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Ho Lam Kerman

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Everything posted by Ho Lam Kerman

  1. Wait, what? There's a limit to how many reactions you can give in a day? Because I just got a sign saying: "Sorry, you are unable to give any more reactions today." Or something along those lines.
  2. Err... known for being the guy who I always see in the "Forum Games" subforum. I am going to be a hard one.
  3. Vessel is destroyed. Cannot autosave at this point.
  4. I'm just gonna stay out of this because I don't know one bit about politics.
  5. I remember when I was still quite young, maybe grade 1 or 2. There were a bunch of people on the school bus older than me, and I was talking to them about small measures. They claimed picoseconds don't exist, because they have a list of prefixes for SI units at home, and "pico-" isn't one of them. I was right in the end. So yeah. (Hope I'm not derailing the thread too much)
  6. What if I want it in seconds? Or nanoseconds for that matter?
  7. By the way @rkarmark, I know school work gets in the way, I'm going through the same stuff as you are. Not really wanting to push you, but please update the leaderboard, when you feel like it. Thank you.
  8. By the way, how long does @Just Jim take to write a chapter? Not trying to push you, but I'd really like moar! I loved it!
  9. Hi guys! Unfortunately I encountered a bug in my Mun elcano attempt, and so I had to send a new rover over to Val. The rover is now on the Mun. Happy driving, Valentina!
  10. That would be the kraken tentacle. That is kraken soup, mind you. Waiter! Kerbol is in my soup!
  11. Oooh, yay. Jeb can take me to the Mun, and we’ll live there for the rest of our lives. Oh wait. The R&D people are zombies too. Let’s hope Jeb is as good at piloting as he is a scientist.
  12. Here’s your Navball soup with apoapsis cream sauce. I want sea bugs. You’ll know what I mean if you’ve read The Saga of Emiko Station.
  13. Hooray! I've finally finished reading the whole series! Remember when the baddies were the red saucers? And Thompberry was an actual kerbal, operating the Tower of Power?
  14. I landed a crew next to the rover that I already had on the Mun, and started a Mun Elcano. I'm currently about 53.1 km from the initial landing site. Wish me luck.
  15. 3045: You realise that birds can't fly in space because there's no air.
  16. I've sent my rover over, and now I'll be sending the crew. Wish me luck! EDIT 1: A small teaser for now: Rover's probe core: "I am worth your salt!" EDIT 2: Some sort of kraken broke my rover upon quickload. I will have to send a replacement. Thankfully, I still could EVA Valentina, and so I can continue with my Elcano as soon as I land. EDIT 3: Hooray! The rover has landed. Val will drive the remaining 3/4 of the way on this rover (hopefully).
  17. Yup, that's a stock Crater Crawler, with a few modifications: I put an extra probe core and a Mechjeb module. It is slow, I usually chug along at 8-12 m/s, although I drive at 20 m/s on the flats. I use 3x timewarp, which doesn't crash my rover or the game, and Mechjeb can tolerate this. The main reason I chose it is because it can handle this: -------------------- Next stop, Mun.
  18. Yay I'm done with my first Elcano! Crew: 1 (Valentina) Time: about 2 Kerbal days, about 1 Earth day And we're off! *whistles* "La la la la la la la... Sing a happy song..." Ahhh... Home... Ahh, this brings back memories. This is where I first landed a crew on Minmus. (Spoiler alert: Easter eggs shown) Another detour brings me to the landing place of the first kerbal-made object to enter Minmus's SoI. Val becomes the first kerbal to get anywhere near this thing for 10 years. I unfortunately lost two of my spotlights. I flipped and so I wanted to quickload but I accidentally press quicksave. This always happens. Val completes her trip around Minmus. ----------------- I'll go grab my badge.
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