for it...) Edit: I've received my diogenite.
  7. Congrats to SpaceX for their spectacular launch! Good luck to the berthing too!
  8. When you have the rocket equation as the password on [classified].
  9. 3086: The keeper of the really tall building takes out a gun and shoots at you. Luckily Jeb, on his SRB, picks you up and drops you off at floor 3087.
  10. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Oooh, look. (That was the last thing I copied. Honest. Really, really really honest.)
  11. I asked for the hill in Jeb's Diner. My hill.
  12. We ran out of Blutonium- they were used to make RTGs. You'll have to make do with nuclear fusion. I'd like the hill. (The reference is right here on the forums, yet it's so hard to find...)
  13. I've been looping the classic Hungarian Rhapsody No.2. It's so nice. (I think I love classical music too much.)
  14. @The Minmus Derp I can send you a few of my rocket designs in the chat if you like. My Duna-and-return rocket can be reconfigured into a super-heavy-lift launcher.
  15. I've installed SCANsat and OPM. I've never tested this out before, but does SCANsat work with bodies introduced into the game via a plugin? I can see that SCANsat's pull-down menu has (currently blank) maps for the outer planets.
  16. Wow, I was pretty productive today. First, I finished cartography scans of Eve and Gilly. I also (finally) got my 7-year-old, Jool-bound probe there! I'm so happy! Now, time to do some science... though this is in sandbox mode... Now, since you can barely call the day "ended", I'm looking at delivering my SCANsats to Duna and Ike, and starting cartography scans there too. Edit: Yup, finished off cartography scans for Duna and Ike. I also set up a KAC alarm, for Kerbin to Dres- I'm aiming to send kerbals there for the first time.
  17. I create a new save, with the hill on an inaccessible point on Kerbin. You also reach the maximum memory limit on the computer, so you can't create any more saves. My hill!
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